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Everything posted by Azatha

  1. It's a model. I have it. But it's in a huge pack with a ton of other models that I don't have permission to upload. :/
  2. I know, I was correcting that you said 'Jelly is the American name for Jam'. They're two different things for us. I know my english terms though, I live in the UK now.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38DgjKQhhys
  4. Incorrect! Jello is the image that you posted, Jelly is Jam without fruit bits or seeds, and Jam has fruit bits and seeds. - Someone (originally) from America
  5. The Empty Child isn't on your list?! Blasphemy!
  6. Ahh.. for a menu, I have no clue. Sorry!
  7. models/players/folder/file { cull disable { map models/players/folder/file alphaFunc GE192 depthWrite rgbGen lightingDiffuse } }
  8. Maybe it just depends where you play!
  9. I met most of my current friends through JKA, including my husband. It's a good community. A unique one, I think.
  10. Usually have less folders than this, but the stuff in the middle is for a music pk3 I'm working on for JEDI.
  11. JEDI, really. I want to help keep the clan going, and others, like my padawan, count on me to be there to help further along their experience. So I stick with it.
  12. That was incredibly immersive. More games needs to utilize this style of audio!
  13. I'm sure there's an easy way, but the only way I've been able to see the 'hidden' stuff so far is to open it in MSPaint and save it as a .jpg.
  14. I've got some upcoming arcs that may require some droids..
  15. I'm definitely going to be getting this. Looks awesome.
  16. Thanks! I don't have a tv, so I never would have known these were out. I miss David Tennant though. I just don't find Matt Smith, or Amy and Rory, to be that great. I don't think it's because of them as actors, though. I blame the current writer. The plots have become a little sillier, with more visible plot holes. I miss Russell T. Davies.
  17. I'm totally going to find a reason to use that model in RP. Just need to come up with a convincing reason...
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