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Posts posted by Tompa9

  1. Well in that case it might be caused from a wrong shader file, but you can share the file here. At least I thought that it was because of a missing (or maybe wrong) shader, since in ModView i tested to see the model with Alpha mode and without (using the combination of  "CTRL +  A"  to see it and than to make it invisible as it must show in game if it have a proper shader file).


    I guess that you can go to DT's Luke Skywalker Episode 7 model, open his .shader file and copy / paste what he wrote for Luke's hair because he used alpha parts there, that are invisible inside the game and make it look more realistic. So you can than copy those lines and paste them into your TFU Qui Gon ".shader" file for his hair.


    Wont it be better to upload there proper version of Qui-Gon :) with shader and so on? 

  2. @@Tompa9 I know how you can fix this "bug". I noticed, that this bug you are talking about on @@Seven 's Qui Gon TFU Model is because you did not used the "CTRL + A " inside the ModView so it goes off, that in mind will mean in other simple words, that you will need a Shader for the hair and beard of Qui Gon model for gameplay, that way his hair and beard will not show up as a object, but as a more realistic hair and this gray triangule that shows in the back on his left side will be invisible :)


    Thank you, but problem is ingame too, not just in Modview :D :D

  3. In the sense of the textures or the overall art 'style' of SWTOR? Because there's more work to be done on the former before he's ready to go.


    Also submitted a new update to Embo that should be available shortly once it's gone through the approval process:






    Awesome work!!

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