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Everything posted by Azatha

  1. The invisible pieces work so long as no shader is applied. But the moment any shader is applied they disappear. I'll try the assimilate stuff and see if it works. I'll post the results!
  2. Whoops! Didn't mean to type it like that. Autopilot typing. Sorry. And ah I see. Well, hopefully someone might remember how to fix it? ;_;
  3. So, I have finally got the weights on the model I'm editing to work with the wonderful help of Milamber. But now I have two new problems: The parts on my model have weird shading in game now. The light doesn't smooth from piece to piece. I have tried editing normals, which looked great in 3ds max 8, but ingame the edits don't seem to show at all. (For example, my head has darker shadows than my body, creating a very visible line of different lighting between the neck and the torso.) Also, two pieces I added, a hair and some claws, turn completely invisible when I try to use an alpha shader on them (to make them more jagged, etc). Now I know the shader I have works, because I use it on other hairs and outfits and such, on the same model before my edits as well on other parts of the model I'm editing. I can only assume something funky is going on with the model pieces themselves and I have no knowledge of how to fix it. Help! Bonus question: When skinning, every once in a while an image file pathname suddenly doesn't work in modview anymore. Ie, I had a model with the model part head_lashes, tied to a file called lashes.png. This file and the many .skin files that referenced it remained untouched for ages. Then one day, opened it in modview, and bam, it won't register any file called lashes.png. Rename to eyelashes.png, and it works. Rename back to lashes.png, definitely won't read it. I've had this happen with two other pieces. It's like modview just decides to reject a file name all of a sudden. And yes, I'm 100% certain the file paths are all correct, been using the same image/model/skins for about 5 years now. So... wut?
  4. Just to note, I found out how to move the model without messing up the weights:
  5. Alright, I think I figured it out. I couldn't use the Abs. Effect in the side menu, but it I selected each vert, one at a time, and typed in 0 on the weight table instead, it let me do it. How strange! Thanks everyone.
  6. Nope, that button does nothing either. Oddly enough, I can change the amount of weight on the verts, it just won't allow me to set it to 0.
  7. The the copy/paste thing, it cause the hand to warp into a very funny shape. I also think I'm very blind, I'm not seeing a reset button. Will that wipe away all the weighting? I'm hoping to avoid that because I don't think I know what I'm doing well enough to start from scratch.
  8. Like I said, I select the verts, change the abs effect, and nothing happens. I've already being doing it all the way your image says to. It stays red, and weighted, in those sections touching that bone, regarless of what I set it to. I'm a bit confused by this. I thought of respositioning the hand, because if I move it out of the way I'm able to change those verts just fine. however, the entire model if off-center, not just the hand. Which is why I'd like to know if I can, and how, move the whole model without reweighing everything. I could reweigh just the hand, but it would no longer match up with the entire rest of the body.
  9. I'm still really new to this, so I don't know if this is a stupid question or not. I've been given a rigged up version of my model, but the body seems to have been placed a bit too far left on the skeleton. I have noticed if I move the body, then go look at the 'skin' modifier to edit anything, the piece of the model then appears where it used to be. Is there any way to shuffle the body over slightly, and shuffle the weights too? Or would the entire thing need to be rigged again? Part of my reason for wanting to do this is thatsome fingers of the left hand seem to be touching the thumb bone. The parts where it intersects deform during animations, and look like they're weighted to it. However, if I select those verts and put the abs effect to 0, nothing changes. I either need to move the model, or figure out how to erase the weight on those verts.
  10. Azatha


    Howdy! Welcome to JKHub!
  11. A walkman? What year is this again? Or am I the old one here and this is some program I haven't heard of...
  12. Hiya! Welcome to JKHub!
  13. It looks like there is a twi'lek in this pack, from the screenshots I saw: http://www.dgs-clan.eu/content/download/dgs_kotorpack.pk3
  14. Yes. The path in the .sab was correct. I had done more work hours after I sent the files to you, and many others saw they were correct too and had been scratching their heads. The solution I posted was what fixed things in the end, after making sure that all file paths in every entry were correct.
  15. Nope, it was definitely that. Apparently once the folder name is changed, those files had to be changed. I know what was fixed because I did the physical fixing of it. No changes to the .sab. The entirety of the JEDI Weapons Pack is done this way, apparently.
  16. Alright, issue solved. My husband figured it out! First, the .glms needed to be renamed to saber_w.glm. Then, the skin files slashes needed changed from \ to / (not my doing, they came with the original hilt). That made everything work.
  17. Alright, I've had 4 people look at this file and cannot find anything wrong with it. So a cookie to anyone who can. Chocolate chip. The size of a pizza. Here's the files: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx8fWcG-ZIvyR2tjenNZV05XN0k/edit All 3 hilts should have shiny shaders. All 3 hilts should have glowy buttons. the syrena_mala saber has 3 spiky bits near the emitter, but they should be invisible and not show at all. All textures work. Everything works. Just not the shaders. They worked, I changed folder names, and folder paths in the .shaders and .sab files and .skin files. Then they didn't. Kill me.
  18. Sent to your inbox.
  19. New shader problem! I have reskinned my shaders, and I used the shader from my previous help post, which had worked. I create .skin files for each hilt, renamed the folders, and the file paths in the .skin and the .shader, as well as making the entry in the .sab. Now, the skins work, but neither shaders work at all anymore. The rest of JEDI renames their folders in the same way, and I've compared how mine is next to theirs, and to my old one (which worked), but cannot find any issue. Anyone have any idea why the shaders would just quit working?
  20. Thanks mrwonko, you set me in the right direction. What ended up working was: models/weapons2/saber_dee/tyrant { q3map_nolightmap { map models/weapons2/saber_dee/tyrant blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO alphaFunc GE128 depthWrite rgbGen lightingDiffuse }rgbGen vertex made it flicker oddly, but otherwise spot on!
  21. I am trying to alpha out a piece of a hilt I do not want to see (its not a separate model piece) but all the shaders for making something invisible that I know do not seem to be working. The piece just shows as white instead. What is a shader I could use to achieve this?
  22. Bah, I knew the answer would be embarrassing. I scoured that .skin file over and over, looking for spelling errors and missing *off's, and I still never saw it! Thank you Inyri. It's interesting how modview can read the file just fine, but the game can't. It can throw you off from finding the problem!
  23. Inryi has got it at the moment. If she can't figure it out, I'll pass it on!
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