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Everything posted by Syko

  1. OK, i seem to have gotten around the error. Since I remember reading that the source compiles on VS2012, I installed it and compiled OpenJK.sln and everything succeeded. I believe that is the MP code though. I tried compiling JediAcademy.sln (the single player code i believe) in VS2012 as well and it didn't work either. Same COFF error. At this point only OpenJK.sln seems to work.
  2. I'm still getting some errors. I opened JediAcademy.sln and Right Clicked -> Build Solution on Solution 'JediAcademy' and it says 3 builds failed. 2>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt========== Build: 0 succeeded, 3 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  3. Yes, noob here. I just would like to know how to compile the latest version of OpenJK. I downloaded the source files and opened the main project file but I tried compiling it in Visual Studio 2010 and it gave me some errors and nothing happened...
  4. You should ask Darth Linux for permission to upload it to ModDB. It's a lot more reliable than Mega.
  5. Two more bugs to fix in the latest revision of the bot: -JK2 version crashes while getting file list (it crashes on "Getting file list...3352/3357") -JKA bat doesn't work on its own. The command parameters that you run the program with are apparently case sensitive. Eezstreet wrote jk3files "jka" when it should be "JKA" I wonder what the 666th file is...
  6. The program just crashed again. It was on file 0458/6133 the file was Maps/Duel/reactor_room_2.zip Still needs some kinks worked out of it I guess.
  7. 1.02 GB downloaded now! It's working like a charm. I updated the first post of this thread with a link to the JK3 files backup downloader. Could this thread/the first post of this thread be stickied somehow so that it could be easily accessed for anyone looking for a JK3files backup? Also, spior, when you're finished with the program you should consider uploading it to JKhub as a file.
  8. I think it's here: https://bitbucket.org/spior/jk3files/src/ I don't know if that's the latest source though, with the hanging fix.
  9. Great job! It's fixed now! No more waiting around. I think all of the bugs are fixed now. Could you make another revision that works with JK2 mods?
  10. It says 5/6. EDIT: A day and a half now and it's still running strong. 83 files have been downloaded. I highly doubt it, but could it have something to do with the fact that I have it running on my E:\ Auxillary hard drive rather than my main C:\ one? Would anyone else mind testing the program to see if you have to wait too?
  11. I'll send you a 50 GB account too if you want. I found a deal at the freebie section of the Fatwallet forums that allowed you to get a free 50 GB box account for a limited time. I really recommend following those forums by the way, I gotten tons of free stuff from the free deals people post there. So far I've seen posts on freebies for (off the top of my head) -Lots of high quality iTunes Apps (Plants vs. Zombies, Infinity Blade, Angry Birds, NFS: Most Wanted, Walking Dead, etc.) -The 50 GB Box account -Several free GMG games. -A few free $5 Amazon MP3 codes -Free Songs -Occasional freebie gift cards and lots more stuff. http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/free-stuff/
  12. I just got on my computer now and I left the program on overnight and it didn't actually crash! I have 140 MB of mods saved ATM. The waiting is the only issue - and it's not going to be physically possible for me to leave the program running for 190 days, so it is probably still better if you upload all of the mods somewhere when they've finished downloading on your end. PM me your email and I'll send you a link for a free 50 GB Box account.
  13. If you have all of the mods downloaded already yourself, you should upload them somewhere so I can download them without having to use your bot. I can give you a free 50 GB Box.com account if you register with my referral link. I don't think slow servers is the issue, since downloading the file takes a normal amount of time, and the file is there, it just sits there doing nothing. I calculated the amount of time it will take to download all of the files at this rate and I found it would take roughly 190 days!
  14. Let me rub some salt in your wound: the program just crashed again. The folder renaming didn't fix it. I'll try your updated one now. EDIT: @@spior The new program is still waiting as well, although the KB fraction issue is fixed. I guess we'll have to wait and see if the crash issue was fixed...
  15. OK, I renamed two folders which had spaces instead of underscores. Running now...maybe it will work now. EDIT: It still seems to be playing the waiting game, although the folder renaming will probably fix the crash issue. One other thing that's strange is that the downloaded KB / total KB is different when the file has finished downloading. The amount of downloaded KBs is higher than the total amount of KB in the file.
  16. I checked the folder and I believe the last file downloaded was massive_box.zip. It was the last modified file in the Jedi_Knight_III folder. Also, based on looking at the files last modified time, the bot sits there for about 45 minutes to an hour after each download.
  17. Thanks for your work on the bot @@spior, but it isn't really working for me. When the bot downloads a mod, when the mod finishes downloading the program just sits there for four times the amount of time it took to download the file. Eventually it does download another file, but after a while (I left it on overnight twice) Windows says its has stopped working and I have to close it. Only a few more mods were downloaded. To express my desire for a JK3 files backup and to prove I have no life I have begun manually downloading all of the JK2 mods (not JK3). At the moment I have all of the mods downloaded except for the three biggest folders; the mods folder (598 files), the maps folder (804 files) , and the skins folder (1493 files). Assuming that I finish downloading all of these files myself, I'm just going to say that I am not going to download and backup the JK3 mods as there are roughly twice the amount of JK3 mods as JK2, and I don't even play JK3. If that bot can be fixed so it can download the mods, someone please do so.
  18. Are you going to have other people test it first or are you just going to release it? P.S. PM me a copy of the program. I need to fill up that 2TB drive space I have!
  19. @@spior is it a command line program or does it have a GUI?
  20. If it's really going to be that much work for a port then I agree that this can be put on hold for a while. Outcast/Academy on tablets is still a cool idea though and I would certainly like to see it in the future, especially as tablet technology gets better and better.
  21. I guess that is an idea, although I really doubt Disney or Raven is going to do a port like that. We shouldn't run into problems with Raven though because the code is released into the public domain. As long as we port just the engine and don't include any assets there shouldn't be a problem. The ported engine would be free too, no one is going to sell it. Is that you afiNity by the way? Long time no see...
  22. No, I'm talking about multiplayer Jedi Outcast. There's a saber-only option, but I want a guns-only option. It's so dumb that they didn't include an option like that. There's seriously no mod that has done this?
  23. Eezstreet also said that it should probably be ported first before the speed of the game could be analyzed. I really don't think speed is going to be an issue at all. Like I've said before in my previous essays on this thread, I agree, the controls are the biggest issue for a potential port. Which brings me to my question, how much work would it be for a potential port? Would it require one guy with coffee on a Saturday evening to port the game or would it take an entire team weeks to months? If it isn't that much effort, couldn't someone just do it for the sake of JO and JA on a tablet being really cool? On the other hand, if it would be a ton of work, I realize a lot of other things are probably worth spending coding energy on.
  24. I was just wondering if there was a mod that allows you to disable saber combat in JK2, so you can just play with guns. In the JK2 menu, there's an option to have saber only combat, but I want guns-only combat.
  25. AWESOME! No more iojamp i suppose! Perhaps a tablet port might happen after all now. Would it make tablet porting any easier? Does this have anything to do with LucasArts closing down? Maybe they were the ones holding the grip on the source code all this time.
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