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Everything posted by Jango40

  1. I refuse the rend2 thing maps you are making are JKA. They look like oblivion.. no, better.

  2. I miss the innovative new gamemode things MUG made and hosted, they were really fun and it brought something else than modding on this forum. Shame he left.
  3. gorilla warfare m8s op tactic and yes jkhub unfortunately is a modding community, almost everything i modding-related here
  4. what is the actual difference between the versions? The seem the same to me. No difference between lightsaber combat etc.
  5. Just kidding, I have literally no idea on what it does. Gonna test it on an empty base server.
  6. kthx gonna exploit the hell out of this exploit now.
  7. At least it's still alive and being updated, massassi became... I don't know what the hell it is. Look at the forums. You can't register and it's populated by 5-20 members with 7000+ posts each.
  8. I want to play this game, but making it work on Windows 8 is hard.
  9. I.. I think I just got Carpal tunnel syndrome..

  10. Counter-Strike Global Offensive is a good new FPS. Case closed?
  11. Both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. There's this Dark Forces 2 site with the same name, too. http://jkhub.net/
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Circa


      Battlefront was modeled around the gameplay style of Battlefield, so I'm honestly really excited for it.

    3. MoonDog


      DICE is a good developer. EA is NOT a good publisher. The amount of pressure they put on dev's is stupid. Look at what it did to Mass Effect 3. That terrible ending is the product of EA's machinations.

    4. Onysfx


      They say battlefront was actually inspired by the battlefield series. I hope that DICE pulls it off and keeps the feel of the original while adding in all the things that free radical did to make the game amazing. I DON'T WANT CUTSCENES TRANSITIONING FROM SPACE TO PLANET, IT'S NOT THE SAME!

  12. Damn, I want Windows XP again. I miss it.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Don't see why you'd want to limit yourself for the sake of a dated theme, 64bit 7 will blow away XP since stated the hardware compatible to use the 64 bit OS is limited which means you're more than likely using the 32 bit version and limited to 3gb of RAM which is nothing.

    3. Flynn


      I'd love it if I could downgrade to 7, but my laptop's stuck running 8.1 which SUCKS

    4. eezstreet


      Dual boot. I run Ubuntu on my Windows laptop, should be able to do the same for Win7.

  13. I want an Open-World Star Wars game so much.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CrimsonStrife


      ToR is free to play through all the main story missions, really the only thing they they do is limit you on the amount of money you can hold and how many flashpoints and space combat missions you can do per week.

    3. Jango40


      Meh.. not a fan of TOR, it seems so mediocre. I was thinking more of a SW TES or indeed GTA.

    4. Bacon


      if they give me a limit it isn't free.

  14. >plays dota for the first time

    1. Jango40


      >report that nub fagot

    2. eezstreet


      >> expects anything intelligent out of the MOBA and F2P communities

    3. Grab
  15. How are you supposed to see a thing on JK2 gamecube?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jango40


      Cannot have fun when it's so goddamn dark :(

    3. Omicron


      Put brightness up maybe :P

    4. Onysfx


      What about Palpatine?

  16. Did lucasarts release any data on how many people bought JK3?

    1. eezstreet


      Not sure, but VGChartz suggests that 300,000 or so copies of JK2 were sold

  17. Tuesday: The blandest day of the week.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. eezstreet


      also apparently most hitmen kill on tuesdays

    3. Flynn


      I did not know that.

    4. Szico VII

      Szico VII

      I need solid references to beileve that :D

  18. KotF has no malware, that was a myth, someone @ here proved that already. I quite like it to fuck around in singleplayer from time to time.
  19. Is it possible to do that s_khz 44 thing only on music? I would like the music quality to be better, but effects etc. sound too crispy, and sometimes even broken, especially when playing mods like MB2.

    1. Circa


      What kind of speakers do you have? By crispy do you mean crisp, or distorted?

    2. Jango40


      Too crisp.

      It's not a problem with speakers, I just got used to s_khz 22 but I sitll would like the music quality to be better. Also, some sounds in mb2 were clearly made with s_khz 22 in mind because they sound like complete crap in 44.

    3. eezstreet


      You could perhaps meet in the middle, and try 33.

  20. What the hell. I had a dream that I accidentally voted for 10 and it won just because of that mistake. Don't I have better things to dream about, brain?
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