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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Eh. Too much work for too little payoff I guess. Any whoo, thank you for the help Eez and Scooper, I appreciate your telling/explaining to me about all this stuff. Seems like whoever would help me with this would just end up pulling their hair out for something that might not even work too well... I can fiddle without code editing... I've gotten this far anyway.
  2. Okay, so posting on this again after a little bit. After reading through again, I couldn't help but notice you did say this Scooper: I mean, assuming the worst, just how tedious would this be to implement (for someone familiar with this kinda stuff)? Like say you had to do everything, aka start with assembly code, do some reverse engineering, and the SP code has to be changed in 20 places... how tough would it be compared to standard MP code-making/editing? Now assume some reverse-engineering is involved, but that the SP code in place for the part of the saber system is fairly simple as I've been able to observe... would that be almost easy as pie, or not quite? How the Saber System works: (prepare for a wall of text) There is actually almost no randomness to it. Whether you can parry an attack depends on your saber defense first. You need saber defense 3 or parry bonuses on your saber if at a lower level before you have the ability to parry attacks at all. Then it depends on the saberstyle of the opponent attacking. Then it depends on whether their saber has break parry bonuses or is "twoHanded". And you always parry an attack that is parryable, unless you haven't finished the recovery animation from the previous parry/knockaway yet. Base Medium and Fast style are always parried. Strong style always staggers upon any contact whatsoever, except if the defender has a parrybonus of 3 more than the attacker's breakparrybonus, then it can't stagger you, and can be blocked slightly. Base Staff and duals styles are probably always parried. Staff sabers are normally two handed though so they act like strong style. Then a breakparry/two handed bonus on any saber causes medium style, and staff and probably duals to be like strong style, but fast style can still be parried. Sounds complicated, but it's not really. Saber offense and Defense play hardly any part. It really depends on saber styles and parry/breakparry bonuses.
  3. No prob. I just kinda found out about it for the first time recently. The staff saber turn off anim is referenced and exists in the game (BOTH_S7_S1) but is unused in SP at least, where the staff saber just uses the single saber anim, and IIRC in multiplayer it seems it either uses the correct anim or just transitions from the staff stance to normal standing without any anim.
  4. Just checked the anim.h. The animation for turning the staff on is BOTH_S1_S7 and for turning off is "supposed" to be BOTH_S7_S1.
  5. Download that file I linked to first, it shows you the structure of an .npc file in a text document.
  6. Staff just uses the single animation for deactivation (which is inappropriate as you cut off your arm...). For activation, the closest animation I could find was BOTH_S7_S1.
  7. Well I think I found the protect shader at least. It's in the effects.shader and it's just called forceProtect or something. No idea where to look for absorb. A peculiarity worth noting is that in SP the absorb and protect effects are practically identical save for the color, so maybe they just use the same shader, and the difference is in coding?
  8. Sweet, I always thought the Addon Pack was kinda cool, I was going to include it in my big-totallyawesomelittlebitofeverythingmod for SP. It could've used more skins for species other than Human Male. But considering that's my favorite species I didn't mind too much... anywhoo, one thing I wished it had more of was the ability to change the colors of the shirts and pants you got to some degree, most were just one static un changeable color. The rodian looks... interesting...
  9. They're just text files, should be no issue. Lemme give you a little run down on my knowledge of NPC stats (read the NPC file first so it makes sense): Aggression - This affects how likely they are to attack you purely without you even doing anything, or to be persistent in bringing the fight to you, this might affect saber locking strength too, and maybe gunner reaction times, but don't quote me on it Aim - Self-explanatory for gunners, for saberists it just makes them more precise I guess. Evasion - How often and how skillfully saberists evade/sidestep your saber attacks, how likely a gunner is to retreat/fall back Intelligence - Don't know exactly what this does, makes NPCs have more street smarts I suppose, gunners usually have it at 5, saberists anywhere from 1-5 (perhaps intelligence has different effects on saberists vs. gunners) Movement - Basically, how many tricks they have in their bag, or how varied and skillful their attacks are, which for gunners except Boba Fett, is usually zero (in how many tricks they have in their bag)
  10. I remember I read this, http://jediknight3.filefront.com/info/jk3_faq#1, and it made me think JA was supposed to be JK3.
  11. Here, try this: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/External_Data_File_Helper_Documents;20906 It explains the parameters of NPC files, none too complicated as Minilogoguy bluntly states.
  12. Well I gathered from the filefront forums that it IS a shader... I always knew there was no .efx for it, just figured it was coded/had something to do with the shader... This mod, http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/AdZs_Force_Mod;98169, changes the Protect effect, and in the mod there are only shaders and images.
  13. Don't know if this would help: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/IBIzemac_Mac_Script_Compiler;94466 Says its a compiler for BehavEd for Macs.
  14. You could go about it the way the guy who made JK Expanded did, which was where he took MP maps and spawned them full of enemies. No mapping required. Here's what you can do. Get the map you want. Open up Single player. From the main menu open up the console, and type "devmap (yourmap)". If I wanted to go to the Taspir FFA map, I'd type "devmap mp/ffa5". Run around your map using the NPC spawn command like this: npc spawn (npc name) (entity name). Give each NPC an entity name which you enter after the npc name such as "cultist_saber" IIRC. Like I could do - "npc spawn cultist_saber enemy1". This is how you can populate your map with enemies. You can also use a similar method to add weapons, items, and vehicles to the map. For a list of items you can spawn (like shield boosters etc.) see this page http://www.jediacademy.cba.pl/readarticle.php?article_id=35 . These spawn using the command "spawn (item name)", for ex. "spawn item_binoculars". To move your NPCs around to get them in the right spots, you can use force mindtrick level 4 to move them, or theres a controlling command for entities you can use I think. Giving your NPCs an entity name will let you use ICARUS scripting on them later if you want independent of GTK Radiant. Keep in mind that NPCs like gunners won't be able to move around like in SP maps, where they might chase after you or run over to an elevator, or do patrols, as MP maps have no NPC waypoints drawn (unless NPCs can use bot routes, I'm not sure but I don't think so). Now save your game with the NPCs you spawned on that map. Now if you want in BehaveEd, make some scripts that'll give the player mission objectives or make the NPCs do something you want. Once you have your scripts load your save game again, then use the "runscript (name of .ibi file)" command or something like that to execute your scripts. Move the player to where you want them to start off in the level. Save your game file, and viola, you have your own sort of SP-level. You can also use console commands to have your own music playing via the "music (path to music file)" command. Here's a helpful article with lots of useful SP console commands on RancorSNP's site: http://www.jediacademy.cba.pl/readarticle.php?article_id=34
  15. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/NPC_Tool_v100116;27213 ^Checkout NPC Tool. It's pretty straight forward and intuitive, plus it has a tutorial in it for explaining how to use it to edit NPC files. I had no clue how to make NPCs, but I just looked at the help screens and was already making my own npcs in like 10 minutes when I first tried it.
  16. Coolio. I always thought the music could have more atmosphere in certain areas. Sometimes the ambience and feel of the music in the Jedi Knight games is beautiful IMO, but I also felt like it could be too cutesy or not epic enough at times. Take for example, the music for bosses in academy, they don't even get their own cool music! Like give me a little Duel of the Fates or sumthin, like seriously!
  17. I see you got assembly code there. I was thinking this could be done using something along the lines of Eez's tools or what not... Perhaps I'm underestimating the work this would involve even for a skilled coder?
  18. No probs, I wasn't expecting you to attempt it for me anyway, but I appreciate your input! Anyways..., I can't imagine the code being too hard to implement. I mean, I don't imagine the current saber system being too complex. There are few differences between the saber offense and defense levels. As it is, all levels of defense have the same blocking strength roughly, but the main difference is speed, block radius, and ability to parry/knockaway. (at least that I can tell from gameplay) The main issues for this: differentiating power/defense between saber styles, which I have an idea on how to account for, and then dealing with parry/breakparry bonuses.
  19. For saber defense 0 anyway, the bolts hit you if you turn to the side sometimes, but 90 percent of the time they go through you. Its like how when you give a .sab file "blocking 0" and then shots just bounce off a wide area infront of you. However for saber defense 0 when a shot hits the saber's blocking field (which is overly huge btw) it doesn't know what to do so it just passes through you. I wouldn't mind letting shots bounce off saber defense 0, but then cause you to stagger. For the hierarchy system, it could be a bit of work. Basic overview as I see it: Whenever a saber attack is blocked by X entity: 1. Check saber defense level of defender 2. Check saber offense level of attacker 3. Basic attacks = (Offense level of attacker) 4. Special attacks = (Offense level of attacker) + 1 5. Compare the values of the attackers offense to defender's defense 6. Set up a stagger counter. If "Stagger Counter" > 3 then Defense is broken Here a hypothetical coding model I made. No, it's not real code, but it's sort of a "concept", kind lays out the idea. I kinda wrote it in "Scratch style".
  20. So, would anyone, with the know-how, be able to help me with a little SP code editing? I'm not trying to do anything too crazy... What I'd like to do: 1. Fix saber defense 0 so blaster bolts don't go through the player 2. Make saber offense and defense hierarchal -this means that saber defense can only block saber offense of lesser and equal value. -basic system: Defense 3 - disarms offense 1, parries/knocks away offense 2, can parry offense 3 Defense 2 - breaks from concentrated attack of offense 3, blocks offense 0/1/2 Defense 1 - breaks from concentrated attack of offense 2, blocks offense 1/0 That's basically what I want to do. From a coding perspective, is that extremely difficult, or not so?
  21. Can you use WinRAR? Or 7-Zip? They can both use .zip files, which are just renamed .pk3s. However I use 7-Zip because it's completely free.
  22. What shader controls force protect and absorb exactly? Now, I know in the effects.shader there's a field for gfx/effects/protectionfield, but I'm pretty sure that's not the shader because: 1. It calls the file gfx/effects/protectionfield, but there is no such file, only gfx/effects/protectionfield2 2. The "protectionfield2" jpg looks like a faint blueish force lightning bolt 3. A mod I downloaded that edited the force protection effect did not edit either the protectionfield2.jpg or the protectionfield shader, but it changed the effect without any coding And as for the absorb effect, I have no clue. Can anyone fill me in? Thanks for the help!
  23. Well okay not add... but you could replace a color with silver...
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