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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. Hmm, the way I remember parallax maps, they kind of separated on every face. For example when using on two brushes with slightly different angles, it would break the illusion. For example on round towers, trees etc. I imagine the same effect would make it impossible to use on characters, unless it has been fixed (not sure if it was a bug or just an unfortunate... fact)?
  2. I prefer the rend2 one definitely.
  3. Have you changed the grid size enough? Here's how to do it with patches. Sorry for the static noise! PS. Click space to duplicate a brush or patch. That's what I do before I rotate them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgUD8bnon_w
  4. Brush cleanup removes invalid brushes. Save before you use it, and you're totally safe though. I don't know the state of GtkRadiant 1.4 that well. In any case, I would go for a smaller number of sides, maybe 8-10. Most of the time when bugs like that appear, you should just remake the brush and see if it happens again. In some cases, I've got bugs when rotating certain brushes freely (with the Rotate tool). Once again, I'd just have to remake it and try again, and it should work.
  5. Actually, what version of GtkRadiant do you use? 1.6 tends to have a bunch of nonsense bugs, causing all kinds of faulty brushes. Does it happen every time you make the brush? Tried using the brush cleanup tool? In 1.5, making cylinders turns out well for me, as far as I can remember.
  6. I'll keep that in mind if I run into performance issues. I just caught myself getting obsessed with optimizing, and it was really fun. The t-junctions were a kick in the milt, but I've since come to accept them.
  7. Possible names: Ouch-master.Pain Provider.Sharkford.ToothpackBloodshanks.Captain Masticate.Nibbledrill.Professor Perforate.Gormandiezel.Doctor Knuckleheart. or my personal favorite... Rowdy.
  8. Looks great! Would be nice to see a few more seconds on next update, if it's a looping animation.
  9. I remember plugging in my Logitech controller, and in JK2, I could set some kind of controller mode in the controller setup. Then I could just bind the buttons I wanted to wherever. The main issue is looking around/aiming. I wasn't really able to make it dynamic. Either you turned with the setup yawspeed, or you didn't. So that completely ruled out having *proper* gameplay with it, but otherwise it worked quite well actually with some limitations.
  10. Looking very good! Hmm, so one of the teeth planes deforms weirdly. Has it been weighted to something strange?
  11. They are just the way they look - no tags or rigging done, so I guess that makes them equal in terms of game-readiness.
  12. That's great! Will you use the one with the most or least polys?
  13. I'm surprised to see such a disregard for requests that go outside the Star Wars universe. While true, he didn't bother making it look like he wanted those models, it shouldn't be a problem to pursue things that don't "belong". Heck, if I was limited to the Star Wars-theme, I would never mod for this game (I'm sure someone has realized by now, I only make non-Star Wars stuff... and quite fascinated by animals). I don't even play Jedi Academy The only thing that keeps me here is knowing that it's possible to make almost anything, and that you can sort of unleash your fantasy into a game with lightsabers and with devoted players. In any case, I agree with Darth Futuza, this is about the likeliness of the request being fulfilled, since there is much less common ground with the rest of the players when it comes to non-Star Wars models. But I would never discourage someone to pursue something that doesn't "belong" in the game. That's what the freedom of modding is all about for me.
  14. I was thinking since Psyk0Sith posted the model that already existed of Plo Koon, I/we wouldn't have to deal with this one (someone confirm this?). In any case, I can't save as any earlier than 2011, with my Max 2014.
  15. Haha, there ya go itachisen
  16. The textures are in the earlier post with the dropbox link to the rigged one. I forgot to do the hierarchy in that one, but the max files I just posted are ready for export. I'm still stuck with the Cubic scale keys error.
  17. I guess it's complete until further notice/complaint
  18. Ah. What I meant was that nobody on JKHub made this particular model, which was grabbed from some 3D site, uploaded by "3dregenerator". Anyway. The reason it looks like an unborn Godzilla as likely because of weight issues. It's overweight. Sorry, had to. It might be simply caused by something as silly as not resetting the seemingly fine Xform before weighting. I'm having a bit trouble compiling it myself to test, because of the "File contains 'Cubic' scale keys error". Never had that before, and it might be because I used the project file you sent, as it seems to be related to regional and keyboard settings. @@Psyk0Sith - Tried exporting .xsi and compiling with regional settings set to English - US, and the keyboard settings as well as dot instead of comma, etc. Would you mind giving the compile a try with any of these? Max2011 project, Max2014 project.
  19. What did you correct?
  20. OH. What a stupid mistake, haha. I'm so used to grabbing the 2010/2011 exporter, I totally forgot I had upgraded when I got a 64-bit system...
  21. Installed Crosswalk. Didn't find any particular dll to place in my 3ds max folder.
  22. Weighted and segmented. Not perfect, but maybe good enough. As I've said, I don't really have time or motivation to dig really deep into it (never heard of or seen this guy, and no one on JKhub made him ) Haven't exported xsi yet, due to an error with the 64-bit exporter (edit: no error, my fault), so I'll let you try to do the rest of the process with tutorials. Remember, I've already spent many hours writing a tutorial for this. So give it a try What remains is converting it to .glm or fixing compiler errors, and packing it together in a pk3 with the textures + .skin files referring the body parts to the right textures. Caps not included. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/plo%20koon%20rigged.zip
  23. As demotivating as it may sound, I don't think anyone is ever going to be devoted to a project together, without a strong leader (absolutely not a reference to your Hitler theme, which frankly is mildly disturbing..!). If you showed people that you understood the scale of your ideas, and that you were able to do *most* of the ground work yourself, people would be more likely to contribute. Being able to do most of the level design in GtkRadiant is one of those things, but most importantly is to present the project in a way that makes it look like you're really into this idea yourself and have the persistence to water the plants. Show the world your baby after it is born . Then ask someone to raise it with you when they can see that it really wasn't just pillows under your sweater.
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