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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. I'm curious ^^ Do those people in the pink team for the steam summer sale realise that they're paying for their games through the steam market commission?

  2. got friendzoned - damn !

  3. I'm curious ^^ Do those people in the pink team for the steam summer sale realise that they're paying for their games through the steam market commission?

  4. got friendzoned - damn !

  5. got friendzoned - damn !

  6. New Facebook Page for my Design work - https://www.facebook.com/designoffish

  7. I've decided to do some file conversions from my old video files, from avi to mp4, to save on space.

  8. I've decided to do some file conversions from my old video files, from avi to mp4, to save on space.

  9. I've decided to do some file conversions from my old video files, from avi to mp4, to save on space.

  10. I've decided to do some file conversions from my old video files, from avi to mp4, to save on space.

  11. I solved my openGL problem. No more need for GLdirect for JKA, I can now play minecraft, and run so many other programs that I've been unable to run for 5 years....

  12. I solved my openGL problem. No more need for GLdirect for JKA, I can now play minecraft, and run so many other programs that I've been unable to run for 5 years....

  13. Fathers Day everyone

  14. Are there any good movies based on video games at all?

  15. Are there any good movies based on video games at all?

  16. Are there any good movies based on video games at all?

  17. Yay I'm somewhat social

  18. Tried to run KOTOR again, this time with DEP off. Failed again...I'm not ever going to try playing it again on this laptop...

  19. Updated my avatar

  20. Tried to run KOTOR again, this time with DEP off. Failed again...I'm not ever going to try playing it again on this laptop...

  21. Tried to run KOTOR again, this time with DEP off. Failed again...I'm not ever going to try playing it again on this laptop...

  22. Tried to run KOTOR again, this time with DEP off. Failed again...I'm not ever going to try playing it again on this laptop...

  23. Tried to run KOTOR again, this time with DEP off. Failed again...I'm not ever going to try playing it again on this laptop...

  24. The Fault In Our Stars is such a beautiful book. Anyone know of others like it? Just started getting into this book business.

  25. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

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