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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Yeah. That would be awesome, but I've done some quite extensive searches and nothing has come up...
  2. Sorry for OT: Well, for Lucas, Star Wars was just going to be 'another movie'. So when the franchise exploded, he was like "OK" and made the prequels. People scream at him for 'screwing' up the prequels, when it was his gift to us, and was made to target a younger fan base. All fans want to see an EP7, but for Lucas, there is NO Star Wars after episode six. Imagine writing a story that had the perfect ending. And all the sudden, someone comes in and says 'MAKE MORE!'. To the author, you, the story is perfect and complete. To Lucas there is no more Star Wars. But he authorized the creation of SW games, like JKO. And TV shows, and action figures, etc. He understands there is money to be made, and so he uses the franchise to make more money. But more movies won't be made because all the 'canon' Star Wars lore is actually gibberish to Lucas. These are other people messing up his movies. Plus, he goes in and makes the OT more visually impressive, while cutting minor things, and people scream and whine. I do admit, that 3-d is a waste of time, but it's not up to me. Go Lucas
  3. always scared to watch cuz beginning looks like porn but anyway why so much hatin on George?
  4. Hey! Welcome! Really great seeing you here!
  5. Welcome! Nice to see you around!
  6. Lol I'm dumb. I didn't even see that little section down there! Thanks Mug!
  7. Can someone help me out real quick with doors? I'm making a door in my map, but I want it to go down, not up. I know the "angle" needs to be "-1" for up. But what about down? For me, its just been guess and check, which is horribly inefficient. Any list of angles to use? Thanks guys!
  8. Hey! Cool work! Windu's face looks a little odd, but thats how it looked in CW
  9. Here is my review: Creativity: 10/10 Execution: 9/10 Likeness: 9/10 Overall: 9.5/10 I cannot say Ventress' apprentice five times fast. I have failed. So here we have the double bladed saber that belongs to the Clone Wars character, Savage Opress. This saber is very good. I compared it to this image and I couldn't find anything wrong with it: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Savage_Opress%27s_lightsaber I love the 'scratched up' personality of the saber. Too many sabers have been made that look like they are brand new, never used. This saber shows some signs of wear and damage, which would happen in a lightsaber duel. I also like the spikes that poke out the end. The jagged edges of the spikes resemble the original perfect. This hilt is perfect! Well...nearly perfect. While modeling wise, it is great, I did find something that bugged me with it. I only could see this little detail via the saber selection screen. It looks to me that the saber blades are too far out from the emitter portion of the saber. Comparing the saber to he other dual sabers, the blade comes right out of the emitter. In this blade however, it seems slightly off, as if the saber blade itself is floating. Other than that it is a great hilt. I always found the base JKA dual hilts lacking in style and creativity, so this saber is a welcome addition to my saber collection. Plus, the saber works perfectly ingame with no flaws. This is a great saber. You know you want it. New Model: Yes New Sounds: No Weapon Type: Double-bladed Lightsaber -therfiles
  10. therfiles


    Welcome to JKHub!
  11. Needs file to review.

    1. MUG
    2. MagSul


      *points to his files section*

  12. Welcome...to...JKHub...again. Cool seeing you around and your modding work!
  13. I really like it..but I couldnt get it to actually record...it was a little confusing...But the echo menus were epic
  14. A miracle that I didn't get a cramp while writing this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1271-jedi-council-eo/

  15. therfiles

    Ingame Menus

    Here is my review: Creativity: 9/10 Execution: 9/10 Accessibility: 9/10 Overall: 9/10 Oh my gosh. This is so useful! It is such a pain to have to leave your current game just to connect to another one. This nifty mod by my friend afiNity fixes this problem and adds many other cool features. This mod adds the following features: ingame demo loading, ingame server selection, and ingame server/game creation. This so useful! Lets take a look at each: Server selection This is the most useful of all the features included in the mod. The user just needs to pause the game, select the ingame serverlist option, and presto! Instant server switching. This saves a lot of time for the user. Before the user had to quit the current session to locate a desired server. But now it can be done with ease! Demo loader The mod also includes an ingame demo loader. This lets the player watch scenes they previously recorded. I didn't have a demo laying around, but I know it works because I simply tried pressing "load demo" without a demo selected, and it gave me a "demo not found" error, which it should. Game/Server creator This part of the mod is very useful. It lets the player create and host a server from an ingame session. This could be very useful if you wanted to host a quick game or wanted to test out a couple maps you downloaded. Good work here! In conclusion, this is a very useful and handy little file. I would advise keeping it in your base folder for a long time. Something I would like to see however would be some gfx changes. Right now, there is no background behind the new options, making them just "float". I'd love to a modification of the existing blue strip that is used to hold the other options to include the new options, even if it means just simply extending it. That would really add to this mod. You may have to remove any other mod that adds a new menu to your game. Two new menu mods cannot coexist, but if only the gfx is changed, it should be OK. (This problem happened to me). Some of the new options also clash with the other menus (the new options are on top of the spawning bot menu). May wanna try to fix this. But, nevertheless, this mod is great and is a nice fix to an old problem! Good job! New Menus: Yes New GFX: No New Options: Yes -therfiles
  16. therfiles


    Nice to see ya!
  17. This may help: http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-gate-multiplayer-mod-for-ja
  18. Here is my review: Creativity: 10/10 Execution: 9/10 Appearance: 9/10 Overall: 9/10 First of all I want to say this: I love this character's back story. It's really cool to see a character from a fan-made Star Wars story brought to life via playermodel. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your SW story, Turquoise! Now on to the nitty gritty stuff. This skin was very well done. The author includes three different versions for us to enjoy, so lets take a look at each: Light Side This is by far my favorite of the pack. All the skins have nice shaders that give the character a nice, realistic sheen to the clothing of the character. The eyes of the model were a piercing green, which I liked. Many authors just use default eyes for their model. I also liked how the author transformed the face of the model to look more cat-like. Good job! I really like the way the author approached the skin of the model. The skin was not simply desaturated. It literally looked like fur, making it a good representation of a Cathar Jedi. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cathar Dark Side Not much changes visibly in this version. The clothing of the playermodel turns a distinctive dark Sith color. It would have been nice to see some dark side corruption to the face, or just yellow eyes. But overall, still very good. Shadow This was the version I was most skeptical of. When I saw the screenshot, It looked like the author had simply desaturated the face of the model, and upped the contrast. Not so. This model screams evil. The model has glowing red eyes which are quite terrifying, so I loved them. The torso, again, was just a recolor, but that is OK. This time, the author clothes the Jedi with a green tunic. This was very well done. This skin also has some more surprises for us. It has team support, and bot support. The bot support was superb! The author had written entirely new bot information, giving the bot new things to say. The team support, however, was not so good. As you can see from the screenshots, only the torso color was changed. This really looks weird, especially on the shadow skin. I would have loved to have seen some more creativity here, It looked like they were just simply recolored to me. But still, kudos for even adding team support. I would have loved to see some new sounds for this model, but the Jedi female sounds that were used weren't so bad, so I'm not terribly disappointed. I also like the fact that this has full customization support via the custom character screen. Play with it in the SP campaign or simply add a little dash of color to your Jedi. Good work here. One last thing that I want to touch on. The icons. They were pretty awful. They were all distorted and the pose used was the default root animation which doesn't look right. Love to see some more work in this area. Overall this is a great model and is worth keeping in your base folder for some time. Thanks for the hard and long work that it took to bring this to us! New Sounds: No Team Support: Yes Bot Support: Yes -therfiles
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