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Posts posted by Smoo

  1. I like to use autoexec for custom resolution and thirdpersonrange, howerever it dont seem to work when i put it in my games/openjk/base etc do i need to rename it to openjkautoexec.cfg?

  2. It is the latest versions and there are no warnings coming up, it runs fine but gamename is basejka or OpenJK sometimes, fs_game is japlus though and loads the server.cfg from japlus folder but none of the ja++ commands are working.

    I'm running openjkded and my friend is running the openjk client but it don't work for me so i just use regular jamp

    and I'm using an auto restart script:



    cd /root/jka1.01/gamedata
    while true; do
         ./openjkded.i386 +set net_port 14701 +set fs_game "japlus" +exec server.cfg
          echo "JKA server crashed with exit code $?. Respawning.." >&2
          sleep 10
  3. It is quite fun but a bit slow paced compared to JK2/JKA. Also, it use to just be 1v1 duels but now there is 2v1 or 2v2 and FFA modes.

    I'd say, if you want realistic swords-fight in JK3, go find RP organization that works on OJP. It won't be perfect, nothing really is on this game, but that's the start.

    I sometimes host a katana samura/ninja rp server on jka called Ronin Academy, not many ppl would join though. xD maybe i need to make a forum

  4. Can't go higher than 40-45, so I just keep it locked at 30. Would rather have a steady 30 fps than have it fluctuate around.

    lol sounds like my laptop, glad i recently built a desktop tho. im in love with it :P

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