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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Big Boo's Haunt

    Author: KaiStagon


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Boo! Anyone who remembers the nineties grew up with Super Mario 64-- arguably Nintendo�s greatest platformer. This level is based on an area which I admit scared the six-year-old pants off me as a kid.
    While now I view it with a much more comedic view, it still seems perfect for the spooky season!
    - Incredibly accurate presentation of the old classic
    - High-Resolution Textures based on the original N64 textures made by Cloud Scapes. Cloud Scapes is a texture modder for Project64 roms.
    - Blue Boo walls are non-solid! Functions just like the game.
    - Boo's Carousel makes an interesting duel.
    - Several tricky- traps designed to make fighting a bit more interesting.


       (4 reviews)



  2. Little Italy

    Author: Onobi Foondu


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Well to start off this was going to be Mcc Village final.But then people starting telling me it looked like Italy.So i went from there.Added a bit more touches to make it look alittle more like italy.Like flags and such.Its a small town.The mood is a sunrise setting,With the sun just peaking over the horizon.Where people are just waking up to start the day.All there lights are still on from the night.Theres a resturaunt that is closed.Only for certain reasons(FPS).Theres a sniper tower,So watch dont get wacked.LOL.Theres a fountain with a new water shader and a new gfx file for the fountain water shooting out over the fountain.So check it out there's more to see.There would have been alot more done but i had to stop building to keep the fps from going down to much.Well have fun and enjoy.


       (5 reviews)



  3. Artus Base

    Author: Darthshoot


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    A super cool take on an Imperial base on Artus Prime. It includes a detention center, landing pad, mining caves, and more.


       (7 reviews)



  4. Yavin Garden

    Author: Lord Nelson


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Like the name says it's a garden somewhere on yavin. Der are walkways
    around the map and a lower level where you can also fight.
    On the lower level you will find two pools filled with water and a lot of
    plants. There's also a tree that you can stand on and jump
    down on your opponent.


       (4 reviews)



  5. Yavin Hangar

    Author: Dea


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    This map represents a hangar on javin. It is intended for duel play, but I added
    additional spawn points, and weapons to make it playable for FFA and Team FFA.


       (3 reviews)



  6. Bespin Mining Station

    Author: Claxon


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Based on the original Mining Station map
    from Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
    This can be a fun map to fight in, with many
    different areas for the action to take place.
    This map was made to duplicate the original
    version, although there are some differences
    in details and traps.
    -Playable on all multiplayer game types
    (altough duelers may find it too large)
    -Bots supported


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  7. Nar Shaddaa Terminal

    Author: Claxon

    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Based on the original Loading Terminal map from Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
    This map has a fun layout with many routes around the level. Aside from the standard weapons there are traps that can be activated by players (perhaps a strategy in CTF games?) and force fields.
    Although it was based on the original Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal map as much as possible, alterations had to be made due to the changes in game engine and features, but hopefully it will retain the enjoyment factor.
    -Suitable for most multiplayer game types (Holocron not supported, Duel matches can turn out to be more of hide and seek but that's how I began to love this map anyway).
    -Bots are supported


       (5 reviews)



  8. Jedi Academy Dedicated Server for Win32

    A dedicated server application for those running on Windows. Requires patch 1.01 to function. See the included read-me for instructions on usage.
    (Now includes the option for 1.00 files to download, due to requests)


       (1 review)



  9. Jedi Academy Dedicated Server for Linux

    A dedicated server application for those running on linux. Requires patch 1.01 to function. See the included read-me for instructions on usage.
    (Now includes 1.00 option to download as well, due to request)


       (1 review)



  10. JK2 Dedicated Server

    Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast dedicated server files for Linux and Windows
    Contains all versions: 1.02c | 1.03 (a) | 1.04 (a/b)
    Contains both Linux and Windows files. Click download and choose the version you want.
    © 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC, © 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd
    & ℗ or ® as indicated. All rights reserved. Used Under Authorization.
    LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.
    Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. © 2002 Activision, Inc.
    This product contains software technology licensed from Id Software, Inc. Id Technology © 1999-2002 Id Software, Inc.
    All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners


       (1 review)



  11. Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Demo

    This is the official demo for Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast that was released in 2002. It is single player only; no multiplayer.
    The demo contains one original level not available in the full game, where Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors investigate an Imperial Remnant base on Alzoc III, the Talz home planet.
    © 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. © 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or Æ as
    indicated. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. LucasArts and the LucasArts
    logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.


       (10 reviews)



  12. JK2 Software Development Kit (SDK) (Editing Tools)

    This official SDK includes the following:
    JK2Radiant - the map editor.
    MD3View - model viewer for .md3 format models
    ModView - model viewer for .glm (Ghoul2) format model
    ShaderEd2 - the shader editor/viewer
    sof2map - the map compiler, you will not be using this directly, JK2Radiant uses this.
    Note: These tools are released "as is" and are unsupported by Raven Software, Activision or LucasArts.


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  13. JK2 Software Development Kit (Editing Tools 2.0)

    From James Monroe's .plan update:
    Contents of Tools2:
    EffectsEd.exe - the editor we used to create EFX files.
    BehavEd.exe - the editor we used to create Icarus scripts.
    IBIZE.exe - the Icarus script compiler (Note: the ICARUS compiler used
    in JK2 is the same as the Elite Force version, but the BehavEd.bhc file
    has changed.)
    roq.exe - tool to compile images into a RoQ video.
    and these Documents:
    bot_tutorialot_tutorial.txt - how to make bots for MP
    Bot waypoint tutorial.doc
    Guide to SOF2JK2 Vertigons.doc
    Guide to SOF2JK2 Weather.doc
    ICARUS Manual.doc
    Model Constuction Conventions.doc
    and SPscripts.zip - all the scripts from JK2 Single Player as reference.
    It will also extract the game source folders:
    Code - all the source code for the game VMs. (see CodeMakeAMod_readme.txt for more info)
    bin - the folder for code compiling
    ui - support folder to compile code
    Plus some more example maps and models to Base as well.
    There are quite a few .maps included, ctf_ns_streets for example. There are also some more player models included.
    Note: These tools are unsupported by Raven Software, Activision or LucasArts.
    This is an update for the JK2 SDK, includes some useful files, mainly 4 base character models in .xsi format fully enveloped to the skeleton.


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  14. Unpainted Player Textures (JK2)

    This archive contains unpainted maps for some of the common player models found in Jedi Outcast. These models did not significantly changed between Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, so they should still be usable for JK3 as well.
    gonk droid
    Jan Ors
    Kyle Katarn


       (1 review)



  15. Jedi Outcast Manual

    The official manual that comes with the game in .PDF format.
    ghost_stalker from Replacement Docs


       (5 reviews)



  16. New Force Lightning Animation

    It changes the effect of force lightning.
    There are three kinds of new effects.
    [raging flame]
    The hellish flame burns up an enemy.
    [ice storm]
    It emits strong chill.
    [destruction ray]
    It destroys an enemy around in the strong destruction beam.


       (3 reviews)



  17. Anchorhead

    Author: Monsoontide
    This map contains support for FFA, Team FFA, Holocron FFA, CTF, CTY, JEDI MASTER,
    and the hidden game mode SAGA (Which is an objective based gameplay mode for two teams).
    BOT support is included.


       (1 review)



  18. Han Solo

    Major Clod
    Mercenary Pirate and smuggler captain, the overly confident Han Solo is a rugged individual of the Galactic Rim. His reputation as a gunfighter matches his renown as captain of the Millennium Falcon. Reckless and foolhardy, he is also corageous and daring, a match for any adventure.
    Other Info : This includes three Han Solo player models (one for each of the original Star Wars films) and the Blastech DL-44 heavy blaster that replaces the original Bryar Pistol. Also includes bot support and full facial animation.


       (4 reviews)



  19. Indiana Jones

    Major Clod
    The bullwhip cracking archaeologist and expert in the occult, Dr. Indiana Jones, is now a player model for Jedi Outcast, complete with his trademark fedora and whip.
    This includes the Indiana Jones player model with bot support and full facial animation.


       (5 reviews)



  20. Tusken Raider

    Major Clod
    Fierce nomads of Tatooine, the Tusken Raiders prowl areas like the Dune Sea and the Jundland Wastes, blending invisibly into the landscape. Masters of the desert, they survive where no one else can, protected from the suns by heavy clothing. Extremely territorial and xenophobic, Tusken Raiders will attack with very little provocation.
    This includes both the Tusken Raider model and Gaderffi Stick lightsaber replacement. LOD support is not included. It was hard enough to get the clothing to animate properly with the normal level of detail, let alone a reduced version.


       (5 reviews)



  21. Jar Jar Binks

    Major Clod
    Jar Jar Binks for Jedi Knight II, what more can I say!
    A generic Gungan skin is also included. Custom sounds and bot support.
    Other Info : LOD support is not included yet. I simply haven't had the time to add this feature, I just really wanted to get this model released.


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  22. ForceMod

    Author: Azymn
    Level 4 Force Powers now available.
    Cvars added to regulate size-scaled effects.
    Team Assault Jetpack included (see bottom for links and more information)
    Expansion on JediMod 1.2 platform.
    Changes to Force Powers/Level 4 Powers added:
    Heal: Level 1:- Heals 10 points of damage.
    Level 2:- Heals 20 points of damage.
    Level 3:- Heals 35 points of damage.
    Level 4:- Heals 45 points of damage.
    - Regenerates 1 hitpoint every 2 seconds.
    Jump: Level 3:- Jump 8x normal height.
    - 2/5 normal force cost in flight.
    - Falling damage reduced to 1/2.
    Level 4:- Jump 16x normal height.
    - Jumps costs are minimal while in flight.
    - Falling damage reduced to 1/4.
    Speed: - Short, powerful burst of speed for 5 seconds [stellarwinds's JediStyle idea]
    Level 1:- Sprint at 1.5x normal speed
    Level 2:- Sprint at 2.5x normal speed
    Level 3:- Sprint at 5x normal speed
    Level 4:- Sprint at 10x normal speed
    - Normal running speed is increased 10%.
    Level 4:- Increased push strength over level 3.
    - Knockdown range increased by 50%.
    - Greater push resistance.
    - Chance to break saberlock increased.
    Level 4:- Increased pull strength over level 3.
    - Pulldown range increased by 50%.
    - Greater pull resistance.
    MindTrick: - Now Force Seeing will only reveal invisible jedi of equal or lesser rank.
    (i.e. If a Jedi has cast level 2 mindtrick, it requires at least level 2 Force Seeing to reveal him) [Artifex]
    Level 4:- Can attack while cloaked - each attack costs force points.
    - Duration increased to 40 seconds.
    Grip: - Can turn off red grip hand extension
    Level 4:- Can move around at 80% normal speed while gripping. (Normally %40)
    - Grip range increased to 2x normal.
    - Damage per second doubled.
    Lightning: - Slight decrease in range [Artifex]
    Level 4:- Lightning mastery - other lightning attacks are absorbed into force power.
    - Range increased by 10%.
    - Fresh corpses now shockable on Level 4.
    Rage: - Run speed is 150% of normal speed.
    - Increased lightsaber damage done by 25%.
    Level 4:- Increased lightsaber damage done by 50%.
    - Run speed further increased to 200% normal speed.
    - Duration of 40 seconds.
    Protect:- Now consumes force only when hit. [stellarwinds's JediStyle idea]
    Level 4:- 85% damage absorbed for 15% force cost.
    - Regenerates shields at a rate of 1 point every 4 seconds.
    Absorb: - Force maintenance costs are like v1.02 levels [Artifex]
    Level 4:- Absorbs 25% more force than level 3.
    - Absorbs and converts 25% of weapon damage into force.
    Level 4:- Heal 1, 2, or 3 teammates for 65, 45, or 33 hitpoints.
    - Regenerate 1 health every 3 seconds.
    Level 4:- Restore 1, 2, or 3 teammates with 65, 45, or 33 force points.
    - Regenerate 3 additional force points per second.
    Level 4:- Drains ~20% more than level 3 drain.
    - Drains ammo from any energy weapons in use.
    Level 4:- Cost 50% less to activate.
    - Duration increased 40 seconds.
    - Automatically dodge sniper shots without ForceSeeing on (even while jumping, using force powers, or firing weapons)
    Level 4:- Damage increased by 15% for all stances
    - Animation speed for all stances increased by %5
    - All stances available for dualblade or dualsaber users if f_skillMode is on
    Level 4:- Blocking ratios increased by 50% for all stances.
    - Animation speed for all stances increased by %5
    - Quicker projectile blocking rate.
    Level 4:- Saber throw distance increased 25%.
    - Saber throw speed nearly doubled.
    - Saber can spend more time airborne.
    - Summoned saber returns 3x as fast
    - Spinning saber shield now possible on return of saber
    - Saber will never fall to the ground when blocked.
    Misc Changes:
    StarWars: Team Assault Jetpack included with:
    - Restrictions on use (Fetts, Mercs, Non-Saber wielders, Everyone...)
    - Adjustable fuel usage (Cost, Rate, On/Off)
    - Toggle whether flag carrier can use jetpack
    Five new force ranks:
    Sith Apprentice: 150 Force Points
    Sith Lord: 200 Force Points
    Jedi Lord: 250 Force Points
    Ancient Master: 350 Force Points
    One with the Force: 500 Force Points
    Scale speed of models based on size (bigger == faster OR vice versa)
    Scale damage reduction based on size, (i.e. Bigger characters take proportionally less damage, smaller get hurt more OR vice versa)
    Saber styles now selectable based on saber attack level.
    Scale saber damage based on how small a lightsaber is (Yoda's saber will thrash now)
    Players can combine Light and Dark Force powers
    Can increase Bot Force Power levels with cvar
    Adjust minimum forceJump level that kicks can be used on. [Artifex]
    Speed at which player pushes off wall when flipping now adjustable
    Falling damage can be reduced or eliminated
    Eliminate blocking from behind
    Orange Style is now Green.
    \"cvar_list.txt\" contains specifics on each cvar, running jk2104.cfg will reset everything to default v1.04 settings
    *************** *************** *************** ***************
    Installation : Unzip into the GAMEDATA folder. All the files inside of the zip should end up in the folder
    Execution : select the JediMod v1.2 in the mod setup screen.
    Or use the command line argument +set fs_game forceMod
    ex. \"C:\\LucasArts\\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\\GameData\\jk2mp.exe\" +set fs_game forceMod
    Or run the \"play_forcemod.bat\" file in your Gamedata directory
    Some options toggleable from ForceMod menu in Setup screen
    First mod i've ever written/expanded, started writing it just so i could jump a little higher.
    You can search for other ForceMod servers from the server selection menu if it is loaded properly from the ForceMod folder.
    ---Credits & Thanks----------------------------------------------------------------
    Raven and LucasArts for Jedi Outcast
    Dest for releasing the JediMod 1.2 source code and the platform for this project.
    Tchouky for his RGB and scaling mod code.
    ASk for his grapple code.
    |:|ReMaRk|:| for a compatible saber hilt pack and models. (not included)
    The Eternal and RenegadeOfPhunk for:
    The Team Assault Jetpack code, just a taste of a new StarWars Class-based mod due in 2003:
    - http://strikeforce.jediknightii.net/
    - http://mods.moddb.com/276/?view=all
    Stellarwinds for getting me started on how to make a mod and for some of his great JediStyle ideas.
    keo718 for the updated tckmodel.cfg and intensive initial testing and feedback
    All the Lucasforums posters for coding assistance.
    ArtifeX for ideas on balancing certain force powers and lightsaber combat:
    ideas - http://www.oculis.or...atures_104.html
    For some *awesome* realistic saber combat, try ProMod:
    - ProMod homepage : http://www.oculis.org/promod
    - Download: http://www.fileshack.../file.x?fid=837
    (Note - links may be broken/out of date by the time of this reading)


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  23. RCON Unlimited

    Developer: Phoenix
    Rcon Unlimited is designed to be the next generation of remote control of Q3 powered servers. Most Servers admin have heard of (or used) Rcon Commander. This program is designed to be the replacement of Rcon Commander, giving you many more options and abilities.


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  24. Louisville Slugger

    Author : {THC}ShovelHead
    Description : This mod will change your default saber to a "Louisville Slugger" baseball bat.


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  25. The Animatrix: Training Dojo

    Author: Darth Stevenus
    This map is a recreation of the training dojo seen in the opening scene of "The Final Flight of the Osiris" on the Animatrix DVD. I know its not 100% accurate but I figured I'd release it anyway.
    There is a secret feature to the map, nothing huge, but I figured I'd throw it in there for a little more Matrix fun. To find it just look for my name carved into some wood.


       (1 review)



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