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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. But then you wouldn't see the normal maps when I post pics. I always consistent color (for some reason they renamed it in later versions of Max) & texture, I'd be mad not to.
  2. This time, no lighting except the default lights in Max:
  3. This works in debug build at least. I've noticed the saber doesn't 'glow' on every surface of a map. This was present before dynamic glow though.
  4. I blame psyk0sith for all his models he's been doing lately, spurs me on to contribute. What better way then to finish this guy.
  5. It looks less detailed than what it is on the normal map due to the diffuse colors.
  6. Here's that log also: ------- Input Initialization ------- Skipping check for DirectInput Joystick is not active. ------------------------------------ ----- Initializing Renderer ---- Trying to load "rd-rend2_x86.dll" from "C:\Users\DT\Desktop\OpenJK Rend2"... QKEY found. ----- R_Init ----- ...initializing QGL succeeded ...setting mode 4: 800 600 W ...created window@388,170 (816x638) Initializing OpenGL driver ...getting DC: succeeded ...GLW_ChoosePFD( 32, 24, 8 ) ...133 PFDs found ...hardware acceleration found ...PIXELFORMAT 9 selected ...creating GL context: succeeded ...making context current: succeeded Initializing OpenGL extensions ...GL_S3_s3tc available ...GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc available ...no tc preference specified .....using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc ...using GL_EXT_texture_env_add ...GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic available ...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic ...using GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp ...using WGL_EXT_swap_control ...using GL_ARB_multitexture ...using GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array ...using GLSL version 4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler ...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc ...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc ...using GL_ARB_texture_storage
  7. Nope, just this: qglTexStorage2D 0x578f8380 qglTexSubImage2D 0x6efe4251
  8. Why not just use Angela Harry? My suggestion is to make a generic female head, then take it into Zbrush to make a good likeness. Or if you're really pro, make the head from start to finish in Zbrush.
  9. @@Xycaleth: Crashes upon startup of JKA with rend2 loaded:
  10. @@Xycaleth can you please upload the latest code to git? I want to see if a full recompile works.
  11. Here's a more updated shot with a few details added to the sculpt that I forgot and a better normal map:
  12. I'd just use the original textures, then replace them later either with redo's or different ones.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ent


      How none saw if it was posted on one of topics?

    3. Tempust85


      Some people may have missed it due to it being posted on the previous page. On some other forums, this usually leads to maybe one or two people not seeing something and I wanted to make sure that didn't happen here :)

    4. Archangel35757
  13. Got bored today, so........... Low poly mesh with diffuse + normal map. Still need to add some more details and fix the horns mesh + texture.
  14. I'm using IE on win 7. The issue is on the fixed width theme also. It was fine before the truck was put there.
  15. Maybe you should get really really full so you can split into two Xycaleth's
  16. That also requires a light source to be added. Someone really needs to merge md3view into modview.
  17. There's no space between Mark Community Read & Community Forum Software by IP.Board.
  18. Updated to the latest rend2 fork code, compiled as release and placed everything where it needs to go. I then downloaded and placed this new rend2 dll. Now everytime I run openjk, it crashes upon startup.
  19. Good extensions to use for normal maps: _n or _nrm. Using an "s" for normal maps can confuse people into thinking it's a specular map.
  20. Updated my avatar

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tempust85


      At the risk of asking a dumb question, you guys do realise who is in my avatar right? :P

    3. Circa


      Big Daddy Luke

    4. Bek


      Apparently Mark wants to go with a beard in Ep 7

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