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Status Replies posted by Tempust85

  1. Someone please make a Gothic MP (rend2) mod

  2. Someone please make a Gothic MP (rend2) mod

  3. so I'm trying to port the Old Camp from Gothic to JKA... http://sithani.pl/stuff/shot0003.jpg can't get the textures right

  4. so I'm trying to port the Old Camp from Gothic to JKA... http://sithani.pl/stuff/shot0003.jpg can't get the textures right

  5. so I'm trying to port the Old Camp from Gothic to JKA... http://sithani.pl/stuff/shot0003.jpg can't get the textures right

  6. got 20 Gb Ram now :D

  7. so I'm trying to port the Old Camp from Gothic to JKA... http://sithani.pl/stuff/shot0003.jpg can't get the textures right

  8. so I'm trying to port the Old Camp from Gothic to JKA... http://sithani.pl/stuff/shot0003.jpg can't get the textures right

  9. so I'm trying to port the Old Camp from Gothic to JKA... http://sithani.pl/stuff/shot0003.jpg can't get the textures right

  10. got 20 Gb Ram now :D

  11. got 20 Gb Ram now :D

  12. Upgraded to Windows 7!

  13. Upgraded to Windows 7!

  14. Plans for Halloween?


  16. Now a proud father of 3, my wife gave birth to our third child yesterday. 2 girls & 1 boy now. :)

  17. Now a proud father of 3, my wife gave birth to our third child yesterday. 2 girls & 1 boy now. :)

  18. Husky model for the new DF2 Bartender: http://i61.tinypic.com/25ouc6t.png Thanks Psyk0sith :D

  19. Just watched the first episode of Star Wars Rebels, it was better than I expected.

  20. Today in a bookstore I found a SW book on ilustrations and concept art: there is so much they planned for 1313! So many characters, cantinas, streets, even villas on Coruscant. Too bad we won't see it. :(

  21. Skyrim leads to heartbreak, in the end.

  22. So what's better: vertex lighting or lightmaps?

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