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Everything posted by M3m0

  1. Hi Circa, please don't forget to fix the bug on this map, we've all been waiting for it for a long time
  2. Hello everyone, I have a question whether it is possible to add a fourth admin to the server.cfg file /////////////////////////////// ///////////ADMIN SETTINGS////// /////////////////////////////// seta jp_councilPass "council_pass" seta jp_knightPass "knight_pass" seta jp_instructorPass "instructor_pass" seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD "140016138" seta jp_knightAllowedCMD "207387354" seta jp_councilAllowedCMD "528351182" seta jp_councilLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^3admin council." seta jp_knightLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^5admin knight." seta jp_instructorLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^5admin instructor." seta jp_admUsableOn 0 //-2 for all except admins, -1 for all, 0 for usable on lower or equal admin rank, 1 for usable on lower admin rank seta jp_admScript 1 seta jp_admLoginEffect 1 for example, now I have this code what I need to do in order to have a fourth login in the admin is it feasible or are only 3 passwords allowed I would appreciate any advice thanks for the help everyone
  3. good job , i like this map
  4. Beautiful map, congratulations , good work
  5. M3m0


    where can i find the commands in the game panel for this mod?
  6. i need HELP , i installed GTKradiant 1.5 took all the textures from assets0.pk3 ,how now when i open GTKradiant and press the T button the appearance in the menu, when it opens an empty texture field, please for any help I have already lost patience ,I used to have everything installed but I forgot the procedure Link for image
  7. M3m0

    M3m0 Reborn Skin


    M3m0 Reborn Skin , my private Skin
  8. M3m0


    perfect skin cool
  9. 195 downloads

    :: M3m0 Duel Map v1.2 beta FFA :: - by M3m0 Thank you for download my map This room is for a duel fight Jedi vs. Sith, I hope you will like my work, the map is still under construction so I give you a beta ver.1.2 all copyrights are reserved, Designed and created is M3m0_Be Maps is ony for FFA fight for JK3 game :: all it takes is to download the folder open the rar and file m3map1_2.pk3 to \LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base and enjoy Thank you for Download my map M3m0`JK
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