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Posts posted by Smoo

  1. Hmm. You could try taking the wampa skin, retexturing it with flesh texture, and adding a glow shader similar to the one in KotOR.


    I can help someone with making the shader, if there's interest. :)

    Was thinking of that too :P

  2. I've always wanted to see a game mode with a VIP. Both teams have a NPC or Player who has to be kept alive. Probably would have to be a NPC just because players could abuse this. Set the health and skill really high and give them some npc guards. Examples such as Leia and two or more Rebel Honor Guards, the Emperor with two Royal Guards. Set a point value to the VIP's that would win  the match.

    pug is like that tho with all players

  3. Matched .veh and .npc. Messed with length, width and height. Poor little eopie still floating around.


    Changing length, width and height in both files affects only the bounding box. For example: when I changed height to 0 i was able to enter the vehicle without jumping on it. It didn't affect the size or the position of the vehicle at all. Same thing with centerOfGravity, it offsets the position of the bounding box, but not the vehicle. I'm out of options. ;-;

    Id just keep length, width etc default and just change scale I think

  4. If I try to make something scary, it'll end up being cute, so I think I'll try to stay clear of this one. XD But will enjoy being spooked by the stuff that pops up. ^_^


    Will we have a server event to celebrate/showcase all the mods created?

     i could host 1 if im not busy

    Cerez likes this
  5. I know you can add a bolt_driver to anything... you can add yourself the vehicle anim lines from their animation.cfg but with frame #s corresponding to your own personal gla frames you want to choose for that particular anim. You can add custom gla's to the .veh files.


    So to sum it up, what it would require is maybe instead of playermodels you spawn .veh players?

    harder to add to jk2 though

  6. You left lol.


    Now I gotta find someone else that can code and maybe do a handful of other things to take your place cause I can only really animate and a mediocre modeler at best. I did at least download Radiant but next to a 3d art package it makes no sense.

    I can code, but i'll look thought DF2 commits first b4 i'm certain i know what needs to be added lol

    Archangel35757 likes this
  7. I apologize if there was a better sub-forum for this topic. I just have three questions related to servers.


    1. I've joined some servers that have a custom content redirect in that you automatically download the custom files on there when joining, rather than the server kicking you. How would I go about setting that up? I don't believe it works the same way as setting "Allow Downloads" to yes and then downloading the files directly from the server, I believe it works in that it downloads compressed versions of the files from another location. I could be wrong however.


    Basically my question is, how would I go about setting that up?


    2. Do custom lightsabers not show up in online multiplayer unless it's hosted on the server itself?


    3. Is there a way to get modelscale mods like the one in JA+ working in vanilla Jedi Academy, or do I need a mod of some sort?



    Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated!

    ya need OpenJKDed bro, it fixed the sv_allowDownload and sv_allowVote exploits, 2. Yes. 3. I think so, like npcs? I got some npc mods with minijawa, minidesann, mini rancor, etc 

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