Hey there guys! I have a quick question for anyone who knows the answer... What makes the 'cultist_destroyer' npc so special? Try spawning it in-game and it will use force rage, and then make a radius of death around it, killing everyone in the radius. But when you edit the .npc file, it looks like any old npc file. There is no special class the npc was given, yet it acts strangly in-game...different the regular npcs...here is the npc file:
playerModel cultist
customSkin red
weapon WP_MELEE
rank ltcomm
reactions 1
aim 1
move 1
aggression 5
evasion 1
intelligence 1
hfov 120
vfov 120
playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY
snd cultist3
sndcombat cultist3
sndjedi cultist3
yawSpeed 60
walkSpeed 72
runSpeed 230
health 100
dismemberProbHead 0
dismemberProbArms 20
dismemberProbLegs 0
dismemberProbHands 30
dismemberProbWaist 0
It looks like any old npc...what makes it special?