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D A R K S ! D E

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Posts posted by D A R K S ! D E

  1. Been there, done that. My version has all Luke different heads, each head with its appropriate helmet (size), and outfit colors to choose from. Plus the body belongs to @@Seven (and those shaders look terrible).




    This was actually meant as a compliment of sorts. (I didn't know you'd already made a Hoth Pilot Luke pack...) 

    No need to be so hostile, this was made this morning. Before I had applied shaders... Thought I would share a bit of progress, but seeing as its already been done I wont bother worrying about completing it.

  2. There's alot of parts on this model, looks like the model might be high in polies, and give a mini heap size error in normal JKA, as well as crash you on MB2

    Nope. I use it all the time. Now get off my thread.

    All of my models are made to work in MBII mainly... But SP files can be made. Not for Sweg tho...

  3. Look, if you at least want to release some WIPs, just be sure that you obtain permission from the mod authors that you may get stuff from. Yes, some don't require permission and at least state to credit the author, but you should still respect the author's wish, and do it fairly by not making the author credits small. The screen you have in your main post is what I can tell to be a ported TFU Adventure Robes Galen body ported by itachisen, recolored a bit by you, with a TOR Revan Helmet ported by Jeff.

    I know what I am doing. Now stay off my thread.

  4. I have been trying to learn how to create kitbashes, frankensteins, and otherwise for the better half of 6 months now and have created quite a few... Alright models (they are all made mainly to work in MBII because that is basically all I play, but they can be made into playable SP characters)... Mainly made for friends and myself as custom characters and just original Star Wars ideas that I have had. So I figured I might as well post them somewhere in case someone may like to see them and maybe has any character ideas for me to chew on. Unless there are any objections? All credits will be given in .readme files with the characters if I provide a download.





  5. Got some work done on Clone Wars Anakin today.






    The belt, hips, boots and head were taken from TFU 1 Anakin and kitbashed with TFU 2 General Kenobi.


    I honestly am blown away by this model. I cannot stop coming back to look at it! This Anakin and Obi Wan releasing would be like me winning the lottery on Christmas happening on my Birthday all while I am getting married to Daisy Ridley... Actually it would probably be better...

    Daniel, swegmaster, yeyo JK and 1 other like this
  6. The Anakin still has some work to be done, and I will get to it hopefully sooner than later. Right now I'm mainly focused on finishing my Luke hilt, but after that I hopefully can finish some older work like that. And when it's out feel free to use it in your movie battles pack.


  7. Ok, so just to fill everyone in on what I'm up to, I've spent the last few days weighing the TFU2 Clone Wars Obi-Wan for JKA






    I also gave a robed/hooded option using HS's robes







    There's still some clipping to fix, but it's very close.


    Then I reskinned/adjusted the outfit to look like Anakins Clone Wars attire (still WIP)







    Expect updates in the coming days.



    Please release these models soon! I love this Obi Wan sooo much! I also nearly died when I saw the reskinned Anakin with TFU head... I think you are just magnificent @Seven!


    PS. Would you mind if I used your characters to make Movie Battles 2 character replacements with? I think EVERYONE would love to use your characters as they are simply the most fantastic things I have seen in a LONG time, I of course would credit you as much as possible. Though I completely understand if you would like to keep these characters exclusive to your thread here. 

    yeyo JK likes this
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