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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Well I did start on a 2nd rig, basically using the old one but constraining the JK2 skeleton to it which would have all the face bones, doubling the vertex count for the face can easily be done in softimage and it would even normalize the weights on the vertexes created between the existing making a smooth weight map without the need to edit the weights.
  2. If you need help all you have to do is ask in the modding assistance forum. I don't care for PM's for help since someone may be having the same issue and that way they could just search the forum and find the answer rather than asking the same thing but for some reason people insist on PMing me about these things.
  3. I just noticed this, lmk if you want my _humanoid.gla that has the run staff that I made for demonstration in the animation video tutorial, didn't release it since it was just for example.
  4. He'd have to pester Raven about releasing that kind of thing, then port it to PC.
  5. I believe bots in MP are treated the same as a real person, they must reference the _humanoid.gla to be a MP character and the R2 model uses it's own .gla which of course doesn't have any of the same bones as the _humanoid.gla.
  6. You don't need to make anything with the rig I built, just animate the controllers and export, as simple as that really. You can also edit animations in a way, the source files are hosted online in the Softimage tutorial page in my sig, you could simply import a base animation you wanted to change an use snapping at key points of the animation and in a sense 'duplicate' it with the rig rather quickly. This is actually what I did with the staff run animation I made for the video since I wanted to cook something up quickly as an example, I imported the base BOTH_RUN_STAFF.XSI file and used snap to centers and keyed it at certain points to recreate the staff animation but only for the torso and waist. The rest of the upper body I key framed myself and exported. You could learn to rig and make something other than the file I submitted but it'd be a huge waste of time since any character model rigged to the biped I made won't get exported, they're just there for reference and aesthetics inside of Softimage so that you aren't just looking at bones. Learning key frame animation in Softimage is actually quite easy and 1 of the most basic parts of animating, I did all the hard stuff for you already, things that took me years to learn. Those links come from a channel that I posted a link to in the Softimage tutorial page. I pretty much made it as easy as it ever has been to create JA animations, a full biped rig that has lifelike movements, the bones won't even bend backwards, it's set up that complexly and a video tutorial explaining what each controller does and how to compile a new animation.
  7. ^I've been working with Archangel as well for a long time and this is all for JA atm but JK2 has the same skeleton when compared to the source files, just the naming of the left hand tag bone is different. Only characters that are actually used for cinematics will really need the full face bone set since cinematics are animated separately and use their own GLA file. I still wanna compare the source files to the recompile since it seemed as if the toe bones (they were the only ones I watched) didn't seem to animate in ModView.
  8. I'll have to try this out, kinda got bored working on this although I had a different approach which was to also release the _humanoid animations in a state in which could be opened with a 3d package and viewed that way. I haven't taken the time to compare but does this file contain everything? Like all the bones listed in the source files? Which of course should be all the same as JK2 although I don't think JK2 had the tail bones. Did you really take the time to reweigh all the base models or did you manage to import the base models from the source files and clean them up? I know the source models don't import quite right.
  9. Well Ste would have been my next guess since I know he was responsible for carcass, his email can be found at the raven page.
  10. Best bet would be to get in touch with Rich Whitehouse, judging by his work here I'm sure he had something to do with ModView.
  11. This game is old as fuck, I say hack it til it's unrecognizable. I couldn't see how anyone could possibly care anymore. It's just SW themed SoF2.
  12. Just either learn the basics of using Softimage Mod Tool or Blender and just import the models to view them. All of the games uncompiled source files are available to download, can be imported into almost any 3d software of your liking since just about every major 3d software package can import .XSI 3.x files.
  13. ^You should try out my rig in Mod Tool 7.5, Dragon to Softimage is like MS paint is to Photoshop.
  14. If you can't learn from the millions of videos on youtube then either you aren't trying hard enough or you don't want it enough. Every human has the same capacity as the next, no matter the feat, those are the rules I live by and it's how I went from never even seeing snow to upper intermediate classes in snowboarding in 4 days.
  15. Modding since 04, only took a few days to get my first saber model in game, Luke from ESB.
  16. Hey man, it works, check out the link in my sig to see how. One of the really good things about Softimage is that it can run really well on low end machines, ones that 3ds max may lock up in under the same circumstances. If you have windows live messenger (MSN) you can find my contact info in my profile, feel free to contact me. The video tutorial goes over the basic controls of the rig, exporting and compiling. Basic usage of Softimage isn't covered since I'd be beating a dead horse on that part but I did provide links to 2 youtube channels that will cover the basics and stuff even more advanced if you wanted to make your own rig on say a custom npc or walker type vehicle. I've also been making improvements here and there on the biped rig, an update may come soon, was mainly working on better face and hand controls. The prefix's seen in the animation.cfg are pretty self explanatory why. The animations.h file will help also, it's possible to change it so that it uses a BOTH animation rather than UPPER
  17. same as image tags just using the word spoiler instead, sorry can't type it, just wants to make the tag no matter how I do it.
  18. Psyk0Sith himself, wow, wasn't expecting that, it has been a long time friend.
  19. The thing with cutscenes is that they use their own GLA file containing only what's needed, you may see some animations reused from the main _humanoid.gla but it isn't actually referenced. What animations that are found in the _humanoid are just copied and still saved with the cutscene GLA file.
  20. I ran into this with Inyri's Geth as it was a bit high poly and I had to split some parts up, if you have the hips split in 2 just have it like this hips |__ hips2 |__ hips related tags |__ torso |__ l_leg |__ r_leg Don't place anything under the second hips mesh, not the torso, legs or any tags and it will dismember properly. See Tim Appleby's tutorial that comes with the SDK for proper hierarchy.
  21. Hierarchy or tags aren't right, the game knows what part to dismember and when based on the tags and what part of the model they are child to. Post the models hierarchy, like a screen shot of it in whatever 3d package you're using.
  22. This is JUST like people asking for modeling tutorials, they're everywhere, you learn to use the software, create textures then learn to apply them in game which is the easy part since the only real restriction is the size must be a power of 2. Get a tablet, if you don't want to then texturing isn't for you, when it comes to seeing the best HAND MADE FROM SCRATCH textures a tablet is a must, trying to make a good brush stroke with a mouse is a huge pain and not worth the time you'll spend hitting ctrl+Z. Lots and lots of layers. Google, every time I'm looking to create a certain effect I can always find what I'm looking for with a google search, especially if the word photoshop is in the search.
  23. Not sure of the purpose of this thread but it would be easiest for you to focus on 1 thing since you sound like you've tried to do multiple things in terms of content creation. Like myself for instance, I can model, advanced animation (run/walk cycles, complex movements) but I wont know where to begin when it comes to coding and don't even ask me to open radiant because compared to a professional 3d art/animation package it's interface is retarded. Try to focus on 1 thing, and if skinning is your thing best rather than editing textures to start from a blank canvas, the best people I know at painting textures could make things without even using filters and such in PS, Inyri's Geth for example, all hand painted with brushes, no fancy filters or effects, just a LOT of layers (I have the PSD). Dragon is obsolete, I've been making animations with freeware around the time it was made, Softimage EXP 4.2 (now known as Mod Tool) was out in '04.
  24. Your signature makes no sense having OT characters but is about the prequels.
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