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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. True I don't use any other views, but only the perspective and the head is scaled to the size of Ben Kenobi TFU's head that Seven have uploaded. The head is originally sculpted by a member called "Vadermonkey" on the "therpf" forums. I have searched for some alternative programs to MakeHuman, that are more easy to use and than from a randome interview on YouTube during my research I found about the so called amazing program "iClone" by Reallusion. This is pretty interresting program, that allows you to "convert" a photo of a person (if you have the front view and side view of his head, or at least the front one) and it automatically turns it into a 3D head with textures already on it. You can search for the latest version on YouTube "iClone 6" which is very close to the latest trends in 3D modelling, animating etc. you can than export the model with another program from the same Reallusion as ".OBJ" ".FBX" and 1 or 2 other formats. I really recommand you to give it a try and it's worth the money. Personally I wanted to start with an older version to get used to it, so i got a cheaper version of the iClone 4.3. BTW you can also import models inside iClone from other softweres like ZBrush, Blender, Maya, 3DS. So to answer your question, I copy/pasted the photo of Vadermonkey's statue of Sebastian (sadly the one i used was not finished, and the finished one is not good reference, since it contains the helmet of Vader) and i made the 3D head inside iClone just using the front view, since i did not manage to get a good side view of his head, the side and the back of his head are from a base human male that is older and it works. I would need perhaps new face textures for his face, that is replacing the right spots of the original one that was made in iClone and even that I know how to fix the "split UV mesh" error in Blender somehow it doesn't accept the edge spliter at all in this case. Here is the model with the JKA Ben Kenobi's robes and the folder named "Sebastian" contains the original model and his head as .obj: https://mega.nz/#!dxV0lDoK!ceYunBKYlOA1QUz43DI5ei464Rjgm27bQYVAGs90icI
  2. Recently came up with this Sebastian Shaw /Anakin 1983 ROTJ/ head in grey, it is based on a fan made sculpture of his head, since there are no much accurate photos around the net. And it turn out pretty interesting, if we don't mind few minor details that will need some more work on them, but I will leave this to the more experienced modellers and kitbashers in here. So far it looks like this: P.S. and using @@Seven 's TFU Ben Kenobi OT jedi robes, since i like them more.
  3. I am guessing this bug might be caused (not 100% sure), because of the .SKIN file that @@Seven have provided. Turns out he doesn't order the parts in the right way. For example if you have a base model it's default skin file will look like this: (without the quotes) and what Seven did and might cause this problem is he typed it all together like this (will paint in 2 colors to see it more clear) : "head,models/players/benkenobi/head.tgaface,models/players/benkenobi/head.tga" So maybe if he starts to write those lines as above and not all together it might be a solution?!
  4. True, but I think people know me long enough in here, as well as this WIP thread of mine, that I am not able to create from scratch, but only make frankenports
  5. Look who is talking about rules and porting models over the JKHub lol It is from SW Pinball, i didn't mention that or that is my own, i just showed off the model, since there were 2 dead models made from scratch of the First Order's Flame and Snow troopers, but since they did not make it in here and no one else would do it..... @@GPChannel this one is the flame friend, but the snow trooper will need a helmet different from Vader's one and I will leave that for some one else.
  6. So it is not quite perfect as it is at the moment, it few small bugs on it and is not with the full armor, because I've had to make the helmet on very small parts in order to make it work since it was too much high poly. FO Flametrooper
  7. Is there a person that is able to work with Adobe AE?!

  8. ....or, you can just use this Luke pack with his WII head. ANH outfit
  9. Well, I tried to do it at first with the decimate tool, but didn't work as much as i wanted to. So I tried the other way, that worked for the Kenobi Ep.3 head over the OT Jedi robes. But i am not feeling it the right way. Maybe @@Kualan can take it from here if I send the files to you?
  10. I guess that a shader might fix it for in-game. @@Seven nope it is still having the robes problem and the body of Katarn.
  11. Here you go, almost finished. But when in ALPHA view there's this bug:
  12. Done, except that after i renamed it correctly and exported the glm Blender got back to the "Head_obi2_0 (LOD 0) from Blender: Vertex without UV coordinates found!" did i accidently changed anything?
  13. not using it and i test first the models in modview, before i open ingame.
  14. Thanks, that helped but now it seems is turn for @@Seven how do you manage to fit those TFU big verts on JKA, because here is what ModView says after i try to load in the model: ERROR: R_LoadMDXM: models/players/kenobi_master/model.glm has more than 1000 verts on a surface (1358) Well i know about a way to make them less, but it deforms the original shape of the model and not sure if it works.
  15. If i may add from my experience with MakeHuman, as far as i know it can't scan it. You just have a base human body with a head all together and you than build your character to be a woman or a man, just like in RPG games or like in Sims 4. That is how i tried to re-created the head of Sebastian Shaw for aged Anakin Skywalker from 1983 original ROTJ
  16. Well, the fasted kitbash/port can be done as i said by using TFA's Old Han body from Lervish and using TFU2's head. But the head itself has too much parts, that must be put in the right order, when you assign them to the JKA's skeleton/body and you know, that my problem with the weight paint tool is that it shows me all in red after i paint it, but somehow Blender keeps saying, that there is a blue (unweighted) mesh. Or if not it'll say, that they must be split. So that's the only part that keeps me out of exporting it already...
  17. Yes, it's the TFU version of Han, I also got the EA Battlefront 2015 Luke, Han and Leia but dunno why they are missing the .obj formats. Hope this one works on JKA. Other option is to port only the head and put it over Lervish's Episode 7 old Han body and try to make it a bit more "fat", since it is too thin
  18. Those are the official TFU robes WOW O_____o just changed the hands to Kyle Katarn's hands that is why they're color doesn't match the face color... It is not finished.
  19. Well, I have an idea on how to fix his head, maybe without using the right shader, since i am also not so familiar with them, but with some other stuff. But it will be at later point, because now i am learning how to animate for my movie, because i have a good idea for a dogfight.
  20. Yes and also the lights that some other members already mentioned on @@Seven 's thread where he showed his head. At the moment it is just the head and it's textures, but no shaders or anything on it and yes it looks odd.
  21. And until the robes could be figured out how to be fixed here is something on Kenobi, personally i would love to see the Ep3 head and OT robes in game any time soon.
  22. 10/10 good job, also since you are using my TFU-2 based JKA HUD I might just get to finish the Ep.7 FO Flametrooper at some point.
  23. When I just realize, that in my work there is one truck driver, who is just 1:1 looking like Kyle Katarn O__o I am starting to think on putting him for few mins on the fan movie if he agrees.

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      O_o Talk about luck....

    2. dark_apprentice


      Maan this truck driver looks like a total mercenary and have amazing beard. If someone is to become real life Katarn it's him. He is even better better than the actor from DF

    3. Dusty


      Ask him how he feels about Remnant slime.

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