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Posts posted by Rayce

  1. While I can see your point, and I condone, I don't think you grasp just how severely the new artistic and producer's direction is affecting the future of the franchise. Furthermore, the quality of Star Wars content has undeniably been declining over the years. You only need to look at the production history to see that -- ever since the release of the third film in the original trilogy. Therefore, the fans are for the most part not wrong or hypochondriac about Star Wars, I would say. Star Wars has never sunk so low as it is now, or is going to sink in the coming years.

    I disagree, I personally have quite enjoyed many recent Star Wars works, and I dare say some of it is better than what came before, or at least in equal standing. But that's my opinion and that's all highly subjective. If it does not fit your vision of how Star Wars should be, then I understand that, but it does fit mine.


    And regardless of any of that, it does not necessarily mean there will never be a "good" (by your standards) installment again.

  2. j5mBp6y.pngIt cycles between several SWBF Hoth images, cover art of the original SWBFs, Wizard/Pirate101 stuff and Rogue One Images. I change out the theme and backgrounds seasonally.I have too many games to fit here so I have shortcuts to folders with shortcuts of all my games, and some those shortcuts lead to another folder of shortcuts for different mods and SMs and stuff, like this:


    Smoo likes this
  3. Yeah, but adding SP support only takes a couple of minutes. It doesn't requires an NPC either and you have it available on the SP character selection menu. And if you want more, you can add NPC support and set the characteristics as you like.


    The method I linked doesn't require NPCs either. It works with any model, even non-character models.

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