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Everything posted by Jango40

  1. There's a big demand for bringing torso freeze back in MB2 (and lots of drama), and the only thing that is holding it back is the fact that blocking Primary/Secondary fire while pressing USE_HELD_ITEM is not a perfect solution. It has a delay and players won't be able to shoot for less than a second after pressing use item. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but in the rare event someone jumps out and you need to shoot, it could get you killed. Is there any better fix for this bug?
  2. Oh, okay then. Torso freeze is the same in basejka as it was in MB2 btw.
  3. What was fixed in OpenJK? Torso Freeze or Insta kata?
  4. Eh. First of all - bringing torso freeze back would take a few minutes, and blocking Secondary/Primary fire while pressing USE_HELD_ITEM would make instakata impossible. (And also take practically no time) Second - Where the hell did any of you state that this was only a temporary solution? I have seen practically every torso freeze related thread, and never seen anyone mentioning it was a temporary solution. Link? Third - The poll is not false. 37 people voted yes, 27 voted no (At the time it was closed). If you decide that insta kata won't be brought back, people won't suddenly want to keep torso freeze away, therefore they overflow to torso freeze w/o kata. Fourth - Yes, I know a lot of developers want torso freeze, but Sxx (Leader) said it won't come back. How were we supposed to know it was only a temporary solution? Fifth - If you communicated with us better, this wouldn't ever have become a problem! You can't blame us for making a drama when you are not ever clarifying what you want to do. A post in some other non-torso freeze related thread can easily slip by and go unnoticed. Uh, and also, I think you devs should communicate better with each other too. While you say it is a temporary solution, Sxx is basically saying torso freeze is cancer and will never return. I don't know who to believe.
  5. Is it possible to become a game developer while at the same time sucking hard at math?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Cerez


      ^ Very true.

    3. Cerez


      More than what you're good at, what matters is what you are really drawn to. Anything can be learned. It's up to you to make it happen. Make sure that if you choose to take the easier way, that you're not sacrificing your dreams, as that will never make you happy. It's better to fight for what you believe in, than to be lost in your own fate/choices.

    4. Didz


      What I meant by physics is mathematics for moving players around a 2D world, such as player.X += speed * deltaSec, nothing too complex.

  6. Steam support is actually terrible. They are polite, but so damn slow.

    1. AshuraDX


      ah crap, good luck then let's hope they fix your account soon

    2. Jango40
    3. Zappa_0


      they dont call it the steaming pile of crap for nothing! lol

  7. Emptied recycle bin, got 50 GB free space. Great.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zappa_0


      jango40 thats who!! :P

    3. Onysfx



    4. Circa


      It's happened to me a few times actually. It's a small fraction to the amount I have anyway, so I don't notice much.

  8. The criticism of Top Gear just shows that Social Justice and White Knighting have gone too far..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eezstreet


      Well, I mean if you've read anything that they've said in the past, it's amazing that nothing has ever been censored on it.

    3. Omicron


      British or American one?

    4. Ping


      Wiki says its somekind of.. tv show about cars.

  9. That could be interesting for future SP TC's.. if there will ever be any.
  10. They're still easier than some other maps. t2_dpred, for example. Hell, even the taspir levels were harder...
  11. It is rushed because of LucasArts. They did the same thing with Kotor2. It was supposed to have more animations, features, space battles (That's why there are ships), etc. Raven simply didn't have time. And saying it is just a stripped down version of JKO is wrong, They did add features JKO didn't have. RancorSNP was saying that he maybe would've made a mod that added the features, but he never did. http://jedibetrayal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=129
  12. I cringed when my little brother was watching that insane darth maul thing and mom was nearby. Pls never again.
  13. It's the MB2 HUD. The health, shield and force should be inside these rings.
  14. 6 styles with one saber? We got Yellow, Blue, Red, Cyan (Tavion) and Purple (Desann). That's not 6. And yeah it is. Actually probably very simple.
  15. I have not searched the forum, because the answers shouldn't be lying burried around. I know some of the answers for these questions myself, but getting these answered here should be helpful for others. -How to run rend2? Is it a seperate download, or what..? -Do you install openjk the same way for JKO? -What to do when the game crashes to desktop without any errors? More questions coming later.
  16. Can you make the graphics better (With or without openjk/rend2) by changing some cvars, r_'s, etc?
  17. Would love to see character's eyes follow you. It would be one refreshing change.
  18. Nowadays I feel bad for Tom and Wile E Coyote..

    1. Bacon


      I feel bad for Daffy Duck. Damn Bugs always fucking up his shit.


  19. @@cdoublejj Thanks for the info. Not going to buy a CRT because of limited space, but when I have a bigger room I surely will.
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