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Posts posted by Syko

  1. I'm sorry you didn't like the movie bro. But I honestly don't understand a lot of your complaints.


    The film had incredible, tactile sets. Sets like the Star Destroyer and Starkiller base were shiny and glowy, but that is just the new First Order aesthetic (a very awesome aesthetic, imo). Look anywhere else (Jakku, the Falcon, Maz's Castle, or the Q'dar - the Resistance's base) and you'll see that the film is dominated by very physical and fleshed-out sets. I also don't see the point about that action scenes. If anything, they seemed a bit too short (except for the Rathtars...not so sure how I feel about them yet...I just don't buy them as monsters). The action sequences were dominated by interesting action moments and accompanied by great humor (when needed). As for the CGI, there were only a few moments where it was bothersome. Mainly the Rathtars and Snoke (but I'm getting over Snoke upon repeat viewings).


    Truthfully, there were several nods to the OT. I can see that. But they weren't ever overly distracting. Again, this is after the prequels, and people need to be reassured that the new filmmakers share their love of the OT. So did they go a bit overboard in some places? Yep. Was it needed? I think so.


    Again, I don't see what you are saying about the characters. Rey is incredibly detailed in her characterization. We spend lots of time with her on Jakku and we get to see her arc unfold as the story progresses. She has two main conflicts: one with her past (her parents, etc) and one with these new force abilities. I love Maz's line to her about finding her belonging in what's ahead, not behind. I also really liked Finn. He's a very authentic hero who acts initially very unlike Poe (who is our one-note B.A. hero). He's afraid and he's selfish. But he finds his place with his friends and finds that there IS a fight that can be won against evil. As for Ren, I'm still picking apart his story. Such an interesting narrative...the idea of being pulled to the light side, rather than the dark. That idea of making the pain in his life more present and dominating so that the darkness will never leave him (see him killing his father or him punching his wound during the fight with Rey). In my opinion, those are our three best new characters. Han is also spectacular. He doesn't have MUCH of an arc, but he's got some interesting beats. I love his hug with Leia towards the end. She asks him, all sad-face-like, to bring their son home. Han just stares into the sky, knowing the impossibility of the task, but knowing that he has to try to bring his son back. Good stuff. I won't lie though. Leia didn't do great in this film. She did well post-Han's death, but her performance was a bit off to me (after she met up with Han again). So while you may not enjoy some of the narrative characterizations, I think it would be silly to say that it isn't there.


    The score isn't like the other films'. Their are more intimate moments (ones that I've latched onto and enjoyed) rather than sweeping themes. But the music is still quite good in my opinion (minus the altered crawl soundtrack...not a fan there!) Plus, the visuals in this film were simply stunning, so the music didn't need to do as much legwork as it needed to do in the previous films.


    And I do see a lot of the similarities to ANH that are present in this film. They are undeniable. But like many others have already said they don't ruin the film for me. And, personally, I don't see a lot of the connections until the plot is laid out in synopsis form. When I'm actually IN the movie and experiencing the action and plot, it all feels very new and fresh (minus a few moments), and it really is. These are new characters acting out familiar beats in new situations and settings. Again, its similarities are something I saw after reflection, rather than being yanked out of the film by them.

    Love everything you wrote here and completely agree with everything you said. It seems to me that most people that bash the movie do so for very shallow reasons. "OMG Kylo Ren's lightsaber is so dumb!" It's like they expect the movie to be a certain way and call the movie garbage if it doesn't turn out exactly how they want it to. A lot of things people complain about the movie actually make sense if you think about it a bit. Case in point, people complain about Kylo Ren removing his mask to early on, but again like I said above its to differentiate the character from Darth Vader. These are the same people who complain that the movie is too similar to A New Hope.

    therfiles likes this
  2. btw- Vaders mask was interesting because he never took it off...well he did finally at the end of the trilogy but then he died.


    Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren who aren't in the movie, loves to constantly take his mask off.



    They did this to differentiate the character from Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is a conflicted, insecure, more human character than Darth Vader ("he's more machine now than man") and that's why they made him take his mask off, to humanize him. He's not the same type of character and that is refreshing because a lot of the movie is already kind of too similar to A New Hope. I do think they should have given the character a beard though because I'm starting to agree he does look like a teenager.


    I just watched the movie again and I like it just as much, maybe a bit more. I would rank it third behind Empire Strikes Back and A New Hope. I'd say it trumps Return of the Jedi mostly because the Ewoks kind of brought that movie down a bit, and the prequels...well, they're the prequels. I do think there were unnecessary action sequences that should have been cut or trimmed down in favor of more character development. As I said before the whole squid monster scene was completely pointless. Oh, also when Rey and Finn fly away in the Falcon for the first time, that should have been trimmed down a lot. I would have liked to see R2D2 and C3PO more, they have such small rolls.

  3. However, they CAN bring her back into their canon. Since Mara is a fan favorite, they might use that idea. The problem I see though, is Disney, Lucasfilm and Timothy Zahn coming to a deal. Since Mara is Tim's creation, they have to get his permission and credit before they use her in any way.

    To be honest I think the amount of fans that even know of Mara Jade are very small and are only part of those who read those Expanded Universe books, which is pretty small in comparison to the entire fan base. I don't think it's a large enough amount to make Disney bring her back unless the character fits with their existing plans. And they probably already own the rights to the character. Timothy Zahn's book series probably had to be licensed by Lucasfilm in the first place to be sold as a Star Wars book.

    BruceJohnJenner likes this
  4. They certainly implied Rey is Luke's daughter at the end but don't forget the trailers and marketing implied that Finn was going to be force sensitive when it was in fact Rey in the movie. It might be a bait-and-switch and she could be revealed to have a different lineage in Episode 8. If Rey is indeed Luke's daughter I wonder who Luke had the child with, there was literally no character in the original trilogy introduced who he could have fathered a child with other than Leia and they would never write that into the story.

    Darth Sion likes this
  5. Also, I think a lot of you guys are kind of missing the point of what J. J. was trying to do when he made the movie. He was approaching the movie as a fan of the original three movies. He was trying to bring back the nostalgia and feeling of the original trilogy while introducing new characters, he's not trying to add another chapter to a Star Wars history bible that has to be completely coherent. Finding it unbelievable that Rey could mind trick Stormtroopers without any previous exposure to the force is nonsense. The concept of the existence of the force in the first place is unbelievable. Star Wars is not supposed to be scientifically believable in any way, it is fantasy. George Lucas thought of it as a fairy tale. I think if A New Hope was somehow released today instead of in 1977 you would find it just as absurd as TFA.

    Syd0w, Smoo, NumberWan and 1 other like this
  6. I don't know if it was just me.. or if anyone else was given this feeling aswell. But I certainly felt this movie was certainly trying to give off the impression of "empowering women". I mean, I'm not sexist in any way and I don't necessarily have a problem with it, at all. But with Rey being one of the main characters in the movie and diving into her (back)story (still a lot of stuff we don't know about her), it certainly gave me that vibe of.. Disney, in this instance, I think.. Of them trying to empower women, so as not to look sexist and probably done as a publicity stunt of some sort, as the Prequel and Original Trilogies were about male characters and people may have complained about the Star Wars movies being too one-sided towards males. Although, I think Captain Phasma would've at least been able to put that to rest, somewhat.


    I mean, even I didn't know that Captain Phasma was a woman, until like a week before the movie came out.

    I think part of it too is that they know that a majority of Star Wars fans are male, so they are trying to broaden the appeal by including a strong female lead that may be more relateable to women. So it's more of a business tactic to bring in more female fans. But then again, the president of Lucasfilm is female, so that factors into it as well.


    They kinda screwed up pulling a Samus Aran by promoting her whole "She's a female Storm Trooper" promotional BS. If people WAITED until the movie came out, same with Disney and Lucasfilm, that would've been a great reveal.

    But this would imply that a woman being a stormtrooper is not normal, which makes sense in the context of the Empire but in real life progressives and feminists would find it offensive. Their whole idea for including female stormtroopers in the first place to emphasize equality between genders.

    Darth Sion likes this
  7. I found this page from the upcoming encyclopedia on Episode VII. Seems we now know the name of the new Chancellor of the New Republic (Personally I would prefer seeing the President of the New Republic like in EU, though this office can still exist as close to that of a ViceChair in the Old Republic).






    It also seems that Episode VII is the first since Episode VI not to feature any of the old planets. Tatooine had this role in Episode I, Naboo was in Episode II. Alderaan in Episode III, even though it isn't seen anywhere else except from space in ANH.


    Notice, that there are two senators – one from Taris and one from Naboo

    I remember spending way too many hours reading the visual dictionaries as a kid. It's really awesome to see one for Episode 7.

  8. I saw it last night and I thought it was awesome! It was definitely way better than all of the prequels and I'll have to watch it again to see how it stacks up against Episode 4, 5, and 6. My absolute favorite part was the ending where

    they finally show Luke and play his old theme song! So emotional!



    There were a few things I didn't really like, for one I thought


    the scene with Han Rey Finn and that Squid monster on the freighter was entirely pointless and was added just for more action. I also wish R2-D2 C3PO played a greater role, they hardly had any screen time.



    But overall I really liked it.

    Darth Sion likes this
  9. @@DrXann

    That is the exact quote from The Phantom Menace video game - though never used in the film itself! =) "Why do we need that worthless creature?"


    Yesterday I found a video, that some people actually saw the concept for the Leader Snoke. In a magazine there was even a picture, drawn by a person, either working on the concept or who saw the picture himself. Some claim it to be a fake, but the drawing reminds a lot of Darth Plagueis, even though these are two separate people.


    Meanwhile, here a few new screens from the film. One shows three villains in one shot!


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    Some more here


    Love these screens, they look so much like the original trilogy. I hope the film is as good as the original trilogy.

  10. I don't know about anyone else but I found FO4 very dull and boring, Fallout New Vegas felt much more enjoyable for some reason.

    New Vegas is made more in the style of the older Fallout games. It has a lot more roleplaying to it and better writing/story than Fallout 4. I haven't actually played New Vegas that much myself but this is what I've heard. If your more into story and roleplaying that's probably why. In terms of pure gameplay however Fallout 4 is a lot better. Guns feel much more realistic and the graphics are better, etc.


    Personally I actually prefer Skyrim, despite it being a different game series. Ever since Bethesda took over the Fallout license you might as well call Fallout 4 "Skyrim with guns." The games are very similar.

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