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File Comments posted by ensiform

  1. Ammo text colors seem weird... Black for default, yellow for pickup, grey for busy/firing.  Hmm not sure what else to try.  May also want something behind the text so that its consistent with that background instead of whatever might be behind it otherwise.


    The ammo bar doesn't seem to work right now? (MP)  That middle bar is in fact the armor bar not ammo bar.

    dark_apprentice likes this

    Force SP fix

       1,470    10

    Mind trick is the only one you can actually get above 3 (to 4 with cheats).  Saber Offense above 3 (up to 7 with cheats) is possible too, but mostly because of saber style levels.


    Mind trick 4 allows you to control mindtrickable enemies.

  2. No offense but this is really bad advice:

    Watch out for the evil tactic of Windows which sometimes results in your game-generated data like demos, screenshots landing NOT in your jk2/GameData/ntxii/ folder as they normally should, but in: C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\. That's where you will find the JK2-generated user data. A solution to counter this Windows behavior is to always run JK2MP.EXE with a right-click -> Run as administrator. You can also disable UAC (User Account Control).

    The solution is to not install in the protected folder (program files), or see if someone has created a newer engine that uses the homepath support like we do with JKA OpenJK.

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