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Everything posted by GLTh3Pr0

  1. In a few words, it's something EXTREMELY difficult, right?
  2. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2543-jedi-knight-galaxies-assets/ You can find the weapon models inside "assets 2"
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=DLT-19.zip Here's the model
  4. Yeah, now I see there are a little bit more than 20 models.. http://imgur.com/YprI3ju
  5. I ran into a little problem. After step 1, I tried to start the game just to see how the weapon looked in a NPC's hands, the game starting console says "corrupt zone header", any idea? Also there's another problem, in the DLT's folder there were like 20 md3 files like "model_bipod1", "model_scope" so just selected the "model.md3" in the .DAT, what should I do in this case? http://imgur.com/9NSgKT7 EDIT: I tried Multiplayer and the game starts, but the repeater model is still the vanilla one
  6. Wow, never thought ARC gear would look so good on a scout trooper! Anyway, where did you found Monsoontide's scout trooper? I tought it was a dead project.
  7. I just wanna start by saying that I'm very noob when talking of weapon modding, but I really love the look of Jedi Knight Galaxyes's DLT-19. I was wondering, is there a way to make it properly replace the vanilla repeater?
  8. Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't the bartender spawn in the t2_rancor level?
  9. That discontinued one looks great! The best finished one I found is this one: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Star%20Wars/69715/
  10. 732 downloads

    The other day I was searching for a sniper scout trooper mod since I like all the Battlefront-TFU kind of stuff, and I was surprised that nobody did one before. So, I made this simple mod by taking Tyrael's Biker Scout and editing the NPC's behavior, so that the scout trooper now holds a Tenloss Disruptor Rifle. It behaves in a similar way to the Rodian sniper, but it is more accurate and as a longer fire range. Installation: simply drop the PK3 into you "base" folder NPC spawing: use the code "npc spawn biker_scout" in your console Note: I don't take credit for the model, that was made by Keshire, Duncan and Tyrael Here you can find Tyrael's original model: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Star%20Wars/69715/
  11. Well, actually a week ago I deleted most of all my old savegames to start the campaign again (nostalgia lol). Is there something like a "vehicles in the savegames" limit which is shared betweed all the savegames or the game is just supposed to crash?
  12. I'm not sure what the hell happened, but looks like now I can load vehicle-savegames again. That's weird, but nice!
  13. Has anybody yet done this models? If yes, where can I find them?
  14. But in my old savegames they were added through the console
  15. I guys I really like modding and as nobody appareantly yet made a Sentinel class lander vehicle, I'd like to create my own one! I never made a mod, so, which programs should I use, which steps should I follow to make a vehicle? If somebody would like to help me with animations, models or something, he's welcome! PS. Sorry for my bad english
  16. I remember that time ago I could load save games with vehicles (and I really enjoyed doing that...) but now, for some reason, the game crash when I load a game with vehicles. The very weird thing it's that I've still got old save games with a lot of vehicles in and I can load them without any problem. Has anyone founf a fix?
  17. Oh my god man, this is not big, it's FREAKING BIG!!! 5 STARS
  18. 5 stars indeed, I really love the bridge area Also I like that the hangar it's absolutely immensive
  19. I love this map, it's simple, complex, cool and jedi knight style at the same time! 5 stars bro
  20. Mhhhh I like the very big maps, gonna try this one
  21. I guess you should make a map with a star destroyer and this one
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