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Status Replies posted by Tempust85

  1. I'll think about coming back to DF2 if a pile of mappers come and join the cause.

  2. I'll think about coming back to DF2 if a pile of mappers come and join the cause.

  3. Just tried Dark Forces for the first time. Temporarily stuck, wondering which pixel to navigate towards!

  4. Just tried Dark Forces for the first time. Temporarily stuck, wondering which pixel to navigate towards!

  5. I'm confused. Is it Boothand or Bootland?

  6. I'm confused. Is it Boothand or Bootland?

  7. Still no internet, raxus and about 8 new characters done, started on felucia. Miss u guys. Ill see if I can email circa some progress pics. Sorry truffle

  8. le platypus

  9. le platypus

  10. Are there any good movies based on video games at all?

  11. Updated my avatar

  12. Updated my avatar

  13. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

  14. I seem to have some trouble quoting posts. Anyone have an idea why?

  15. Finally >_< I've finished making my homemade pop shield. http://puu.sh/8T0ur.png

  16. I love ladies =) All of them.

  17. I love ladies =) All of them.

  18. I love ladies =) All of them.

  19. You know you've been 3D modeling a lot lately when it makes sense to only shampoo the left side of your hair, or shave the left side of your face only.

  20. Playing KotOR for the first time. Think I'm in love with Canderous.

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