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Posts posted by Smoo

  1. Merek and I own The Sci-Fi Network - RP Continuum - Public USA server and this error seem to happen: some people randomly crash and their client stuck in game with 999 for a whole day or more

    even when I try updating openjk and ja++ it continues to happen, maybe to do with one of the plugins but not too sure.


    Current plugins: sh_automsg, sh_duelwhois, sh_motd, sv_japluscompat, sh_spawnhealth


    Or it could be a map or vehilce/npc:





  2. I just tried it, it compiled but when i do make it stops at 20% and I get this error:

    codemp/CMakeFiles/jkgalaxies.x86_64.dir/build.make:1802: recipe for target 'codemp/CMakeFiles/jkgalaxies.x86_64.dir/libraries/mp3code/csbt.c.o' failed
    make[2]: *** [codemp/CMakeFiles/jkgalaxies.x86_64.dir/libraries/mp3code/csbt.c.o] Error 1
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:125: recipe for target 'codemp/CMakeFiles/jkgalaxies.x86_64.dir/all' failed
    make[1]: *** [codemp/CMakeFiles/jkgalaxies.x86_64.dir/all] Error 2
    Makefile:136: recipe for target 'all' failed
    make: *** [all] Error 2
  3. Hey guys I use to be in a popular Final Fantasy Roleplay back in the day and I was thinking of starting a new one, will put up a website and server shortly. I had a server up last year or so and it had few people joining but I had no website so people didn't know what maps were needed etc.


    If there is enough of you interested I'll make it happen asap

  4. Oh wowzers pro at noobstick loljks I use to have staff as my main, I remember some other popular ESL members were Merlin and L1ght, do they still play? Also, I noticed youtube vids earlier, they disappeared?

  5. Hey Sith-J, I really enjoy your maps, yours and Szico VII's are my favourites. I remember you were working on maps for the JKG mod, be cool to see if you still work on those when JKG becomes bigger. Would just love to see a full planet map!

    Merek likes this
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