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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. That needs to be weighed better, with perhaps more tris for a smoother blend between the thighs & pelvis. Marz's models are famous for their crap weigh jobs, and poorly optimised meshes & UVs (edge seam stretching).
  2. Version 3.1


    *************** * Assimilate * *************** Original Code: Raven Code edits: DT Date: 21st August 2014 Version: 3.1 Description: *************** Edited the code to stop the auto re-ordering of animations in the .car files, added a 5th additional animation slot & added support for FACE_ & VM_ (JK:Enhanced use only) animations to be listed in the animation picker. Installation: *************** Place assimilate.exe in your JKA tools directory to replace the old one.
  3. Update: (deleted other post incase you saw it with the 'dirt' on the sides of the nose)
  4. The majority of animations you see in JKA actually came from JO. Wouldn't take long to make a trooper GLA, and strip out all the unnecessary animations from it that troopers wouldn't use.
  5. Just wait until rend2 is fully ported before worrying about extra stuff. Having rend2 itself will be amazing enough.
  6. For someone who has all the necessary knowledge, it's rather easy. If you don't know what to do and you're following a tutorial, it could be difficult.
  7. I suppose one could make a mod, where the stormtrooper runs off its own GLA and you can have his stances/shoot animations without altering the main GLA for everything else. @@ensiform Do you know what causes this in MP: 'unable to load unsupported model "hazardtrooper" (missing bones or animation)' Is it simply the fact that it uses its own GLA?
  8. I've tweaked a few things since that last pic, will post an update in a few days.
  9. IMO people should start off learning to model, create UV maps & texture before thinking about getting something into JKA or any game for that matter. Learning the software package via its tutorials is the perfect way. Come and post on JKHub once you can do these things and we will help you get your creations in-game.
  10. I've never seen a model in any of the pk3's use .pic. Maybe just import textures by the name, and one of the 3 (TGA/PNG/JPG) extensions? Anyhow, texture import isn't that big of a deal and we can do without it.
  11. Regarding the needed facial bones, I'd suggest taking a look at what Blizzard have done for their Orc: As you can see, there's a decent amount of bones everywhere to give full control over the Orc's expressions. My point of showing this is to make sure that with your facial bones you have every area covered to give you 100% over expressions.
  12. It'd need some face geometry alteration at least, his eyes aren't as open as Anakin's.
  13. Yeah, doesn't help there's no torso yet to show.
  14. Would be cool to see a finished rend2 in SP & MP so we can use such coolness. Would be sweet to see it in JO SP. Side note: I think the original one has the 'closed' and 'open' positions as 2 different surfaces which get toggled on/off via code. I seem to remember seeing this, but not 100% sure.
  15. One person who would be uncontactable (that makes robes) would be Hapslash. No idea where he went after he left.
  16. Looks fine to me. @@Darth Futuza I've tried in the past, but I usually forget to record a few times and it messes up the whole thing. :\
  17. A while, but only because I'm not constantly working on this. I also have a bunch of refs.
  18. I agree, I'm still trying to find that sweet spot. He has a mix of grey & a few different shades of brown throughout.
  19. I did fix the ear since you last saw it, I'm fixing the profile now.
  20. Just do your smooth groups, select them and detach to element.
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