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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Welcome... to the fields of Evermore.
  2. Yeah.... not sure why i did that lol
  3. Really? Seems a bit far fetched for all that.
  4. No offense, but, Google.
  5. Thats actually good advice. To approach your mod with reachable goals. Only thing I can say is, Ive been working on my mod for 6 years, if I was going to get burned out on development, it wouldve been in my earlier less knowledgeable, more negatively criticized days. Now its just a habit and I literally work on it daily, at least three times a day. Whether it be unwrapping a throwable, texturing, sculpting normals... it seems like its not being worked on because of my lack of updates, but thats mainly because everything is in pieces atm. I always appreciate the advice though. I want this mod to add as much original content that I can muster. Especially Starkiller related stuff
  6. I wont be sticking to the base anims Ill release a regular humanoid one simultaneously To me, thats like saying make a Grievous with just two arms. Or a Kazdan with no backpack. Or texturing a base rancor or mutant rancor to look like the bull rancor... its just sloppy in my eyes
  7. Just extra bones. Its not impossible in Dragon, if you feel like animating the cloth bones by hand
  8. With @@minilogoguy18's new animation rig for Softimage, anyone can be good at animations. If someone hasnt tackled it by the time I get there, ill just do that too. @@katanamaru has been back recently, but im not sure if he uses softimage for animating yet or is still on dragon, as this anim set would take eons less time to do in Softimage with mini's rig. Also... i would like to add in the cloth simulation and just do his entire anim stack from scratch. So id rather not have someone trying to do this unless they know how to do it this way, or else ill just have to redo it anyway. Maybe if we can get mini to do a simple walk cycle with the cloth bones, i can take it from there
  9. Its too fat and down too low is what i see so far from firat glance. Im going to take my time tomorrow and really focus on these type of things before i subdivide again and get into eyebrows and pores and the such
  10. Select each model you have in the map individually and look for the axis that pop up showing you the models origin. Chances are the origin points are not centered with the model. You could send me a link and ill find your leak in minutes, but im positive this is your problem. Although, ive never had it actually break a map, maybe because my outer walls are 256 and the origins never go that far out on my stuff. Oh, and this... Denying the leak doesnt make it less leakier XD Shes leakin
  11. I might include an optional regular witwer hairstyle? This one perhaps?
  12. Better Something wrong with his cheek. Ill fix that now
  13. I think you did a stellar job on lighting.
  14. Id say the top of his head looks like a penis now, ill look into it next lol
  15. Ok ill look into his nose next
  16. Oh my XD That is haunting. Ill be using this right now actually, thank you!
  17. Can you remove his eyebrow? Lol that would honestly help a lot
  18. I think his entire eyebrow line needs to come forward?
  19. Alright, lets restart from here And remember, were going for Witwer... not TFU modeled Starkiller. Dont compare it to TFU images
  20. I reflect at times like this, when Minilogoguy would tell me to stop coloring the damn thing until its right, or Ashura telling me to stahhp sculpting until I lock the base shapes down. It seems however that I am stubborn and had to learn that myaelf the looonnng way. So, if you are an artist looking to get into characters, but are stubborn like me abd just cant wait to apply the texture... then youre going to have a bad time. Take joy in your sculpt and the likeness you can achieve without color. Some of your favorite screenshots may very well turn out to be the shadows in the ambient occlusion renders from a real nice sculpt. Also makes texturing a breeze if you get a basic understanding of skin tones and where theyre applied.
  21. I look too much into the deatails before I lock in the basic shapes... take note of this and do not repeat the same mistakes. This sculpt, even though it has UV's, will need to be re-unwrapped because of how bad Ive distorted the verts in the sculpting stage. So any color you see is an absolute waste of my time and makes no difference. The problem is... I get a decent sculpt together and then graft on different images as a texture, which is what most people do in this situation with Zbrush. What Im realizing is that the shadow angles will never match up and he will look weird from a certain angle and spot on in others. Thats a no. Take note and never do that as well. He needs no images applied once I get the sculpt correct, he should be hand painted with spattered alpha skin tones, short hair brushed eyebrows, inset drag dot pores... So, when you say things like "what happened to the SK on page %@?, that ones better..." chances are he was suffering. Beyind repair, not on the outside... but on the inside lol Ill post a wireframe in a bit when I get all the way up... we will start over from there and I wont move on any stage of it til I get crits. Post a video of the sculpt so you can see whats going wrong? Its his jawline in that wirefrane, I can see that now.
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