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Posts posted by RebelChum

  1. Thanks for all the help Ramikad and very useful links!


    To move brushes, you need to make them brush-based entities in the first place: func_static, func_door, maybe func_breakable too, but I'm not sure. There's an easy explanation of how things work here.

    How would that work for moving a model? Adding a model key/value to a func static or using a misc_model of some sort? Is it even possible to move a model?

  2. Hey folks,


    Sorry to make what is probably a super redundant post, but I can't seem to find any good tutorials for ICARUS scripting when it comes to what I imagine are basics.




    1. Spawning NPCs

    2. Triggering things using their targetname

    3. Moving NPCs, brushes, and models.


    Are there any good tutorial series out there that go over these basics?


  3. What I mean is, you can't have too much stuff loaded at once or the game will crash. So instead when you go to another map, it somehow clears all the current stuff out of memory and loads the next map without disconnecting from the server.

    So basically removing the loading screen and retaining kills and all that?


    Despite it being a huge undertaking you’d have to reset everyone’s position to spawn points in the new map anyways least they appear in a newly formed wall.


    And what’s the end goal? Retain kill score? Maintain persistent multiplayer lobby?


    I think a cooler solution would be to somehow put JKA chat into its own widget which stays during loading screens so people can continue to tell each other that their mother sucks at base while mp/ffa3 loads.

    Delmi, z3filus and Lazarus like this
  4. I see, is that because the source .avi is in 512x384?


    I’ve only ever done .roq related stuff once and I recall distinctly that it had to be squared texture style because I raged at how awful it looked in game lol... was some time ago so I could be mistaken. Maybe it’s just an issue with the .avi. Good call uploading it. I can try doing it on my end and see if it works any better for me.

    Droidy365 likes this
  5. Honestly I wouldn't even be sure where to start with the hut. Obviously it would have to be built massively oversized to fit all the detail in there and then made into an .ase to scale down. But looking at the curves of the windows etc. and and not only doing the rounded edges but also having them angled is just intimidating lol

  6. I think that the problem is that in order to pull off a convincing looking Dagobah the vegetation and tree canopy needs to be extremely dense - something just not incredibly feasible in JKA without destroying the user's frame rate. Maybe it could be done if it was just Yoda's Hovel and the immediate surroundings.

  7. You can see Yoda (player) scaled down via NPC in SP against another (spawned)  NPC.








    NPC File

    playerModel YodaTFU
    weapon         WP_SABER
    saber  single_32
    saberColor green
    saberstyle      1
    FP_HEAL   3
    FP_SPEED  3
    FP_PUSH   3
    FP_PULL   3
    FP_GRIP   0
    FP_RAGE   0
    FP_ABSORB  3
    FP_DRAIN  0
    FP_SEE   3
    forcePowerMax 400
    forceRegenAmount 400
    forceRegenRate  50
    rank  commander
    reactions 5
    aim  5
    move  5
    aggression 5
    evasion  5
    intelligence 5
    scale  45
    width  11
    crouchheight 22
    playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER
    enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY
    class  CLASS_KYLE
    health   1000
    earshot   5000
    visrange  5000
    hfov   160
    vfov   90
    vigilance  1
    hfov   180
    vfov   180
    runSpeed  250
    // race  human
    snd  YodaTFU
    sndcombat YodaTFU
    sndjedi  YodaTFU
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 0
    dismemberProbLegs 0
    dismemberProbHands 0
    dismemberProbWaist 0




    So essentially in the newgame_first.menu you just set the g_char_model to one of the .npc names and the player will inheret the scale from the .npc file?

  8. I simply modified the scale of the Player NPC, although it only worked in cutscenes and didn't affect the actual gameplay. Haven't tried the aforementioned BehavED command though, so if that works you could theoretically modify the mission start scripts so that they change the player scale during the gameplay as well.

    Hmm, per this other thread - https://jkhub.org/topic/4385-cheatcommand-help-scalesize/ - I guess it doesn’t work. :(


    If you do /playermodel jawa in SP you become short per the .npc file, right? I wonder if it’s possible to force that command for a different npc via scripting.

  9. So it seems that the only way to make the protagonist taller or shorter is to adjust the height of surrounding NPCs?


    Or is there an entry in the .npc file that governs “player”? Isn’t that entry typically used for fakeplayer cutscene duplicates?


    How did you get it to work, @@Ramikad ?

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