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Posts posted by Tompa9

  1. I remember having this problem too.


    How did I solve it?


    I removed the default Windu saber that came with the model. I then downloaded a different saber of Mace Windu, and edited the .NPC file to use the new saber.


    I would suggest using the Windu saber from here:



    See how it goes. :)



    I´m using one from MovieBattles, and it is weird that only Mace Windu has this problem  :) but i will try.

    Make sure that each of his "r_arm" "r_hand" // "l_arm" "l_hand" // if they are write correctly in the Model_Default.SKIN and if it's all ok there, than check out if it's all of those parts named correctly inside the Model, you might want to check this in Blender or a similar program that opens .GLM models.

    Could you please try Spanki´s Windu model in base or JA enhanced please? Because it has same problem in clean BASE  :) I just downloaded it, not modified, so it should be same.

  2. Imagine this when he would fight with Sidious -




    Hmm I think that .sab file is made in the wrong name or the saber model itself. Missing tag or something.

    .SAB file is ok..I´ve tried to give this saber to other NPC and it works fine. Only for Windu model not :(

  3. Hello everyone, 


    I have 3 questions, i would be glad if somebody can answer them.

    1. Is there any NPC spawner like in KOTF? I dont want to use KOTF, just basic game. I want to add my NPCs to map.

    2. Is there any map changer? For example in base SP, you can change maps which are in game throught console command, but is there any map list where you can see and select any map which is base or custom?
    3. Can you select any playermodel like in KOTF or Movieduels? :)

    Thanks a lot :)

  4. #shamelessplug

     Is this something you're looking for?

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    Yeah, but i solved problem. I copied saber lines and glows from MB2 and for everysaber i set saberradius to 4.2. Now it has thick blades like in movies :)

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