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Everything posted by Rage

  1. Yea, the outline are there, which is quite strange. I skipped through the different settings, but as you said, it didn't fix the problem. But I installed JKA and the Radiant on my laptop now and it works perfcetly! So again, thanks for your advise ?
  2. Thanks for the answer! Yea, I've tried that and searched the web for other solutions, but none of it worked. I installed it in C/Program files I think, but I will try to install it somewhere else. I'm using Windows 7 and when I switch into the XPmode and start it there, the textures are shown correctly, but it's hella slow, like in slow motion when you try to navigate through the 3D view :D
  3. Hi guys, I'm having an issue with my GTKRadiant. I hope this hasn't been discussed before, at least I didn't see it ? I'm having this issue with the Radiant 1.4 and the 1.6, since I do not like the shortcuts and controls in the 1.5. The textures won't show up on the brushes' surfaces like in the picture. Someone an idea? Greetings
  4. Not very good I guess, for I didn't have much time to map, though the enthusiasm is still there and I look forward to map on it again!
  5. Hey guys, I'm sorry I have been away for this long, the last months were very stressful, I had to get things right with the university, did visit my family here and there, was in holiday, working and trying to get time for myself. So I'm sorry I didn't get you any update, I didn't even had time to map, but I hope you're still interested in this project, as I am. At the moment I'm involved in three projects, and I want to map on them all of course. Unfortunately I don't know how the next months will look like, but I hope I will get the time to work on JKA again, for that's what I really want to do I hope you guys did well in the last time, projects like that are always hard to handle, especially when some members are inactive (yea, I know ), but when the work goes on and one sees the first efforts, it's just great, espacially when you share it with other people. So, I hope this goes on and I can map in the next days, at the moment I'm ill since more than two weeks, thanks to my work in the kindergarden, where someone is always ill Go on and best regards Rage
  6. Sure, my nick on skype is raagee1, though I'm not online there often. But you can contact me here at any time Regarding the story, I think it's not a problem to change it, at least not for the mission I started to make, as it's still at the beginning of mapping.
  7. Of course, I'm still interested in doing a new level
  8. Thanks guys! I saw a few screenshots of lunar base too and it reminded me as well of my map Though I haven't played it before, unfortunately ever MBII as far as I can remember. Yea, I know what you mean @@Szico VII , I think hangars are just typical for Star Wars, especially the Imperial ones, and I can't remember how often I've been mapping one But still, it's big fun! Thank you @@NumberWan, that's very nice to hear Espiacally because I wanted to catch exactly these style, from the Death Star e.g. That's a good idea, I will do that. I thought about something like that before, 'cause it was just looking too small or using another model.
  9. Way better than the new version in my opinion, or it's just because I played very much on this map when I began with JK3
  10. Classic map, I love this one!
  11. Thanks dudes I think all of these are base textures, many of them are from JK2. Yea, the shuttle's aswell from the basic game, I looked through all ship models and thought that it would be the best right now, but who knows, maybe we'll find a better one?
  12. Hey guys, here I want to present you a little preview of what I made so far for the SP Mission "Imperial Space Station". I wanted to show this like 2 months ago, but anyways, here is what I got Right now it's only the hangar where you start as Jaden (first version of the story is discribed in this topic http://jkhub.org/topic/2640-gold-pack-discussion/page-6). I decied to chose a style between the Death Star and a JK2-ish imperial base. There will be four doors (on the screenshot and finished is only the huge one) so that you can go in many directions. I hope you will like it and ideas and criticism are always wanted! Best regards, Rage
  13. Rage

    Taris Cantina

    Thank you
  14. They really look amazing, I especially like the sixth and seventh one, remind of Sith sabers (Dooku and Darth Bane ). A saber hilt builder would be very cool indeed, I loved the building system in KoTOR as well, where you could also chose crystals that change the characteristics of your saber, but that would be too much I think. Great work!
  15. Thanks for your suggestions @@AshuraDX I will absoloutely try it out, sounds very useful! Yea, I just wanted to show how the textures looks like when it's smaller, I think the border in the middle is quite thick then, but thanks anyway @@Pande!
  16. @@Asgarath83: Thanks man! Though I don't want to copy Szicos map in any way I mostly orianted it on the TES series and wanted to create nice medieval-looking houses set a little bit in the fantasy style. I can pass you the map-files for learning and practising, though they are not in the stage of being complete
  17. That sounds cool Maybe that lord could live on Nar Shaddaa? If you want to, I can send you some screenshots when I worked a little bit more on it, I'm going to map now Would be strange to play as a kid in JKA, how old's Rosh then, 7?
  18. @, yea of course, if you want to, we can make the Space Station Mission together or do you want to map a mission on your own? I started with the hangar, so there's much much space for many ideas.
  19. 607 downloads

    This is just a very small map I made back in 2011. I've always loved the maps and atmosphere of the Knights of the Old Republic game, and especially I liked Taris. Though there are quite many maps out there from KotOR, I think there can't be enough So I wanted to bring you the little Taris Cantina, that is found in the Upper City. There ain't very much to say about it, in the middle of the map is the largest room, and from that you can reach 4 other smaller rooms, for playing Pazaak, dancing, drinking and fighting. I used the original music from KotOR and there are a few new textures and shaders made by myself. Besides that I worked with Inyris great KotOR objects (link is in the readme). So, if you wanna give it a look, have fun and thanks for downloading!
  20. I really like the nice city atmosphere of the map, you get the feeling that the city's alive, can imagine all the sounds, the ships and the NPCs and of course the music (like seen in the video). Reminds of Taris from KotOR, I like the silver and blue style
  21. Yea, that sounds good! It could be in the style of the architecture of the Death Star, but I was thinkig about using the Cairn or Doomgiver textures, or something like that, because I really liked the imperial maps from Jedi Outcast. Maybe I can achieve to bring a little bit of that feeling into the map But I must say that mainly I only can do the mapping part, I don't think I'm skilled enough to script the level.
  22. Cool Okay, what's about something like that? If there are some mistakes, please correct me, at some points I wasn't totaly sure how to discribe or write something. Of course, that's just an idea. Mission: Shelsha Space Station Kyle: Jaden, we could get some intact sotmtrooper armours in a mission, as well as a few security codes, by capturing an imperial freighter. The codes give us entrance to an imperial space station in the Shelsha sector, where at last supposed activies of the Sith cult became registered by the secret service. Get with the help of a stormtrooper armour and the codes into the space station, get access to the main computer and load every information you can. If the Empire really works together with this Sith cult, we could be able to get some clarity in this. I know, this mission sounds tough, but I also know that you will make it. May the force be with you. ------------------------------- Video: Jaden flies in a freighter to the imperial space station in the Shelsha sector, he comes nearby. Voice over intercom: "Unidentificated freighter, send us your ID and your concerns." Jaden (in stormtrooper armour, but with out helmet): "Shelsha station, here's the Flying Sprinter. I got technical equipment and supply for the base onboard, I send you my authorization." Short silence. "Flying Sprinter, take approach in hangar B, a packing team will be waiting for you." Jaden: "Understood, Shelsha station." The freighter flies into the space station and lands in the hangar. Stormtrooper and other stuff go around. Jaden puts on the helmet, whispers "Hope, that's no trap" and goes offboard. The packing team looks interrogative at him. Jaden: "Personal security for the freighter pilot. The damn Republic tries to capture our ships in the last time more than ever. The cargo is in the storeroom." He nodds into the ship. The team disappears in the freighter. Jacen looks around him, nobody takes notice of him and he goes off. ------------------------------- And the starts the fun. There are some directions you can go to, and of course, at the beginning, you fight with no one, or at least, not if you're not alone with a person (for example a tech officer or something in a small room where you can get a code card.) But at some point, a cultist or a reborn runs over the floor and recgonizes you in the force. Immediatley he commands the stormtroopers to kill you. I'm not sure if this would come better before, or after you can get the information out of the computer. Best Regards, Rage
  23. Alright Gotta make some concepts, I like the idea with the base infiltration. If that's okay, I would use that in the plan.
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