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Everything posted by Jango40

  1. Well, there's no other info I can provide. It's what happens. Tried clean install. As I said many times before, Windows 8 64-bit.
  2. That's all - When I try to play OpenJK it crashes with this, no other errors. When I open Openjk_sp I can go kind of further, it doesn't crash until I try to start a new SP game.
  3. are all of them flyable/driveable? (Don't think the ship is just because it got an interior ;D)
  4. I prefer the vanilla glow but I'm probably the only one
  5. You got to interview Rich Whitehouse. And me. Tea or Coffee?
  6. What happened to the calendar? It was a nice feature and was actually used.

    1. Circa


      I never saw it used at all honestly. You can still access it at jkhub.org/calendar. We might bring it back and use it soon though.

    2. Omicron


      We had a calender?

  7. I like how NSA does something CRIMINAL, but it will still never be touched.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JAWSFreelao


      The NSA needs to go fuck itself. So do schools who get involved with problems outside of school.

    3. Onysfx


      Yep. Nowadays, children are becoming the property of the state, and not the parents.

    4. Merek
  8. No. 1. It crashes for me. 2. It doesn't add anything interesting to SP, at least now (I only play mb2 multiplayer)
  9. More likely he got completely mad at a few persons here. He quit after the community map rage.. 1 day before the source code got released. 1 day.
  10. You seem to go way too much by canon, man. Not everyone wants this to be movie-realistic. You could just rename it to JKA: Canon, or something like that, but not Enhanced/Improved.
  11. Now bring back MUG too and these forums will be great again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sentra


      Comic Sans is not a font..

    3. Xycaleth


      ..it's a way of life.

    4. NumberWan


      Funny, but Comic Sans was created for a program like chat with comics, which itself wasn't that bad - back in 1990s or earlier.

  13. Jango40


    I don't even know how to respond to this bullshit. Sure, they are slow and do some thing badly, but kylebug is just fun and I've never seen anyone demanding devs to fix it. It rarely happens anyway. The Jedi class bug doesn't exist. Never happened to me the last 5 years.. And so what that updates take a long time? There are not many developers anymore and they are adults and it's a miracle that they still care about developing this. Also, the updates are mostly bugfree.
  14. Baked potatoes <3

    1. Flynn


      With chives? :)

  15. Steamgifts is awesome.

  16. So you are only going for film consistency? That's what you guys care about?
  17. Kanan Katarn

    1. Bek


      I agree man I agree..

    2. Circa


      For real though...

  18. I like that mod Damn, it's been cancelled exactly 1 year ago, nice timing
  19. everyone assumes everyone is a male here because it's a 10+ year old game, it was never popular in the first place, it's about something as nerdy as Star Wars, and hardcore gaming is mainly a male thing.
  20. Anyone knows good bass guitars, for a nice price?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MoonDog


      Hmmm, that's actually not a bad idea then. A beater guitar like a squire could be a good learning process to figure out how to solder in new pickups. The wood is still going to be meh, but most things in that price range are like that.

    3. Circa


      The length didn't get shorter, and I wish we could change it, but we can't, as far as I know. Kinda frustrating. You're right MoonDog. The people that buy really nice expensive instruments to learn are foolish. That happened to a friend of mine. Bought a really nice bass and a big marshall amp or something like that and decided he didn't want to learn after all.

    4. Boothand


      I second Fender Squier. Good for starters.

  21. How does Jaden Korr's voice actor look like?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kessno


      That website is painful to use. Still using Quicktime instead of Youtube for the voice samples.

    3. Circa


      I didn't know YouTube was the standard for streaming audio now. :P

    4. Omicron


      Such site very code much anim

  22. You can get red orchestra for free on steam today.

    1. dark soul

      dark soul

      Got it 3 hours ago !

    2. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      I'm never going to play it ._. I still got it because it was free.

  23. You can get red orchestra on steam for free today.

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