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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. Started the rig and weighting, but Max eventually crashed and corrupted my saved file. Will have to start from making the skeleton again.
  2. I'm a huge fan of this: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/147-mapping-efficiency-mitre-faces/ It can be applied to a lot. Basically, make sure edges don't overlap each other unnecessarily, or that you aren't using two brushes where you can use one. It's surprising how just dragging edges around can make other brushes excessive.
  3. I did this in JK2 with some camera commands + a slight pk3 modification. I'm sure the same is possible in JKA. In my opinion, a bit easier to follow than true-view.
  4. I've used some tutorials by a guy called Lee Jackson. It's quite beginner friendly, and he's comfortable listening to! Character box modeling: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE62BED1FBBB38395 Character edge loop modeling: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6E939B22849DFAAD Full (well, not quite) character tut: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE4693155A242C51F (video #9 exists, just not in the playlist) Different guy, head modeling tutorial which I like, but requires a bit more effort and experience to follow: Modeling the human head made easy. Link found on @@Psyk0Sith's website - full character and rig: http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorials/max/joanofarc/joanmenu.asp
  5. All my models end up with the same guilty smile...
  6. If you send yours, or a portion of it, that would be nice!
  7. Maybe the nose could be thinner?
  8. Some progress: https://skfb.ly/AKzU No eyes or teeth yet, and no rig yet. Decided to take it to Zbrush instead of Mudbox and thus re-doing the sculpt. Currently has this diffuse + normal maps. Seams aren't really as messed up as they are in this sketchfab link though.
  9. models/map_objects/beerbottle/beerbottle.md3 The compiler doesn't expect the base/models path, but only starting from models/etc. It would probably be more natural to put the beerbottle model in some folder where you keep all of your custom ones, but that's up to you, if you're happy the way it works now Also, I recommend customizing/re-texturing the bottle logo, and scale it down to 512 x 512 when you're done.
  10. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/beerbottle.MD3 Ok, after testing this myself some more, here are the instructions: Make a caulk brush, and shape it roughly how you want the collision to be. Use a non-solid caulk if you don't want collision at all. Inside this caulk brush, make a small square brush and put system/origin on it. The bottle's pivot point is on the bottom, and the pivot point will be aligned with the origin brush. With both selected, make them into a func_static. Set the value of model2 to the path of the model, but always be sure to use / slashes like you did, instead of \. A little hitch is that once the pivot point is off-cam, the whole model disappears. This might be the behavior of misc_model_static and other models that aren't baked into geometry? @@eezstreet? For bottles it shouldn't be that noticable though. The reason why you didn't see the heater model was probably because it spawned somewhere else, thus the need for an origin brush.
  11. Welcome! Feel free to post some screenshots of maps you've been working on As with most things related to the modding of this game, training in the softwares themselves usually serve as the foundation you need for understanding the steps for rigging models and animations for these games. Then it becomes easier to understand. If you have any specific questions that aren't answered clearly in tutorials, make a thread in the modding assistance forum and you should get some more tips on what to do/where to go.
  12. I'll test if I can get models to move via scripts. But one thing you could try - make a caulk brush func_static and set its model2 value to the path of the model. The description says "md3 model to also draw", so if it doesn't work with the .ase bottle, try a default assets .md3 model to see if that works. In which case, I'll export .md3 of that bottle (and about 10x smaller ) Edit: Can confirm that it works, but only with md3. I'll give you a .md3 beerbottle, but to keep your assets clean, you'd have to tell me which folder path in the models folder you prefer me to export to, as that's the folder path you'll have to place the textures in.
  13. Honestly, I'm not sure what the numbers 56 and 54 etc mean. Maybe @@therfiles has a clue? At least you've done it correct for moving an object to a tag. Use the uppermost "move" for that (<vec>, <vec>, <float>)
  14. Yeah that's correct. The tag holds a vector, so the script refers to that XYZ position.
  15. Very cool. To me, the ear just seems a bit straight/flat. Would be cool with a wireframe/sketchfab on the next update
  16. It's un-intuitive, but avoid the bottom, and click the "Download: merc cade3.blend" on the top of the page.
  17. I don't know about the SOF2 entities, but the JKA path_corner (at least in SP mode) has a turn_train spawnflag (spawnflags 1) which I believe orients the train towards the next target, or towards the angle. Possible you could achieve something that way? Otherwise, don't scripts work in SOF2? That would be the easiest and best solution.
  18. http://mapping.jkhub.org/richdiesal/richdiesal.htm http://www.heppler.com/shader/ http://q3map2.robotrenegade.com/docs/shader_manual/contents.html https://translate.google.com !
  19. I've seen such behavior before, but that was before I learned how to edit the paths correctly. I'll test it out, just to be sure, and PM you, so the thread can stay on course
  20. Try this: Place the .ase in the folder where you keep your mod's models. Put the texture in the same folder, or in some other folder where it makes sense for you to have it. Open the .ase file in notepad. Look in the material_list. Replace the value of MATERIAL_NAME with the path to the texture. This could be "models\map_objects\WampaOrSomething\bottlemap". Do the same thing with MAP_NAME. Finally, do the same thing with BITMAP, but instead of "models\map_obejcts\etc", you put two dots in front of it, like this: "..\models\map_obejcts\etc". Save, and place it in GtkRadiant like a normal model, and it will show up textured.Resize the model with _modelscale and a normalized value.
  21. I'm quite sure it works with JK2 as well. It's supposed to be all text, yep! You can select the .ase model from the misc_model selection in GtkRadiant. Check this tutorial (you might not have to watch the video) for some more details on how to assign the texture, but you might figure it out without it. The advantage is that you can put the texture wherever you want, instead of using the folder structure I exported with.
  22. I made a beer-bottle for you, if you want to use it. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/beerbottle.ASE Texture here. Still left some texturing work for you, but you can re-texture it any way you like. UV template here. I also left an alpha channel with some selections for you to play around with, if you want to make the bottle transparent. Open the .ase and change the paths and names under "bottlematerial" to match the location of your final texture
  23. Arr, I don't think there's a way to get that in 1.6.4. I miss it as well, and that's one of the reasons why I much prefer 1.5. Both versions have features the other misses though.
  24. When did someone get mocked? Unreal engine is a great tool, but remains a toolkit, or a template so to speak. Not to say it shouldn't be used, it's great training to get your assets interactive. But yeah, I think it becomes un-optimal when it gets used to do something else than what it was designed for, when it comes to actually making a full game. So, maybe UDK would be enough to see your ideas through, rather than buying the first month of UE4?
  25. Today's recording: https://soundcloud.com/negnaw/snap
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