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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. Here's a pic using the original max 6/7/8 exporter:




    The original exporter rotated all of the bones -90 degrees, generated a bad scene root which JKA cannot use and did not output any basepose (bindpose/skinpose) data which is why the model is all over the place.


    Now using our new exporter:




    Exported bones are fixed how they should be, it generates a proper scene root called model_root and outputs correct basepose (bindpose/skinpose) data.

    Psyk0Sith and Archangel35757 like this
  2. *has had his mind blown AGAIN today, so is very excited*


    Xreal can use normal maps and it's based on Q3 engine. So someone for the love of all things beautiful give us modelers normal maps! :D :D :D :D



    We shall bring this 10 year old game into the present, every past and present JKA coder needs to come together! This day has seen the end of LucasArts and will see the start of end for JKA's out-of-date quality!

    Mandalorian likes this
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