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Posts posted by Pande

  1. Well I can model is Blender and I can map in Radiant, I just want to know things like do you have to use convex objects, and whether you texture by UV mapping etc.

    Any shapes are fine. Texturing is done by uvmapping individual faces over an existing texture, and maybe creating a few textures for specific objects. 


    Later, the map is put into radiant and structural brushes would be made, though not important as we're not going to have any interior areas I imagine. It would be unwise to, considering the way models are loaded. An open 1-room duel map is best.

  2. Yeah, so since the Jedi Academy source got released, we can go nuts with high detail now. Provided this project takes long enough we'll have normalmaps, parallax occlusion mapping, dynamic lighting and higher possible polygon counts. Maybe even tesselation. So it would be fairly cool to create a reference level of what is technically possible.


    And if that does not happen in time, we can just bake a full render - lightmaps & mega textures, Blender style! :D


    I suggest then someone sets up and SVN for this blender project, so we can collaboratively work on it with small updates.

  3. Yeah, if theres no rush and whatnot I'm in. 

    I would suggest a purely aesthetic / art creation in the form of a duel map, simply showing off all the things we can done with models and some smart Radiant work to go along with it. 


    My suggestion is a clearing in some mossy rocks with lots of trees, vines, and other goodies. easily 200k tri duel map. 

  4. But no, seriously, I meticulously made sure every little detail of that thing was the perfect size. I think what pande may not be realising is that most maps that people make are for some reason on a crazy giant scale relative to the player models, and that JKA has a giant collision hit box for players.

    Heh, no, believe me I know scale I'm not comparing it to other maps, I'm comparing it to real life.


    " as not only can window shaders be changed to a non-transparent one,"


    I'm sorry what? Would it then not be a window? Yes.


    My point was you completely throw believeability out the window if you have an area of a map that you can see out of into nothingness, or just sky. Imagine going up 12 floors in an elevator in San Francsico, looking out the window, and seeing this in all directions: 




    The street thing poses a similar problem, you have to end the street in a good way that isn't glaringly obvious. Take a look at Szico's Verschnaight (sp).


    I don't mean to harp on you guys for poor design or anything, I'm just don't want to see you guys disapointed when the end result is as Eezstreet describes. The point of a PMA is *not* to combine 12 different rooms from 12 different mappers. It's a discussed and planned space of however many rooms, detailed as much as possible by 12 mappers. 


    Anyway, the bottom line is it's out of scale and something should be done soon about that before it goes too much farther.

    eezstreet likes this
  5. Y, know there's always I (invert) which selects all brushes and then selection --> scale. Might work.

    No, this puts the brushes of the train out of grid and can't be aligned without malform (1.25 scaling, which is what it needed. Any higher and it would be overscaled).


    @ those asking about where the scale issues are, the issues are the train (too small, chairs are about .8 of normal and the door at back and front of train are .65 ish) and the street (entire street is too small, except maybe the lamps. Definitely the doors and the width of the street). The station is alright but only because it's large *enough* and doesn't have any distinguishing scale features. It should still be larger.


    The stairs are actually the only thing to scale quite well, except their ceiling is too low.

  6. I'm afraid I've decided the map is just too fucked up and unplanned at this point to continue it. I'm have a large test coming up on Monday and won't have much time to work on it anyway. I will email it to the next person.


    I would seriously suggest that you guys restart with a better idea of what you want to accomplish. The stark difference between this and the Map-Craft PMA is that the Map-Craft one was collaboratively discussed with like 20 posts a day on the forums, and the map was only built onto continuously. This one currently has two completely disconnected spaces that imply additional mapping of 6-8x the amount already there due to the fact that:

    1) the gold room area has windows and is clearly high up, meaning you now have to make an area for it to look down onto and

    2) the street is going to need finishing, it goes no where at the moment. A note to anyone designing streets in the future: always start at an end, not the middle. Think about how you want to obstruct or in any way end the street before you even start.


    Sorry for the pessimism but I really think this is too far gone for repair. It has however really inspired me to create my mapping tutorials on efficient and realistic mapping, though I love the creativity I'm seeing in this map there are many many inefficient areas. This is not your fault, tutorials are lacking and some things are not even written down on the internet yet. 

  7. Just fix the small area, better than everyone else building too small :o

    It's not a small area, the entire map is under scale. Every door, the chairs in the train (the train doors are even smaller, lol, half the player height). The stairs are sorta to scale though.


    I'm in a bit of a pickle, rescaling the entire map would take ages but it seems to be really necessary. 


    And yeah, @ omega, I blame whoever went first :D 

  8. I just got this, sorry I've been really quite busy. I will do what I can, I may be interested in another go later if I can't do much. Looking forward to this!




    How did this map even compile? Theres no structural hull around the street.. am I missing something?


    edit2: I'm also missing:




    Also, the entire map is under scale. It can't be fixed but needs to be scaled up by about 1.25 at least. I suggest instead of trying to fix it in the editor, we use scale on the final BSP.


    -scale <N.N>

    • Scales a compiled .bsp by the prescribed factor. For example, Q3Map2 -scale 0.25 will output a new .bsp that is 25% of the original .bsp's size, while Q3Map2 -scale 2.0 will output a new .bsp that is twice as large. Q3Map2 -scale outputs mapname_s.bsp in the "maps" directory. This switch is solitary, and allows for only the path to a compiled bsp (not .map, it should be noted) afterward.


    Lastly, the majority of changes I will be making will be structural optomization and simplification of geometry, I have an idea for what I want to add visually to the map but I won't be doing that till I get all these errors sorted out.

  9. - Your ase geometry must be detail surrounded in a structural caulk box. 


    Not true, unless your .ase model is entirely patches, just select all the brushes and make them structural, or just one, or three, or whatever. It just needs at least one structural brush - not sure why, but there ya go. If you did use entirely patches, just create a small caulk box anywhere, if you're paranoid put it inside the model where it can't be 'seen'.

  10. I'd like closer to the start like 2nd or 3rd.


    Also there a few other things to consider.


    1.4 users: You *must* map on the grid.


    1.5 users: You *must* not go below grid size 1 (1.4 users can't load larger decimals that we use)


    1.6 users: gtfo but see 1.4



    If you want to go off the grid, use a model. (.ase or .md3 via mrwonko's tools)

  11. "Also, odd choices like having a random brush in a hallway that is textured factory/wall10 don't look very good in my opinion. Yeah, it stands out. In a bad way. Take it or leave it. (P.S. I think one of the light shaders is missing it's image) "


    Could you elaborate on that? Although it won't be fixed since that map will be made public and replaced with a much, much larger map. :)


    "nar_streets/wall10" that it?


    That was in the original map and I always liked it. Maybe i'll replace it with a vent decal instead.


    edit: This it, for the door texture? http://i.imgur.com/9DdrukD.jpg

  12. Badly needs an official server that the entire JA community knows about that is set to FFA.

    No offense meant, honestly, I like ya, but I think you are still not understanding something. Go read that thread you made on 'where are people talking about JKG', I explain numerous times that 'ffa' simply doesn't exist in JKG phase 1, and neither in phase 2 and beyond since that phase is an open world as opposed to a match-based setup.

  13. I'm totally in, but I'm sad to say the files have been lost. May as well just start fresh anyway.


    And @@mrwonko, yeah we definitely should do some sorta ultimate playermodel pass-around. But a blender > radiant pass around would also be badass. I'll likely be doing that in a pass-me-around anyway though, since I've been making good use of your patch converter :D

  14. You'll never get the freedom with TFFA, that's why I think it's a terrible idea. It should just be FFA and let people group together on their own with people they know and enjoy playing with and not restrict it to 2 teams when it could be a handful of small teams.


    Honestly, I played it for a bit and some features were pretty neat but if it stays TFFA I'll probably not play, too restrictive.


    That gameplay you describe is not what Phase 1 is. Again, i send you here: http://www.moddb.com...urn-of-the-news


    Please read it. Phase 2 is not TFFA. It isn't FFA either. It's sandbox with PvP zones and Team events (what is currently in phase 1 will later be a team event). If Phase 1 was FFA, you could never have the shop and inventory system we do now without serious griefing opportunies by other players.

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