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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Whad'ya mean you can do face textures? That's great!
  2. Didn't think of that...video editing effects would be amazing!
  3. Err...I don't know, maybe. Like some serious scars/dirt or something...I don't know lol. I think you could make some leg variants that toggle the hanging lightsaber and holsters on each leg model
  4. Just had a chance to try out the species. It works really well! Here are some suggestions: More head/face variantsNice shaders (okay, not a suggestion...just praise!)I really wish that the 2 models were the same, because there just isn't enough options for the player to choose from to make a cool personMaybe the ability to turn on and off extras like lightsabers and holstersI know this may be a bit picky but species are all about giving the player as many choices as you can so they can make cool combinations.
  5. Mmmmmmm...! That's pretty delish! Good work man!
  6. Sorry that it didn't work out for you! I wouldn't say that modding takes years to understand, just a little bit of dedication and tinkering. I hope you don't think that we hated this project - we really don't. It's just that people are willing to help but need some assurance that the mod will get done and that it's worth their time. Showing people that you can mod and have a little bit of proof of concept done would go a long way to help convince lots of people. As to tutorials, @@Circa is right. When learning JKA tools there are a bevy of resources available, from here on JKHub to Youtube. It just requires putting time in and being willing to learn. Modding is extremely frustrating and tiresome, but your hard work always pays off, you just have to give it some time. So I hope you don't give up modding completely, man. When you find that you have a bit more free time, I hope you'll come back and give it another go! Good luck!
  7. This would be cool to integrate into the timeline. To show that there is more to JKA than modding.
  8. I love the idea of replacing Rosh, but he is such an integral part of JKA and the stigma of the game that it would just be odd not to have him there. I'd love to revamp him with a new model or redo some of the lines and his story or somthingYeah. It would be a lot of work, but having an emotional Jaden would be nice. IDK though, I thought the female Jaden sounded ok...New species is definitely something we could implement easilyI would be awesome to make some new first person models...@@DT85 ? All for some cooler Force power icons as well as a revamped GFXAll for some new force powers, but Mind Trick is a pretty cool power...Some new textures would be cool, HD is nice but something original would be cool as wellMore original hilts would be cool. Some coolish hilts that captured JA/JO's original hilt style... @@AshuraDXI've always wanted to make a "mercenary" mode to the campaign, where you don't start out with a lightsaber. Could be some cool stuffs. I'd love to have this done pretty soonish, maybe a month or two? That's why I'm not stressing over everything being replaced. It would be cool to have it out in a reasonable time that also isn't too far away from the anniversary. But yeah, that's the dream. Make SP more beautiful and better. Maybe we can have some sort of...incentive like a member title "Fool's Gold Contributor" or something...(MAYBE). But yeah. Thanks for all the interest guys! Please post with you're thoughts and ideas!
  9. Here are some KotF related threads: http://jkhub.org/topic/1104-this-frightens-me/ http://jkhub.org/topic/1242-does-the-kotf-mod-contain-a-virus/
  10. Movie BattlesOpen JKSDK (MP) ReleaseXBOX Release (different?)5 year markSDK (SP) ReleaseJKGKOTF ScandelJK3 Files open (Technically JK2 was first...)Famous clans?Just spitballing here...don't have any dates, but I'll see if I can look some up.
  11. Awesome! I'd hate to limit the pack to asset recreation, but having some new JKA SP models would be really really cool. A new Rosh, Luke, Kyle, Tavion, Alora...etc. Just to revamp it. Maybe a stormtrooper @@DT85. I'd love to focus on SP, but I'd hate to limit it to that. There is just so much that could be done. I'd love to add some SP goodies, like RP conversations, and stuffs. Maybe even some code edits...the possibilities are endless!
  12. Awesome! Anyone can pitch in! Probably want to stay within the Star Wars realm, but other than that, I don't see why people can put whatever they want in.
  13. Yes! I can just see it: The JKHub Community presents: Fool's Gold. Lol. So what type of stuff should we put in it?
  14. Awesome! I just called it Gold Pack because it sounded extremely epic I'd really love to bring some of my projects (that were designed for larger mods) out of the wood work. I wanna completely redo the main menu with the ingame idea thingy. Heck, if this gets enough interest, we could set up a new subforum. I just wanna do something big to celebrate 10 years. That would be epic. Can we still call it Gold Pack? It sounds really boss...how about silver pack?
  15. I was just thinking, what if some of us modders banded together and made a super epic mod pack for JKA in honor of 10 years of JKA? That could be pretty epic. What do you guys think? Sorry, I'm just spit balling here.
  16. That moment when someone changes their avatar and you have no idea who they are.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CrimsonStrife


      I freak out cause I feel like the copyright symbol is watching me <.< as a IP designer, that scares the shit out of me.

    3. Circa
    4. CaptainChar
  17. Been playing JKA for as long as I can remember and played it since a little kid. I still remember launching it for the first time and playing MP as Luke with a red lightsaber and the brightness at 0% and not knowing what the heck was going on but loving every moment. I started modding by mixing and MSPainting skins from other mods. My very first mod was a playermodel with no textures (the grey box thing) that was absolutely worthless but made me so proud.
  18. Great work Crimson! What would be really ghetto but cool was if we coded several spam bots with each having a modder type as a username. We could then have the spam bot post a list of people when @ModderType is typed in the topic. It would respond with a list of modders, just like how @@spior made the linux bot. RIP. Example: Person types @Scripters. Spam bot posts:
  19. Hey guys! Recently, we've been a bit short handed around here. @MagSul has resigned as a staff member, and we thank him for all he's done for JKHub! So, we've taken on two new staff members to help pick up the slack! And they are...drum roll please... @Circa and @AshuraDX! It was a tough choice, but felt that these two guys would make awesome new additions to the Staff! Plus we just like them. A lot. So please welcome them to the Staff and feel free to send them any questions and concerns you may have (translation: give all the work to the new guys)! Thanks to Circa and AshuraDX for accepting this responsibility! Click here to view the article
  20. Hey guys! Recently, we've been a bit short handed around here. @MagSul has resigned as a staff member, and we thank him for all he's done for JKHub! So, we've taken on two new staff members to help pick up the slack! And they are...drum roll please... @Circa and @AshuraDX! It was a tough choice, but felt that these two guys would make awesome new additions to the Staff! Plus we just like them. A lot. So please welcome them to the Staff and feel free to send them any questions and concerns you may have (translation: give all the work to the new guys)! Thanks to Circa and AshuraDX for accepting this responsibility!
  21. JKA just turned 10 years old! So tell us - how long have you played the game?
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