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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. yeah thx dud ei think im gunna have to.. see.. i think a big problem i had was i watched all these religiously... and figured i had the idea. problem was.. im good with xsi... but yeah i see all the time my characters looking a bit cartoony or exaggerated in ares and i always figured it was just me lol but yeah ill look at that tutorial exactly and see whats going on and maybe start me a new head for this guy.. im still gunna continue what i got here a bit til its finished as i have all the attempts so i can just keep practicing. i dont mind the fails theyre better n better and honestly.. if i go much firther beyond this attempt, chances are im about to get something really nice here soon, ive seen a few models for jka that really blew me away so i know if i get this silly duckface bastard right, he'll look pretty nice. thx 4 yer patience as i evolved over the years there fellas. i owe ya a beer er something
  2. beleive it or not.. even tho this keeps bombing.. i am getting pretty decent with it lol yer just gunna have to take my word on this 1 i really enjoy painting skin tones one day ill do a gif image from the first try to finish.. and show the progression of persistance lol
  3. seems i kind of blow ass at texturing faces. ill try to overlay a pic of him in zbrush n see whats wrong anatomically
  4. didnt like his face texture still looking rather cartoonish u think maybe a spec shader will fix that? or should i throw in a lil contrast for shadowing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyD4TnuqpP4&feature=youtu.be and im still working on his ears lol i based it off this mainly which.. imo.. looks nothing like this but im glad i didnt try and model starkiller again like i was and instead went for my own rendition of witwer.. its kinda cool to see him look more like witwer fo-hawk n all lmao fixing his eyes up
  5. yeah what he said lol good call wonk thats whats up so yeah akimoto lemme see the obj or whatever u got there.. i wont do it for u, but ill walk u thru the basics dude but first... yer gunna have to gimme that lil yoshi =) dont make me go model one it wont take but a minute.. i made a goomba back in the day rigged it and animated it and everything lol me and ashura used to have a blast it was rancor size lmao we also used to have a baby rancor with HUGE bug eyes! lmfao member that ashura? ha!! we were gunna make it prehistoric bug size and give it wings hehehe but.. i digress i may just be super inclined to make me a duck or a goomba and rig him now or a bowser my lil boys nickname is koopa maybe i get down on a koopa? how dope would that be? gimme that yoshi
  6. well lemme do the shaders then i guess? ill mess with it tonight
  7. yeah i agree cheekbones need to be pulled out a bit thx man prolly gunna start retexturing him now
  8. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/90-softimagexsi-joja-skeleton-bonestags-and-compiling-guide/ thatll give u the idea of what needs to be done its for xsi but you can get the idea there... u gotta fit him to the skele n weigh him to it pretty easy stuff, but if u have no knowledge of the program its not an easy way to start... post some wireframes shots... ahh hell upload the model n post a link here n lemme help ya get him set up i could either help u get him set up, or build u a custom rig if he ends up not fitting i use softimage but im sure we can crosswalk together
  9. little more zbrush work trying to get a normal map by the end of it EDIT: and here we go.. go me a low poly model n a nice normal map for it just in case we start incorporating that
  10. i was bored hey mini or corto or someone with xsi skillz.. can i rendermap me a ambient occlusion or something to let him overlay if i did something like this?
  11. hey did u animate that coloclawfish at all yet? or retexture him? or need anything else with him? i wanna see what kinda shaders u got goin for it man
  12. oh yeah theyre amazing teachers.. i just tend to fall in the category of the whole "u can lead a horse to water" joke lmfao they try so damn hard tho kudos to all who have held a conversation with me..its ruff lol
  13. yeah i was thinking of something like an obstacle course.. know what would be awesome to make? something like this and sorry mag n mog i suck at this and mini, ive never played skate but i heard good things. maybe ill give it a whirl only reason this topic came up is because i was installing an old tony hawk 3 game n noticed in the install that the maps were .bsp's lol got me thinkin
  14. here u go i apologize where are my manners? ahhh.. much better a lil lag never hurt nobody lmfao dont worry.. all of that is garbage and has no place on my desktop
  15. i started attempting to mod in 2008. have been consistantly attempting since and hope to one day finish 1 =} i modded re4 before this.. searched youtube for videos on re4 mods and up comes a video explaining a jka blood/gore mod. figured id give it a gander and have been hooked like a bluegill since. ive been modelling the entire time.. but honestly just learned how to model efficiently lol if it werent for ashuradx and minilogoguy18, id probably still be making crap like this instead of things like this
  16. just tested it.. quite horrible with the vert pipes the rest were cool.. hmmm...
  17. how would skateboards and vert pipes n ramps function in jka? like if u made em hoverboards like inyris hoverboard mod
  18. it would be cool to bind it all to a button, to swap the mouse movement for the free range camera. say u hold z and then while yer holding it the mouse instead of moving the player left and right will instead spin around him like the camera controls of say re5 n 6 or deadspace or something. thatd b cool too. i messed around with a "rearview mirror" button so i wasnt getting crept on lol
  19. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/JK2JA_SP_Camera_and_Time_Control_Script;91001 i just use that for sp i also started rebinding the controls to have a better view with the right thumbstick on my 360 controller viz pinnacle game profiler that pinnacle was 20 bux and hasnt failed me yet it has made me able to do things with jka u couldnt normally do so seemlessly before i reccomend that pinnacle program to anybody it is incredible. but this is the camera script i use and it works fine for me
  20. hey barricade... cut his head off. take the wolffe models head off and recompile it and see if u have the same issues. this is the 2nd model in a row that if i remove his head i dont get the error. im wondering if its the naming of the head peices. cuz i had his head segmented into 2 peices, but i know that isnt the issue because of the way the base models have almost the exact same thing... so im thinking its either faulty geometry bugging out, or if the peices of the head have to be named a certain thing, or if they cant be weighed to a certain bone... try it tho and if it doesnt work for the head, try with the other peices til it works. i should have more info on this this evening as i dabble n experiment. like a mad professor
  21. ive really only made a map n some shaders in unreal so im pretty unfamiliar with it. i know for a fact that this is a dumb question... but why does jkas engine have so many limitations and is it as easy as just changine some lines as to how many verts/ etc can be rendered at once, or do u have to rewrite like every header or whatever? guess im trying to get an idea of the amount of work needs to be done versus the benefits.
  22. crap lol well.. im down for a 501st game. like from clone training all the way to bf2 that would be worth a little effort i guess. but damnitt if u arent exactly right
  23. exactly! like.. we can make a yavin1 in unreal in no time and it would be pretty awesome.. and we can throw in artistic freedom here n there (new plants etc) i think the main issue is saber combat but even if thats the issue... we can just do a fps like republic commandos all unreal which would still be pretty friggin sweet. that takes almost all the coding out. hell maybe all the coding lol
  24. i too must derail the subject and put in my 2 cents on the whole unreal thing... i dont care what the mod is.. prequel, tfu, kotor, if anyone wants to start coding it ill definately be down to create some high res sw models with normals and everything. sure would b nice. i was talking to someone about it and they said it would be an issue to get them ghoul2 models, .efx files, and everything all into unreal, but i say dont. we wont need the old models and efx files if were doing unreal we can go all unreal u know? just my 2 cents. but throw ol chalk in the hat of dedicated modellers who are willing to model high res. i struggle with the low res stuff cuz im always trying to save a vert lol i apologize for the sidetracking
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