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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. You'd still need to re-work the diffuse to remove most (in some cases, all) of the simulated lighting, normal mapping will take care of it (if crazybump's/nDo2's settings are properly done). That, and the maps themselves will need to be re-built with new lighting.
  2. Focus on creating a model first, exporting will be explained later don't worry.
  3. Can easily add things like cloth bones, but it will greatly increase the workload due to the need of hand-animating them. Simulated objects (in 3ds Max at least) aren't built to work with looping animations such as run cycles.
  4. Youtube is a great resource for tutorials.
  5. He uses XSI, not 3ds Max
  6. Wow and here I thought JKA was too sh*t to manage reflective surfaces.
  7. I doubt any programmers in the JKA community know how to implement cloth physics. No one seems to know how to implement any graphical enhancements except maybe Xycaleth but he's too busy.
  8. I wonder what else they will ditch to drum up sales before launch
  9. Can't you use ghoul2 models in maps?
  10. Oh Microsoft, you may just be 'some' competition for the PS4 yet!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stoiss


      problem is that the kinect is a part of the xbox one and for game to get the full exp of the games thats why they putted in for this price i guess

    3. Tempust85


      I just read the kinect will pick up noises you make for dead rising 3 and will spook the zombies

    4. Stoiss


      yeah voise for ingame for not only dead rising 3 but also for other games like project spark :P witch looks pretty awesome from wat was show at e3 :)

      and ofc for the xbox it self for the instance swift

  11. And here we go: http://kotaku.com/microsoft-is-removing-xbox-one-drm-514390310
  12. They jacked up the price because of the camera & the TV crap. Here Sony, take my money!
  13. Heh. Gotta love when people take what you've said, re-word it and say "I said that" lol

  14. Son of a ***** rofl I always fall for it!
  15. VirtualDub will do it, just change the compression settings to uncompressed.
  16. Yeah, two kids. Girl is almost 4, and boy is 8 months. No way in hell is there going to be an Xbox One in the house, won't risk it.
  17. PSN in the past years has been crappier in quality compared to XBLive. I have no idea how it is today, but it certainly sounds like it's better/going to get better with the release of the PS4.
  18. Good notice for us parents:
  19. Only problem with buying electronics from overseas is the voltage, plug adaptors are easy enough to get. AUS runs on 240, and not everything from overseas has AUS voltage compatibility. If the US PS4 did have this, by the time I got it here it would have probably cost me the same amount when adding postage.
  20. Yeah Terminator 5!

  21. I'd say "writeBipedPosData", that way it pertains to anything biped.
  22. Xbox One bought it, and bought it good during Sony's press conference @ E3 2013.
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