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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. EDIT: Basically what I'd want to do: Blocking strength: Defense 1 < 2 < 3 (right now defense 1 can block offense 3 attacks, no difference) Attack strength: Offense 1 < 2 < 3, rather than 1 = 2 = 3 except for saber locking And also, defense 0 is actually better at blocking blaster bolts than defense 1, at defense 0, the character doesn't even try to auto-block blaster bolts, and where they would normally bounce off your saber, they just go through you without dealing damage 90% of the time.
  2. Well, I'm specifically talking about starting a brand new SP game from the main menu, like pressing "New", then you select your difficulty (Jedi, Jedi Knight etc.), then jumping ingame. This might be a problem across the board actually with certain cvars, however I haven't particularly checked to see. It may very well be that I can say "g_sabermovespeed 1.2" in the menu then when I load savegame X it goes to whatever value, but I notice some values carry over to the save game, but I forget which specifically. In the case of starting a new game, certain cvars like cg_crosshairforcehints DO carry over for sure, but not others.
  3. The reason for the controls is this. I can have the buttons for my special commands (aka manual-blocking) work like other controls... however... since I can't edit the game code, the buttons like my "mblock" will work, but they won't show your key bind status, rather it will always display as "Manual Block: ???", even though it will bind to the key like normal, it won't show the button you chose. I thought maybe I'd make it a list/multi command where you click the ??? field and it cycles through a couple pre-defined buttons for you so it'd be less confusing. The thing about the strong saberers is that, I feel like they're really cheap about how they hit you, they only wait for you to start to attack and then suddenly gain the ability to swing at 10x normal speed and chain a 5-hit combo. Ideally I'd like to make them actually launch some furious assaults at you without just waiting for you to attack and cheaply interrupting you always. Thing is I don't want to make their close combat weaker, I just dislike how this method discourages the player from toe-to-toe combat. Rather maybe I could make enemies focus less on swing interruption and more on blocking and attacking somehow... EDIT: Also, I apologize, thank you guys for the support and postings, and all the help everyone has given me so far, I appreciate all the support, and thanks for helping me test therfiles!
  4. So, I'm trying to add more options for starting a new SP game. Some of the options, namely the ones the game changes by default, based on which difficulty you select (amount of health/shields player gets, force hints), these stay once I get ingame without being reset. But other cvars always get reset to their default value no matter what they were in the menu beforehand. Say cvars like g_sabermovespeed, g_sabermorerealistic, helpusobi (which I need not for cheats but for most of my scripts to work). I'm guessing this is something purely coded, that I'll have to dodge with scripting, still a pain however (my mod is turning into one big script!).
  5. Sorry for takin a while. That's weird, everything should work without any activating... I know the camera views and some special controls only work by going into the controls menu and clicking the control button once. So I'm playing with the saber combat again. One thing that always annoys me is the really strong saber wielding enemies. I like how they're saber combat is strong, but at the same time, it's really annoying how their main skill is in interrupting your own slashes with theirs... like when you sit still and they come and swing at you, its normal attacking. But then when you slash at them they move at ridiculous speed and pull off a 4 hit combo in less than a second that completely interrupts your attack if you don't time it just right. Really annoying because it basically forces you to rely on force powers and special moves for damage. Thinking about how I'm going to work this...
  6. No one wants to help me test/critique my mod? I'm just looking for some basic feedback, like how the little adjustments I made to saber combat feel, how the camera views are working, npc tweaks, which buttons I should set as bindable for my mblock command... (the 3 downloads on the filefront page are me, I was testing the download.) I'll edit this post with some screens to show you guys what I've done specifically.
  7. "set" - sets the variable for the current game session only. "seta" - writes the variables value you set to the jaconfig. Useful if you want the game to pretty much always remember the variable. "sets" - stands for setserver. pretty sure in SP the save file you're playing counts as the server. "setu" - dunno. maybe just acts like sets. In MP it has a use. "weapon" - as you stated it holsters all weapons. You need to have weapon_none out to be able to equip weapons like weapon_scepter. "weapon 14" - command for making the player equip weapon_melee if he has it. "invuse" - uses currently selected inventory item in SP. "use_bacta" - uses bacta tank if you have any (invuse doesn't work for bacta tanks, only this command)
  8. So even though this mod is mostly unfinished, I need some feedback. Here's a beta version of the mod. If you guys could try it out and tell me what you think, I'd appreciate it. I'm honestly overwhelmed by the amount of time this has sucked up, especially because I keep changing my mind on certain features. Expect some menu stuff to be a tad awkward and buggy. What it currently includes: Changes- Saber Combat: - Medium style deflection speed increased about 20% - Strong style deflection speed increased about 5-10% - Faster recovery from swings being parried for single saber - Staff saber twirl replaced with hilt bash attack - Dual sabers twirl replaced with overpowered spin attack (dual sabers are listed as dualssab_1, dualssab_2 etc.) - Saber throws removed, now all sabers can kick (front kick is slowest, then side kicks, then rear is fastest) NPCs - Stormtroopers fire faster and have better accuracy - Force cultists have less force points but run faster - Slightly improved accuracy for impworker, human_merc, trandoshan - Rebornmasters given shorter sabers (they had a fracking cheap 6 ft long saber) - A couple slightly tougher Jedi NPCs General: - Most saber lengths increased slightly - Running animation speeds tweaked slightly (purely visual) - Saber ignited walking back anim now holds the saber in a guard stance for all saber types - Changed HUD (uses JA remix hud by I forget who on jk2files) - Has holster button added to Weapon controls (these buttons all work as a cycle, you click the field and the games binds it to a key I preset for you, in the case of the mblock button, it will bind it to MOUSE3 when you click) - Has Manual block and Meleekata (gives you normal punching melee without katas, and acts as a button for performing katas) buttons as well as inventory controls added to interaction controls - Has game tips added to loading screens - Speeds up melee punches slightly - Has a toggle between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person views controlled by the default P key. - Has some options added to the setup menu - Has some half-working options and inventory select menus in the SP campaign - Adds 4 hilts to SP saber selection, Forge (credits to Inyri Forge), Buster (credits to Bust0 I think?), a skin of the Stinger, and Retribution/the Desann hilt. - Some SP strings edited slightly Here's the link: http://www.gamefront...y's_mod.zip
  9. Thanks for the help guys. I'm going to keep messing with it and see what I can get.
  10. No I meant ingame theres way more bolts than in EffectsEd. Like I want the level 1-2 lightning effect to just have 2-3 bolts. But in effectsEd, there's only 1 bolt at a time, however ingame there's like 4-6 bolts coming out of your hand at a time... I'm wondering if the way the game plays the effect is the same as EffectsEd, just the way it "renders" makes the multiple bolts appear, and is something I can change by way of altering the .efx file, or if the game is coded to play the effect like 4x at once, which is why the extra bolts appear... Hmm... EDIT: minilogoguy, thou art a genius. I decreased the life of the effect in EffectsEd, and voila, the number of bolts seems "decreased." EDIT: I spoke too soon, its actually more or less the same. hrmm.
  11. So is this shown ingame the same way as in the .efx, or is it acted on by some code? I noticed ingame, there's usually 4 times the number of bolts I see for the effect in EffectsEd... I can't figure out if the way the effect is set up in EffectsEd is causing it to appear this way ingame, or if the effect is coded to play like 4 times at once, or something.
  12. When I go on that page I have trouble figuring out what I'm looking at! Anywhoo, I guess I'm out, as considering I'm not a programmer, reverse engineering is out of my range.
  13. Sry I'm just replying. Naah I'm not a modeler, somebody might be able to make it or port it for you.
  14. Slightly off the main topic, but I have a few questions regarding other classes. Is there any difference between class_jan and class_lando? Also, I remember Eez that you told me that npcs named starting with "cultist" wouldn't use punches even when you gave them melee, but rather only force attacks, however I haven't been able to make this work at least with them only using force and not punches.
  15. Okay, so I tested more. Seems that the random slop is a stormtrooper/swamptrooper thing special to those two classes. What I noticed is that from a long distance away it becomes more apparent that only those classes have the random aim sloppiness. And if what fighter says is correct, than class_impworker has really bad aim!
  16. Naah your good. That would make sense. Also, something unrelated... how do you say your name? Is it pronounced "theirfiles" or "The R Files"? I'm assuming the latter, even though I always think your name the first way... EDIT: Are stormtrooper and swamptrooper classes the only class that has a random amount of slop added to their aim? Or do the trandoshan and weequay and noghri classes have it too? I tried to test this, but it was difficult to tell.
  17. Well I wrote that therfiles! Maybe, but I'm not so sure. Anywhoo, basically my question is, does whether stormtroopers have Class_Stormtrooper affect their group dynamics with imperial officers and commanders at all? Or it doesn't make a difference?
  18. So, I can't help but wonder, does whether a stormtrooper has that class or not, affect how it acts/responds to imperial NPCs in JKA? Like can imperials only order stormtroopers to attack and so on when they have Class_Stormtrooper in their NPC files? Or does it make no difference? Also something I've noticed. Now I'm pretty sure this doesn't have to do with the class, but I've also noticed that stormtroopers always have extra health from what they have in their NPC file, like an extra 7-14 health points. (noticed this using g_debugdamage)
  19. Hmm, cool looking model, but not my style. Is that from the Old Republic?
  20. I figured it out.... kinda. It seems like some sort of "memory" problem in upperevents. I guess it has too many entries, because when I took some out, the punch sounds worked. What I tried doing to get around having to take entries out of upperevents, is I made a second list for it in addition to the first. Seems to work so far. Like: UPPEREVENTS { blah blah blah (50 some events here) } UPPEREVENTS { blah blah blah }
  21. Now if it wasn't already obvious, I'm all talking about in Single Player. Now, I tried removing all the mods from my base folder (save files that weren't .pk3s). Now I checked in the assets1.pk3 and saw that the animevents.cfg in it has an identical entry in upperevents for BOTH_MELEE1 and BOTH_MELEE2, both animations with separate entries that are exactly the same save the animation name. But in SP when I devmaped a new map, I noticed this. The punch sound only played on the right hand punch. The left hand punch was always silent. And iirc, I'm pretty sure the sound plays for both punches in MP. This honestly makes no sense to me.
  22. Thanks for the help eez. Anyways, I'll tell you this for sure, the entry for the punches just flat out doesn't work right. The only functionality I can get out of it is I can make the punches make noise while the player is standing still by being in lower events. Nothing else seems to work with the numerous fiddlings I've done.
  23. Okay, so my animevents.cfg is weird. Some things don't always work. Anyone know why? Like I noticed the game by default has a sound event for playing the punch "swing" sound when you throw a punch for the BOTH_MELEE1 and BOTH_MELEE2 animations under upperevent (logically it should be an upperevent I would think). This doesn't work however ingame, as punches are always silent (I don't think this is a syntax error in the entries for the sound, as they are set up the same way as kicking sounds in animevents which works perfectly). If I put these two under lowerevents then the sound will play under certain save games (why only certain game files? this confounds me. perhaps something to do with the game reloading animation files.) while the character is standing still only. I'm having similar problems along these lines with another thing I'm trying to do through animevents. Last but not least, a question. Are BOTH animations suppose to have copied entries in upper and lower events to work correctly? Or no? For the punching sound effects at least, whether I have it in both or not seems to make no difference.
  24. Good to know. There are several things I'd like to do with the SP code which would all probably be over my head. Like: 1. Make saber offense increase your ability to break parries slightly with each level (currently it only affects saber lock strength) 2. Revamp saber defense slightly to reflect the changes in offense 3. Make strong style slightly blockable while making it slightly faster and more comboable 4. Make saber throw and kicking possible on the same saber (say default: altattack - saberthrow, while holding down use, altattack - kick, or something like that)
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