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  1. Duh of course i know there are railings It's an old sw meme
  2. there are no such things as railings in the star wars universe
  3. Nice, you really went to scale with this one. I'd expect you guys to tone it down but I'm glad you didnt.
  4. Always delighted to check out new progress pics. Veri veri nice yes
  5. Oh hell yeah! This is my absolute favorite level and i'm loving the faithful architecture so far
  6. Forget about the Carrie Fisher part, she was obviously joking but watch the first part where Ruin Johnson takes pleasure in ruining the character of Luke Skywalker in what he called a "beautiful scene".
  7. @@DT85 Well the floating is not all it appears to be you see.. I don't have academy installed rn nor do i have any of my mod files here but i believe either i changed is movement type to "flyswim" or i gave him a class like class_sentry, which has subpar dueling skills and doesn't use force powers. Also when you jump on top of maw or you successfully push him (which succeeds almost always since class_sentry wasn't made for jedi battles) he falls and doesn't get up again, not to mention that "droid cutting" sound it makes when you slash him with a lightsaber. So this method isn't something you should use. The special attack is, luckily, very simple to do and works like intended. In the .sab file of Maw's saber you need to change the special attack/kata (the one where you press both mouse 1 and mouse 2) to LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA.
  8. maybe you can use your lightsaber to cut those trees down and make a bridge

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheWhitePhoenix


      Force Grip 3 him over to the tree, slice the tree down, the tree hits him, dead.

    3. the_raven


      Great! Let's go!

    4. Mandalorian


      *cuts tree*

      *tree crushes Jaden.*

  9. @@DT85 The floating or the spinning move?
  10. Posted this multiple times already but, again, here are all powas LVL 5 DRAIN - Can drain enemies even if they have absorb on LVL 5 SPEED - Makes you run at speeds of "timescale 99" LVL 5 SABER THROW - You can throw your lightsaber to infinite lenghts until your force meter goes to zero LVL 5 SABER DEFENSE - You can't deflect blaster bolts (crap) LVL 5 SABER OFFENSE - pushes harder in saber locks/parries LVL 5 PUSH/PULL - Push and pull don't push or pull anything so they become worse than lvl 1 and thus are useless. LVL 5 JUMP - Makes you jump to a height between lvl1 and lvl2 jump while retaining the ability to make wall acrobatics. LVL 4 MINDTRICK - Makes you able to control any npc LVL 4 DARKRAGE - Enhanced effect over 3 (more dmg and slowmo) and you also lose less health LVL 5 GRIP - Instakills enemy in one second (Deals 1000 damage) LVL 4 PROTECT - Invulnerability Other FPs dont do anything else
  11. @@MGummelt Do npcs get a health increase depending on difficulty? If so, how much?
  12. me likey. Though I come to see this forum eryday and I'm always delighted when new progress pics come out
  13. Like in the old KotF Forums? don't see the harm in that..
  14. Hey, wondering if you guys are going to follow this method or using dynamic music a la JO/JA
  15. Looks amazing man! Wouldn't be so keen on putting greenery though, but you're the artist.
  16. It's through the model i believe, the animations tied to the model in a .gla file. You can edit those with an hex editor provided you have your custom animations (though since you want to only disable an animation i think you only need to delete the instance pointing it out), though i can't tell you how since i've never done that.
  17. So does that mean assets from the df2 mod (like a player model) won't work outside that renderer or vice-versa? I never tought renderers changed the game on that aspect (or is it just because you want to make the most out of it, and not because of renderer restrictions?)
  18. Hey I made two skins for the gamorrean few years back and since the dev forums were closed i didn't know you wanted some skins, so here are mine (non shaded): This one is the original for comparison Skin 1 Skin2 All three of them If you guys are interested let me know and i'll upload them
  19. Didn't know about saber dmg reduction, but i knew npc held weapons did more damage (for example on higher difficulties the e-11 could do like 14 damage as opposed to 8), but i recall seeing somewhere where someone who had looked through the code mentioned npcs get a health increase on jedi knight difficulty and up
  20. Do npcs get a health increase depending on difficulty? If so, how much?
  21. Mkay, i also have to make it so that mind trick can be used on jedi; check for force seeing lvl versus opponents mind trick and make enemies react accordingly to the new pawa if they don't have force seeing on par with my mind trick ( ie: instead of them turning off their saber and becoming idle because i'm a hidden entity, they would swing their sabers around trying to hit me nonetheless). I have to do that force seeing check for the player too since rn even if they have it at lvl 1 they can always sense the "cloaked" enemy's presence indicated by a red blob
  22. That's just the problem, i have no idea as to how to go around editing force telepathy since I can't just copypaste code from mp, all coding tutorials about editing FPs don't mention specificaly how to achieve "this" or "that" effect, they just give you some general info as to how to set up stuff and the where to edit, as for coding itself they're not helpful. Also I think editing Jedi_AI wouldn't be enough, i'd also have to edit all other saberist classes; and I'm not seeing as how could disruptor disintegration could be helpful, just like shadowtrooper's cloak since it's not particularly invisible, just transparent.
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