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File Comments posted by ensiform

    BaseJKA+ Server

       218    6

    Then give the option to reload map with cheats seems best.


    Cheat cvars won't be fixed when you turn them off like this and in fact, clients won't be able to reset to default if you turn them off on your server until they leave.

  1. mp/ctf3 has quake3 bsp format (IBSP) for some reason?  Missed -game ja ?  This somehow still loads in jka because the version number is 1 (But causes problems with the lightmap/lightgrid)  Console alerts of mismatch.  Please fix this so I can fix the plants for you in a follow-up release.


    mp/ctf2 still contains an info_null that should be an info_notnull.  Look for the targetname of t296 and make sure its an info_notnull.  info_null is removed immediately so the spectator intermission point points to a null entity. Causing G_PickTarget: target t296 not found


    In theory we could possibly fix the glass at some point but its going to be very difficult to figure out the surfaces and the internally stored shader instance that must be altered properly.



    EDIT:  I have fixed the bsp format issue and the plants bug on ctf3 locally.  Can talk tomorrow on Discord.

    Raz0r likes this
  2. You don't have to inform us that it is the "Shift+Tab" console.  That is the only real console in the game. :rolleyes:


    Plus it doesn't require shift in OJK :P


    And, pretty sure its actually


      not tab in JASP/JAMP anyway.  Depending on your keyboard loadout.  Its typically the character key left of the 1.

    High Quality Chat Icon

       1,857    21

    This mod doesn't work properly FYI.


    Its difficult to say where its failing, the parser is fine as there's no message.  I'd say the original shader is probably in the buffer before chat.shader is, therefore when it looks for the shader name, it uses that.


    Override only works 1:1 if you replace the whole file and you likely do not want to do that to conflict with other potential mods.


    Strange, I have ruled out the comment causing issues.  I have also ruled out the shader's file name as well.  zzchat.shder doesn't help.

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