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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. @@Psyk0Sith Vertex: 3,466, Triangles: 5,902
  2. This is what I've been working on so far. I rendered them with a wireframe this time, because the bad lightning I had in the other renderings removed some details. The model had lots of polygons and stuff, but after I've figured out how to use that decimate tool, I could reduce them by an impressive amount.
  3. There is a manual block feature in "Serenity Jedi Engine".
  4. Can you give them some Star Wars themed swim trunks? That would be cool to see. And if anyone is planning my suggested female Beachtrooper, there is a great model of Leia in her slave outfit. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1462-princess-leia-hd/
  5. @@Scerendo If I could choose between two characters, I would choose Poe Dameron or Han Solo. Especially Han Solo, because I want that old model that looks nothing like him to be removed from the face of the earth. And Poe because nobody actually made one, except @@dark_apprentice.
  6. Ello Asty is a new character that appeared in The Force Awakens. With him, a new species, the Abednedo, has been introduced. Fun fact: He's named after the Beastie Boys album Hello Nasty. J.J. Abrams is a huge fan of them and often references to them in his films. Asty also has BORN TO ILL written in Aurabesh on his helmet, which is a further reference to the Beastie Boys.
  7. Hey, guys. I have no rendering this time, but a small update. So, where should I begin? First, I'm still working on the model. Yes, I mentioned in my previous post that it is finished, except for some textures and stuff. Well, the model itself was finished to me, until I bumped into higher quality images of the staff, so I ended up redoing minor parts. I'm painstakingly trying to focus on as many details as possible while trying to keep the polycount low (the engine of Jedi Academy doesn't like high polycounts, you know?). If I could give this project a percentage, I would say it's 90% done. The fundamental parts are finished, but there are still some small parts that have to be added. Anything else can be done with texture work.
  8. Hey, why not? Add some female Beachtroopers and the request has my support. Make them customizable with SP support, with different helmets and different outfits (yes, even a Hoth version).
  9. That's not what I meant. I mean that all the effort I've been putting into my model would be destroyed if someone would port it for Jedi Academy.
  10. I've been working on Rey's staff for several weeks and now there is one that can be ported to Jedi Academy? That's not fair.
  11. Try this: Enter devmapall ImpSnow in the command prompt. If the map is loading, that's fine. If not, there must be another problem with the map.
  12. That's it. And it looks like it should. Is "ImpSnow" the name of the .bsp-file? If not, you must enter the name from the .bsp-file in the first line.
  13. @@NowhereDoge Your map probably needs an .arena-file. It's usually located in GameData/base/scripts. If you find it, open and edit it with the Editor (the text editor from Windows) or Notepad++. It should look like this (taken from the ffa.arena script): The red marked lines are the most important parts. In the first line, you have to enter the name of your map file (without .bsp). In the second red marked line, you have to enter the name of your map. In the third red marked line, you have to enter the mode you want to play your map with (duel, ctf, team, siege and ffa are possible). Keep in mind that you don't have to enter commas when you want multiple game modes.
  14. The most important things we need are references. Sure, there are lots of images available, but we have to wait for the home video release, so we have them in different angles and in a good quality. For a The Force Awakens based map, I would suggest the Starship Graveyard on Jakku. It's available for Battlefront, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get reference images from that map.
  15. Done! Now, the model needs textures and everything to get ready for the game. I would highly appreciate if somebody could help me with that. Just let me know.
  16. Done with that. Now on to the next parts. I'm still trying to keep as close as the source as I can without overloading the model with too much details.
  17. Just a quick update (this time with better renderer). This is the part I'm trying to recreate. It a tricky one.
  18. Okay, guys. After looking through every resource I could find, this is the best one I could make. I try to get the model as close to the references as possible. It's not perfect (yet), but I will try to make the best out of it. The staff was made in Sketchup and was "cleaned" and rendered in Blender. The rendering sucks, because I still can't get the camera in Blender right. h (I hope somebody can, if it ever gets finished, help me out later to texture it and make it ready for the game. ) Thanks to the wonderful thing that Photobucket introduced, which forces you to pay a meager fee of about 400$ to activate 3rd party hosting, my progress screenshots are gone. Fortunately, there are still my Sketchfab previews. I put the latest update here. [uPDATE, April 14th, 2017]
  19. The website is still online and the mod is still available. The developer just stopped working on the mod, right after the source code has been released. I must admit, I actually liked this mod, and I was hoping that it would get a full release. But later, I didn't see any point of supporting the mod any longer. It still surprises me that modders are still using the mod as a basis for their own work.
  20. I'm working on a staff model right now. It's not much. It's just the staff, without any details or textures, done with Sketchup. If someone is interested in finishing the model (giving it textures and more details), just PM me. (Maybe it sounds a little bit weird, but a simple model in Sketchup is all I can do.)
  21. The mod is not perfect, but a great upgrade to the gameplay. But the menus should be improved a bit.
  22. I hope this map looks as great as it does in SoF 2. I'm impressed that it looks like a next-gen graphics map.
  23. First of all, welcome to JKhub @@Iofiel (and Happy New Year)! Okay, I'm not a great texturing expert, but have you tried to use .tga images instead of .png?
  24. Both Mace Windu and Plo Koon used the same type of lightsaber. Windu wielded it in Episode I, which can be seen in promotional images.
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