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Posts posted by Cerez

  1. @@MGummelt, I do have a specific question regarding the NPC waypointing system and ICARUS -- if you can help shed any light on this long bugging mystery:


    Discussion thread: https://jkhub.org/topic/6594-walking-an-npc/


    When assigning 3 waypoints, and giving an NPC the task of randomly walking between them in an endless loop, the walking behaviour sporadically breaks, with the NPC either changing direction midway, or walking to a waypoint, and then stopping.




    rem ( "Random Walker Test Script" );
    affect ( "walker", FLUSH )
    	set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_NONE" );
    	set ( "SET_PLAYER_TEAM", "TEAM_PLAYER" );
    	set ( "SET_ENEMY_TEAM", "TEAM_ENEMY" );
    	set ( "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", "true" );
    	set ( "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", "true" );
    	set ( "SET_IGNOREALERTS", "false" );
    	set ( "SET_WALKING", "true" );
    	set ( "SET_RUNNING", "false" );
    	wait ( 4000.000 );
    	loop ( -1.000 )
    		task ( "casualwalk" )
    			if ( random ( 0, 3 ) > 2 )
    				set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "wpoint3" );
    			else ()
    				if ( random ( 0, 3 ) > 1 )
    					set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "wpoint2" );
    				else ()
    					if ( random ( 0, 3 ) > 0 )
    						set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "wpoint1" );
    		do ( "casualwalk" );
    		wait ( "casualwalk" );
    		wait ( random ( 0, 4000 ) );



    What are the requirements for an NPC to be able to pick and follow a set of waypoints reliably? Do the waypoints need to be daisy chained ("targeted") to one another, or is it enough to define the movement behaviour in script? Do there need to be physical brushes (not just entities) for the waypoints? How does the waypointing system work (with ICARUS)?


    Related, is there any way to increase the distance that NPCs are able to see waypoints from? The default distance seems to be rather short/limited.


    On a side note (as trivia), who programmed ICARUS, and what language(s), if any, were used as the basis for it? :)

    Asgarath83 and General Howard like this
  2. Would have loved to see Jan accompany Jaden on a mission while Kyle is busy, for example. That would have been a lot of fun -- instead of abandoning his Padawan, and leaving him/her to fend for themselves.


    Imagine if, on the way, we could get to know some more personal things about our "Master" from Jan. Would have helped bond with Kyle as a father figure.


    And I still don't see why Mara Jade couldn't have made at least a cameo appearance on a mission somewhere. Maybe even require help from us on her own mission (that somehow ties in with the Disciples events at the Praxeum). The same way that Wedge requires our help, Mara could have, too.


    @@Ramikad, those mentions of Jan don't relay the current situation/events -- they're more from the past, from Outcast. The fan service is nice, but it's not the same as having Jan around, or talked about in the present sense.


    @@Circa, that's true, but apart from Rosh and Jaden, the rest of the students are not main characters. If you look at the main cast, and you make Jaden male (as it is in canon) it's very male dominated -- men are good, and women are troublemakers, evil... :/


    The lack of female instructors at the Praxeum makes things feel really weird, actually. Like @@LucyTheAlien said, it's a bit of a sausage fest...

  3. Are Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker together during the events of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy? Why does Luke always have to be portrayed as the lonely guy for life, without a partner?


    It's something that's been bugging me lately. Even in the new film(s) he is portrayed without a family...


    Anyone with any thoughts or knowledge, feel free to chip in.


    And while we're at it, where is Jan during the events of Jedi Academy? She's not even mentioned... (Why is it always just the guys getting to stick around, and do stuff? :P)

  4. Well, for starters you will need to rewrite the game's source code. The game is designed for all humanoids to rely on a single animation sequence, so you will need to change that. I may be wrong, but I think something like that is in the works for JK Enhanced.


    Edit: (Too late... and... inaccurate? o.O)

  5. @@MGummelt - hah, we don't need no stinkin' badges... no need for proof-- the veterans here now you well. :winkthumb:

    I agree. Not after the in-depth knowledge on the code he demonstrated -- a badge could not do a better job of convincing me. ^_^ (Thank you, @@MGummelt. Your presence is really making a big difference on the progress of all projects here, and is truly appreciated.)

  6. Set g_saberAutoBlocking to 0, then bind a key to +block and you have exactly what you're looking for. Let me know if it's what you wanted!



    Tested it, and while it works, it ends up behaving quite funny with duals. I've had an army of battle droids with blasters attack my character, and, while not blocking, the character stood stationary, facing them, with sabers drawn, holding one in each hand, and the blaster bolts kept bouncing off the lightsaber blades, hitting the attakers. The whole squad fell down in a big droid pile, and my character suffered only shield damage... :lol:


    Still, this at least gives you the feeling of being more in control of your character's hands and movement -- which is truly welcome -- stop blocking when you want to, and deliver that perfect, fluid and confident swing.


    I don't suppose there is a way to disable the lightsaber blade's collision feature while not blocking and not attacking? (I presume this would take some actual code tinkering.) It would be more realistic for projectiles to pass through (around) the blade than having them bounce off even when the character is holding the lightsaber loosely (with not enough grip to withstand the force of the impact).




    On second thought, that poses a problem with non-projectile attacks. Blade going through a blade is not a welcome sight, even when you're not blocking or attacking... >.<'

  7. Whoah! Hold on, we're a little overwhelming, guys! I think we need to structure these questions into a "most popular questions" collection before asking @@MGummelt to kindly answer them. It's lovely to see original developer participation and help on these forums, but he didn't come here to be assaulted by requests.


    How would you like to spend 98% of your time answering direct, detailed questions?! It's very tiring, and, quite frankly, scary! It's enough to put you off from visiting these forums again for a lifetime. Let's show a little consideration.


    I suggest a discussion thread with a (growing) poll -- or likes -- for questions we want to ask, and then to pose those questions once we have a comprehensive list of most popular questions/requests in an official JKHub article thread.

  8. Softimage Mod Tool and ZBrush don't work on Linux...

    I have my entire JK modding suite of apps running sandboxed in a Windows XP virtualbox (but you need at least 5GB of RAM). Used it to produce the Ahsoka character model from start to finish, and moved the same virtualbox from Mac to Linux (without any need for tinkering of any sort) when I moved computers. The entire setup just migrated over with a simple file copy-paste.

    Smoo likes this
  9. Nothing works on Linux, I need my software to install and work, I don't want to spend 80% of my time configuring an OS.

    You'd rather spend most of your time waiting for Windows to do what it needs to do, updating your system regularly, and dealing with changes and broken things with each update? Hmm... I question the wisdom in that. Not sure what experiences you've had with Linux (and how long ago), but, with Debian, I've set up my system once to my liking, and it needs absolutely no work of any kind since that day. No updates, no configuration, no naggers, and no delays at all -- it stays as I customised it, stable, and helps me get my work done efficiently.


    Also, installing, and uninstalling software is easier on Linux than on Windows. The software selection is also better -- there are more quality software that are designed by people who actively use them, as opposed to designed for commercial gain. But, of course, you won't find Windows software for Linux, just as you won't find Linux software for Windows. They are different operating systems with their own solutions and software for the same tasks.


    The statement "nothing works on Linux" is simply not true. Everything works on Linux that is designed for Linux -- and it works beautifully. I've replaced my entire workflow of programs/applications from both Mac and Windows with Linux apps that work better than the original software I was using. The only exception to this are professional suite applications that you are intimately used to working with, such as Adobe Photoshop. There's no version of those for Linux, but I am running Photoshop in a Windows XP virtualbox, and it runs like a breeze. Otherwise there's Linux alternatives such as GIMP and Inkscape to get the same work done.


    You can say "I don't have the time to learn how to use new software", and that's fair enough, but it's not fair to say "nothing works" on Linux -- that's as far from the truth as it can be.

  10. Where's the first image from?

    Same computer, running the Debian (Jessie) OS (Linux) with a personally customised Gnome desktop environment. I have a Windows and Linux dual boot setup.


    Or, if you are referring to the background image, it's promotional concept art from Ori and the Blind Forest -- the next game I'll be playing. :)


    It's good to be modern because soon 7 is going to take the path of XP, EOL is coming up soon and then it'll be a virus fest like XP.

    Windows is always a virus fest if you look at it that way... :P Everyone should switch to Linux, then. No EOL, and no virus fest. :D

  11. Experiencing the spatial awareness of a Togruta does sound amusing, but I'll be damned if I were to put up with having a giant montrals/lekkus permanent, biological headpiece attached to my head for life, weighing down my head and restricting my movement as an adult.


    Being a Pantoran, on the other hand, I would love that. A cool appearance, higher temperature tolerance for cold temperatures, and a strong sense for tradition and family values (accompanied by face paint) coming from an abundant culture, and a people with a distinct history and sense of identity.

    LucyTheAlien likes this
  12. 1-2) You better watch that movie again. And this time focus on how Rey remembers being left on Jakku; You can clearly see Unkar Plutt's hairy moisty hands. Rey was left there alone, probably even sold as a slave, but she was definitely with Unkar Plutt from an early age, and I find it hard to believe that piece of garbage gave Rey any piloting lessons.



    And what makes you think that isn't the scene where Rey's foster parents are being shipped off by Plutt's hand? :P That's how I see that scene. I can't see that being anything else -- other than the utterly boring back-story that they were her real parents, and just didn't care for her.


    I think she received her introduction into piloting from her foster parents, before they were shipped off (when she was very young). Then she continued to learn on her own every chance she got -- since that reminded her of her early childhood, of her (foster) parents, and gave her a sense of future (hope) and identity.




    Also, she was never made a slave. She served Unkar, but she was technically always a free person -- well, as free as you can be when you're dirt poor and without a home on Jakku... I have a feeling he kept her around and raised her, as he had probably done with a lot of other children -- for cheap, manual labour.




    I think Plutt set up and sold out Rey's foster parents for some extra income and opportunity -- without her knowledge. All she knew is that they went away, preumably to be back one day, but in truth they were sold into slave labour, or wrongly imprisoned as criminals, or something like that. She was too young to know, and Plutt could have told her anything...



    z3filus likes this
  13. Woohoo! Go Asher! (Loved the Lady Zym vs. Asher/Mundi conflict.)



    She's good, but Asher's something else with his extensive combat experience! Basically skilled bounty hunter vs. experienced soldier.)




    Great looking bruises -- fantastic skinning!


    And best of all...




    A wondeful Tarkin vs. Mundi/Windu moral conflict! Absolutely brilliant storytelling! The ending was catchy! Love it - love it - love it! <3




    You have me waiting (impatiently!!!) for the next issue! :P

    Kualan likes this
  14. I just tried your custom build and it works!!


    Thank you very much Cerez :)

    It seems that the OpenJK build was responsible.

    Keep in mind that, even in my build, the dismemberment feature is kept to a maximum of 128 character models (originally it's 16). This is done in consideration to game safety regarding computer performance. If you have more than 128 characters on a level (which happens rarely, if ever, in SP), some of the characters (that are loaded last in the map's NPC loading sequence) will not dismember when killed with a lightsaber, but most still will.

    Smoo likes this
  15. Okay, re-watching the movie again, I thought I'd detail my proposed plot -- that I think will be the plot after TLJ is released -- to document my thoughts and for your entertainment:




    * Leia and Han had two children: Ben (later Kylo Ren) and Rey.

    * Luke never had a spouse, or children (that appear in TFA, at any rate).

    * Due to the emerging/increasing threat of their enemies, with a heavy heart, Leia and Han decided to hide their children on Jakku, under the protection of foster parents.

    * When Ben came of the right age, he joined Luke's academy and was trained under him, with the approval of his parents (in light of his heritage, and perhaps in the Dark Side threat they face), while Rey stayed on Jakku.

    * During Ben's training, an undexpected turn of events took place at Luke's academy, and Ben took an active part in this turn of events, joining the knights of Ren in overthrowing the academy, and betraying their teachers and fellow students.

    * In light of failing Ben's training, and allowing him to fall to the dark side, Luke ran away to solitude to contemplate on his own actions and the nature of the Force (in a similar fashion to how Yoda and Obi-Wan did before him).

    * On the other side, in the meantime, Rey's foster parents were overthrown by a greedy, immoral, and opportunist merchant by the name of Unkar Plutt, who had them shipped off planet, and practically stole their child, Rey -- without her knowledge of this -- leaving her parentless and fighting for her own survival.

    * The events of TFA take place.


    Worthy of note:

    * Rey had pilot training while she was young (perhaps one of her foster parents was a famed pilot?). That, added with her knowledge of mechanical parts, used for scavenging, contributes to her knowledge of ships and mechanical tinkering.

    * Kylo Ren knows who Rey is, and that makes it all the more insulting for him that he was beaten by his younger sister.

    * Luke's lightsaber flies into Rey's hands because she is stronger in her connection to the Force (more confident), and not tainted by the Dark Side, whereas Kylo is neither confident, nor Light.

    * Luke left a map of his location, well hidden, perhaps in hope that Rey may one day come to see him.

    * The events that took place with Ben soured Luke's relationship with Leia (and Han), and in his heart he never forgave himself for failing his role as a Master to his nephew.

    * When Rey arrives to the base, with the second piece of the map, R2D2 is activated (based on Luke's programming), providing the piece that completes the map.

    * Also, worth noting that Luke left a piece of the map with Rey's foster parents, which ended up in the hands of the old man at the beginning of TFA -- who must have been a close friend of theirs.

    * Leia and Han know that Rey is their daughter. Han truly figures this out on the ship when Rey asks about the Jedi and the Force (which appears to us as if he were amazed by the Jedi and their ways, when he is really enthralled by seeing his daughter again), and Leia knows it from the start (Han most likely told her off-screen). However, they both pretend they don't know in light of how difficult it would be to explain, now. Instead they opt to kindle her, showing her their love, without saying anything -- hence the instant connection between Leia and Rey in that hug.


    Watch the scene outside the Falcon between Rey and Han with this knowledge again, and tell me that Han does not know she is his daughter. ;) It's clearly evident on his face that he knows, and he's just being himself, and playing her. That's why he 'adopts' her into his crew, and why he trusts her with a gun and tells her he 'knows' she can take care of herself -- because he does know, he knows her mother, Leia. It's all an intricate play because they can't just tell her straight out.


    This also explains Leia's affectionate plea to Han that he bring their son back (as well), to unite the family once again, and her great sorrow when he fails to do that.



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