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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Welcome to the Hub man! So you do a bit of video editing and special effects? Elaborate for me if you will. Reason being, I am close to having some cutscenes and things for my mod, but they will be rendered in softimage, and since I didn't want to have to learn ICE, I was hoping to recruit someone for small effects such as steam and fog and such for the cutscenes. Sound anywhere near upwards of your alley @@Zokon?
  2. Looks pretty awesome. may I suggest using a model for the fireplace? or trying to adjust the angles so the texture lays correctly? You can tell it's a bit warped, and since the rest of the room looks boss, it stands out. If you wish, you can export it as an obj and i can use it for scale reference and make you a quick model.
  3. yup. she's a front loader now does the ramp come down from under the cockpit? or slide out like a uhaul ramp? XD
  4. no need to model as much interior them which kicks ass 4 me
  5. oh boy. im a total tard. ill fix that tonight. rofl ahhhhhh good times. thanks for the heads up guys this mod woulda looked real retarded. not too big of a prob modelling wise, sure will change my uv maps though lol
  6. holy shit! did i do it wrong? lmfao. I was going off memory of the opening scene in tfu i thought i remembered vader walking down the ass ramp of a lambda. hold on ill research her rofl. wow. no worries not a big prob. but def a prob if thats the case
  7. Yeah dude you might want to look into modelling the map then importing in said models to reduce compile time/ tris if you're doing something expensive like that. Worked for me
  8. I honestly can't believe how awesome this lambda shuttle is turning out

  9. should be about the complete anim set. Taking my sweet ass time on textures for some reason
  10. Figured I'd release a non-crashed version of this thing along with the mod heres some work on its skele the inside of the back is all modelled in so you can see in there when its landed. not sure if it'll let you walk in there yet
  11. i hate to spam the thread but what would you have to do in order to use the entire cubic area in gtk in one map? code mod? new engine?
  12. sure about 6-7 maybe 8 hundred bux u can getcha a 64gb stick. But isn't the compile time limited by the coding of the actual programs? Like even if you had a terrabyte of ram wouldnt it be limited as to what q3map could do codewise??
  13. ive done test maps... what i did... was make the map in 3d... then put in invisible clipping planes to keep the npc's in line... then ingame, i rotated the camera to the side and did what they said with the controls. it was like mario bros
  14. Anybody know a great deal about shaders?
  15. heres some extra stuff for the tie facility. i already have the first halls, and the firs hangar, then a different route from there than the traditional one.. which leads you to a series of hangars that will function together from room to room a lot of the smaller details will be rendermapped out and painted over a flat polygon it'll look decent Actual mod Spoiler if you're interested in the effect of surprise from this mod, don't read this
  16. i was just seeing if anybody else was feeling the direction its going in before I continued. heres the low poly mesh without the smoothing
  17. It's my birthday bitches!!!

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