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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. Tutorials are enough to learn 3D modeling for sure. Check out the youtube link to the 3DS Max learning channel, and watch the beginner's videos
  2. Yeah I didn't mean for you to shoot it, but that the fact that it's changeable via certain events would mean that it's probably changeable via script at the very least also. It might be they work on other than breakables, or that you could use a breakable (and make it unbreakable ). So I suppose if you assigned it an animmap shader and then via script set "disable shader anim" to true whenever it doesn't speak, would work. Again, depending on the amount of audio, it would be time consuming to manually script the timing for that to be true or false.
  3. I recall being able to shoot func_statics or doors, and have them change their texture. I used it to iterate through a texture sequence from 1 to 7 or so, triggered by damage. Not sure what method you would use to sync it up to the audio file(s). Though I'm sure it can be scripted with some patience. You could switch between an idle texture/shader and an animmap texture/shader if you got the timing right. As for the exact method on switching the texture by script, I can't think of what that is at the moment.
  4. I would start off by getting a 3ds Max newer than max 7 (it belongs to the past!). It is no longer required to have these old versions to export correctly. I'm sure you should be able to go with at least Max 2013. Are you a student? In case, you can get a free 3-year student license of a full-worthy 3ds Max here: http://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/3ds-max (or any other Autodesk software pretty much!). Starting off modeling is much about following beginner's tutorials, learning what a model consists of and how to effectively make appopriate changes. What you need to learn for games is "low poly" modeling, but any beginner's tutorial should help you on your way, even if it uses smoothing or high poly levels. Don't take on too big tasks before you know how modeling works though! There are some recources here on lightsaber modeling, like this and this (or just here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jka+modeling) but keep in mind that a lot of tutorials on this site assume you know the basics and teach what's specific to this game instead. This channel should be helpful when you're starting out in 3ds Max: https://www.youtube.com/user/3dsMaxHowTos/playlists Also keep in mind that since you're beginner, any other software could be an equally reasonable place to start. As an example, Blender is free and still has more features than all or most other 3d packages. It also has an interface that lets you type what you want to do and use incredible shortcuts, instead of spending minutes carefully looking through every menu in the program. But anything you can get used to and which is supported with appropriate exporters in the modding community (like 3ds Max, Blender, Softimage) are good softwares to start with. Most important are the modeling concepts themselves
  5. Looking forward to a full playthrough. Counting down slowly from 1000!
  6. I know some video editors give a bad preview when you haven't set the project settings to correspond with the video source's resolution.
  7. The transition happened, but it didn't save my progress in terms of health, weaponry or other items - quite the contrary, I evolved into a Jedi master and got a lightsaber each time a level transition occured
  8. Boothand

    Rend2 beta

    You can get the current version at https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/tree/rend2 (download as zip). The way I remember it, you put rend2 specific shaders in .mtr files in your /shaders folder, which will overwrite shaders with the same name for vanilla. cl_renderer must be set to rend2. @@Xycaleth can give you some more useful tips and commands, or you could look through the rend2 thread for some of them.. I can't remember them at the moment. An example shader for something I have in my base folder: EDIT: Forgot that the Github links to the project, not a pre-built dll!
  9. You can create level design in Unreal Engine and have it look more impressive and have the same functions as maps in Jedi Knight - but you won't be able to run the game Jedi Academy on that engine, even if you tried porting over gameplay or something like that. What Movie battles III are doing is more like making a different game apart from Jedi Knight altogether, which of course means a lot of work and re-creating assets, gameplay, animations and levels etc. So if you want to modify this game, it has to be a modification for this game on this engine If you want to carry over gameplay, animations etc to UDK... legal issues set aside, that would not be a realistic approach, and would probably surpass the ambition of all or most other projects that already have several team members on JKhub. With all that said, there is still very much you can do with Jedi Academy, and with the in-progress rend2 renderer, it will be possible to make it look many times more impressive than before. Some examples: http://jkhub.org/topic/2804-rd-rend2/?p=52656 http://jkhub.org/topic/1120-moonbase-labs/?p=51424
  10. I disagree that 3ds Max is more precise (having used it 95% more than Blender) Imo, Blender is the way to go. I would simply scale the head to a realistic proportion (or leave it if it's good, get it in place, then move the verts to the corresponding points. If it's becoming too thin compared to the upper neck, just scale the bottom up or scale the upper part down. Nothing keeps you from modifying the body either to make it right.
  11. Boothand

    Secret Santa 2014

    I thank thee, Secret Santa, for the gifts you have brought my family: A dueling map consisting of two platforms with rotating ferris wheel-esque platforms between them. Should be interesting And a furry swoop especially suitable for time travelers from the 15th century who are not accustomed to these machines, and need a bit of a transition from the horseback!
  12. Actually, here's a layout more easy to edit:
  13. Here's scales, for now. You (or someone) (or me) will have to make some chain texture and give it alpha transparency for those chains, which are flat planes in this model. UV layout: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/scales_diffuse.png Model: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/scales.fbx
  14. I'm not mapping much these days, but there's something I sometimes think of. In GtkRadiant you make brushes, as usual, and they often have more sides than you really need. We caulk these sides so that they don't get rendered, but the collision detection will still be calculated. So for a map with lots of brushes, where 90% of all collision is actually hid under the ground or inside walls... wouldn't that start to impact something? Ideally, wouldn't it be better with a map consisting only of planes and models, and an equally flat single plane for every collision surface, instead of a four-sided brush that won't play any part? If so, wouldn't using a material like no-draw be more suitable than caulking unless the character is actually supposed to collide with it?
  15. Another alchemy bottle (feel free to make it a non-pee color ) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/alchbottle2.fbx https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/alchbottle2_diffuse.tga (with alpha channel for transparency)
  16. Here's the new and better one without seams, and visible content inside the bottle, granted you make use of the alpha channel. It can be md3-made with Blender. Could take more requests, I enjoy these smaller ones now when learning Blender https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/labbottle.fbx https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/labbottle_diffuse.tga
  17. Yeah. I didn't take care with the texture, nor did I even try it out after photoshopping! So I'll make a more decent one without visible seams and faults. Could also do some other typical alchemy lab things if you have a specific thing in mind.
  18. Made a quick lab bottle in Blender, if it helps.. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/labbottle.fbx UV layout: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/lab%20bottle_UVs.png Simple texture with alpha channel set up for transparency: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/labbottle_diffuse.tga
  19. I think the first or the last one are cool ones. The green carries poisonous vibes from the crystal lab in JK2, although it could look good as well.
  20. Looks superb! Also, welcome back
  21. I predict Reelo and Shadowtrooper reskins
  22. I enjoyed seeing the progress of JKG, and it was great fun trying it out the few times. I was very excited about the saber system, and as far as I've understood, it's not beyond repair. While I've stuck to playing JK2 but doing mapping projects for JA, JKG's combat system was sort of the possible entry level for me, where I then would be able to enjoy combat as well as JA's increased modding capability. I hope something like that could still see the light of day, as I had the impression it was something different to fighting in MBII. I hope any of you will find time and motivation to make something of the saber combat
  23. Ah that's a lot of cool things there actually! I like what they did with the blasters, which is what I wanted, although I'd love some more shooting sound variations. As for the sabers, they weren't quite optimized for JK2, the wall mark sound didn't seem like it was intended to loop. But sabers are a different project altogether
  24. I was just wondering, before I accidentally would try to make something myself - has anyone made or attempted to make guns that feel like they have the massive impact as in the original trilogy movies? It has become a thing that annoys me every time I play Jedi Knight, that the guns don't seem dangerous or powerful. These things made holes or powerful marks and impacted with a lot of smoke and fire. As for the request - if someone hasn't made this, does someone have some good sound effects of blasters making impact? @@Circa Reference: Also the scenes from A New Hope, when they escape from the stormtroopers, but couldn't find footage of it! As a side note, this could possibly be achieved quite well in rend2 with parallax normal maps!
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