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Everything posted by AuriusPheonix

  1. Finished my Jaden Korr skin, looking to make a few Knight of Ren variations based on fanart and the like
  2. Official Files have been released! Check the recent files section in the downloads or my personal files on my profile. Next is correlian jaden, and Varys Ren. (Yeah, I did take the namesake from Varys in Game of Thrones. Rhaegar was also an option) Hadn't even noticed the photoshop XD wow. Hahah.
  3. I submitted the files for official approval. i do not yet have a response, but be patient and they will arrive
  4. Version v1


    A simple mashup of a Haplash head onto a base Jaden body. Special thanks to Hollywood for the Riptide textures, and Haplash for the face model.
  5. ANDDDDD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I PRESENT TO YOU THE RESTORED/REINVIGORATED MODERN JADEN KORR!! Just the base riptide outfits, no correlian (pre-academy) Jaden as of now. Still working on that. Credit to Hollywood for the wonderful textures! Riptide Jaden: Jedi General Korr Battle Damaged Jaden Yuuzhang Vong War Jaden Mandalorian Armor Jaden And more. I need to find someone willing to make a custom hilt for Jaden Korr based on his Riptide lightsaber hilt, but apart from that and the Correlian suit he's nearly done. Im packing this up and submitting it, check my files to see when it goes live.
  6. Update! I unfortunately did in fact lose the original jaden file I had worked so hard to create *sobs* but I have restarted. I'm using the Yavin Luke and keeping my old Jaden head. The progress has been restarted, but luckily I fixed the head issue and the first version will be prepped for release very soon (maybe even today, depending on how much time I have to work on it) I will also be making a Dark Lord/ Knight of Ren Jaden for alternate endings in The Force Awakens conversion
  7. As of today, the hiatus is done. I will be returning to work on these models ASAP
  8. Im gonna go ahead and say I was working on a couple of pseudo-Knights of Ren models before the admin restrictions were put in place. Soon as I get them back ill send them to you
  9. Unfortunately this is still on hiatus, as soon as I have what is needed back, I will be publishing it
  10. It looks like you already have a Kylo Ren voice actor. However, looking at the voice clips, Ima go ahead and say that Im still going to give it a shot, seems like his voice is way too muffled to understand properly. Also wondering whether you need voice actors to replace those pesky "Cult of Ragnos" lines
  11. so THIS is the model that made Han look like a crack addict on my shitty computer. Looking at the skin, i like it. Looking at my computer, I realize I need a new monitor.
  12. Movie Duels 2 Doesnt have any TFA content, and I doubt it ever will unless the developers return to it. MBII has some models and TFA related maps. But there is not yet a full blown singleplayer modification. Update: Still fixing new Jaden. Will update soon.
  13. Hello all! I realize I've basically disappeared as of late, that is because I am dealing with a administrative problem on my computer (RIP Windows 10, its awful). Until its dealt with, this model and all others are on hiatus .
  15. Quick update, got the heads on properly and am now working on a fully armored Knight of Ren Rosh skin, as well as doing some last minute modifications to Jaden. I've also taken the liberty of starting a few more models/kitbashes, namely a Republic Agent, Smuggler, and Bounty Hunter. I am also considering re-releasing my own personal skin (Cecil Espaa) as well as Border Alliance soldiers, Sith Soldiers, and a 13 year old Jaden. We shall see! Should be fun.
  16. I have a few models I can contribute to this. I made some headway on a complete conversion for both Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast. Depending on what you have done, perhaps we can combine forces and productivity. I also have a few kitbashes that might interest you (particularly the Rosh kitbash...) that are located here.
  17. If you look very closely in the cinematic, it's that way as well. I tried editing it to fit in the arm socket perfectly as well as be the right size, and the model was just not having it. Also, Jeff, you wouldn't know how to transfer MDL files to GLM, would you? I modeled Tulak Hord's armor and I desperately want to release him XD
  18. Quick update! I have added brown hair to Jaden as well as an aged, Jedi Master face (Didn't see the part about the scar until now). Changes are below. I also worked on the "Corellian Jaden" skin, it needs MAJOR work. I kept my Jaden's head, forgoing the dark haired Jaden for canon's sake. I added a metallic arm to Rosh. A MUCH more robotic arm than shown in the picture. And finally I added a fully Sith rosh head and used his original body template. Tell me what you think!
  19. In the books his hair was described as blonde. The darkness around his eyes signify his struggles with the Dark Side of the Force after his near corruption/ Kyle's death.
  20. The gentleman in black Armor above is the first rendition of Rosh Penin. I need to change his clothes to red, and modify his face, hair, and belt. I like the scar though.
  21. In other news, I stumbled upon a request for an improved Jaden Korr and Rosh Penin. I went ahead and began to improve the models through basic kitbashing. I plan on making the "Smuggler" version of Jaden found on this forum. I plan on releasing what I have on the Sith Marauder in due time, as unfortunately I am having issues weighing the models in Blender. I would use XSI, but honestly I don't like that program very much.
  22. Jaden Korr and Rosh Penin, Star Wars Legends. After Kylo Ren's massacre of the Jedi Order, Jaden Korr joined the Resistance, fighting to free the galaxy from the oppressive First Order. His survival was facilitated by his Master, Kyle Katarn, who was struck down by the Knights of Ren. In his honor, he continues to openly utilize his lightsaber, but refuses to be called a jedi. Rey: I thought the Jedi where wiped out? Jaden: As a great man once said... I'm no Jedi. I'm just a guy with a lightsaber and some questions. Rosh Penin was paired with Ben Solo during his early years at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. During this time, he began to harbor feelings of resentment towards his master, Kyle Katarn, whom always seemed to favor his peer, Jaden. As a result, he joined Ben Solo, being inducted as Varys Ren, and slaying his old master in cold blood. The models aren't yet ready for release yet. I need to get the heads attached properly, as right now the only way they are visible is by parenting them to the torsof_0, meaning that the head wont turn, it will move as the torso moves. But they are coming along relatively well, all things considered.
  23. I'll see how much Jaden-Rosh related stuff I can get done today
  24. I can kitbash this stuff together. Easy peasy. Give me until tonight and I'll see what I can do I am considering releasing all the crap I've made in one big "AuriusPheonix's Random Crap.pk3" I might make a more in-depth customization to using them gorgeous Haplash heads. So we aren't only in Jedi robes, or base JKA clothes.
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