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Files posted by Jose Carlos
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
My JKFiles contest entry. A simple hilt. I wanted to take a step away from the idea that "sith" means "red, black, spiky and angular". Don't know how well I succeeded. I know it doesn't look very sinister or anything, but I can see a Sith using something like this.
Glory Of The Snow
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
A hilt in the style of my earlier Twin Wolves mod, except this time the idea of the casing as an elaborate frame for the inner workings was taken even further. The results are evident. The file actually includes two versions of the hilt. One has the design of the casing on an alpha-mapped cylinder, whereas the other has the design modeled out. In-game, the only noticeable difference is that the high-poly hilt has better specular lighting.
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 1 more)
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
"The darksaber was an ancient lightsaber that was stolen by the Mandalorians during a collapse in power of the Galactic Republic. Unique among other lightsabers, the darksaber possessed a flat, black-colored blade that came to a sharp point much like a traditional vibrosword, rather than the rounded beam of more standard lightsabers. It had a uniquely black core surrounded by a white glow and gave off a higher pitched hum when active than more widespread lightsabers were known to make by the time of the Clone Wars."
If at all possible without killing your framerate, enable dynamic glow for this.
- Star Wars
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 2 more)
Celas Nien
By Jose Carlos in Player Models
This is something I've been working on for quite a long while. Originally it was supposed to be just a generic Jedi, but as the modeling went on, he got a backstory involving a mission of searching for Sith remnants two decades after TSL. His master dies , lots of personal drama, DAAAHK SAAYD and so forth. The usual, y'know.
Now, something funky about this model: there's a separate _humanoid.gla specific to this model. The NPC uses the modified animations (and thus has a hipsaber in MP) and you can too, by using the playermodel command in SP (see readme). Not available for MP, and here's why: the fast and strong styles have been sped up by quite a bit. They felt too slow, so liberties were taken. Medium style is a backhand style, with new basic attacks and a replaced kata move. New basic motion animations for both forehand and backhand grips (defaults to forehand, see the readme).
- Team Support
- NPC Support
- (and 2 more)
By Jose Carlos in Player Models
Jose Carlos
In short, this is the slightly nerfed beta version of an upcoming model Ive been working on in its various incarnations for nearly my entire modelling career. Its some guy I made up for a short story quite a while ago (Ill have a more... complete version of his life story and whatnot when the final version is released).
Savage Opress hilt
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Well, y'see, it's the saber hilt of Dooku's/Ventress' apprentice. This Zabrak guy called Savage Opress (really, can you have a more stereotypically evil name?). Took up a request a long time ago, it's been kicking around on my hard drive since then. No new sounds, just the plain old hilt.
Which is exquisitely made, if I do say so myself. It's an excellent piece of lightsabery goodness. The modeling and texturing are amazing, the whole think oozes an aura of perfection like no other hilt. Face it, you can't resist it. You know you want it.
Also, say "Ventress' apprentice" five times really fast.
Advent Children First Sword
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
Bunch of sweet-looking swords. All were used in the movie Final Fantasy VII:
Advent Children, by the protagonist Cloud.
saber vigilante
saber vendetta
saber ascalon
saber sidewinder
saber avenger
saber merciless
saber first_sword
saber alkaid
saber dragon_slayer
saber avangarde
Osiris' blades
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
A bunch of swords based on sketches I found in my notebooks and the twin blades of the drow ranger Drizzt Do'Urden, from R.A. Salvatore's Forgotten Realms stories. All swords have SP support.
There's been nearly no change to the swords in the original pack. Both have been scaled down, had their blades made thinner and they now have new enviro maps. There's been no change to the holster, so I saw no point in adding it to this release.
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
The only sentient sword in the game "Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn". Sadistic, bloodthirsty and "slightly" insane, Lilarcor served as a comic relief of sorts, constantly spewing comments and suggestions to kill nearly anything that breathed. I couldn't have the sword in JA do anything less than that, now could I? It was originally meant to be a part of a model pack, but I'm still getting the hang of the entire soft-body modeling thing.
saber lilarcor
Twin Wolves
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
A pair of sabers modeled with a wolf image in mind. Simple, no? The original design called for a second blade to take the place of the energy beam within the hilt itself, but that didn't turn out all that well. Looked like crap, too. Anyway, they may not be the best looking hilts around, nor the most awesome, but I still think they kick butt more than 8 boots mounted on a ship's wheel mounted on an F1 engine going at 19000 rpm. Granted, that could just be the elation of finally figuring out why the hell my shader didn't work talking.
You might've noticed that there's no activation switch, nor, indeed, any knobs or buttons anywhere on these things. That was an aesthetic choice caused by the fact that I chose not to add them.
Also, I'd like to note that the butt-kicking machine I described above can and will explode if the wheel isn't properly reinforced and the pieces firmly attached to each other. Just a note of caution should you ever attempt to construct one.
saber vanargand
saber manegarm
Glacial Wind
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
"As you trudge through what's left of the great white's treasure, a glint in the corner of your vision catches your eye. Shifting through the largely worthless trinkets and baubles in the way, you see a leather-wrapped cone of ice sticking out of the pile. Grabbing the cone you pull and uncover a shimmering, translucent sword made entirely of ice. The light of your torch dances on the angular blade and the cold of the grip slowly seeps through your glove. The sword looks like it might shatter the moment it strikes something."
Throwable Stuff
By Jose Carlos in Cosmetic Mods
Jose Carlos
Remember how Yoda ripped the X-Wing out of the swamp in ESB? Ever wanted to follow his lead? Well, now you can! This pack here contains a collection of (mainly) baseJA map objects that have been tampered with and can now be gripped, pushed, pulled and generally used to smack others around. Great fun, I assure you.
Now, this pack is a whole lot more fun in SP, where you can just flip out, give yourself a godly reserve of Force power and go wild. Unfortunately the MP portion of the game won't allow you to use two force powers at the same time (like grip and push, which is pretty much what this pack relies on), but they're still fun in online bouts. For extra enjoyment use a cheat to set the game's knockback level higher (g_knockback 4000 should be adequate, although 10000 and up is made of awesome) and take full advantage of your ability to push a half-ton crate into some poor shmuck's nose.
In closing, I would like to paraphrase a few lines from Conan the Barbarian. What is good about the Force? You can use it to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women.
The basic resources needed to make stuff awesome. Or, in other words, to make random stuff susceptible to Force powers. The skeleton was made with 3ds Max 5, so unfortunately only Max users can make stuff awesome.
Basically the process is the same as compiling a player model.
1) Make a model
Keep the lowest vert at -24 standard Max units.
2) Weigh it to the skeleton provided
Rig the model to Bone01, Bone02 is used for the (empty) animation.
3) Link the mesh to the mesh_root dummy
4) Export as root.xsi into the "_throwable" folder
5) Open Assimilate, add _throwable.gla, compile
6) Create a .npc file
7) Pack it, test it, bask in your own glory
Gurren Lagann
By Jose Carlos in Player Models
Jose Carlos
The (titular, if you're watching the dub) giant robot from Gainax's brainchild Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Basically a giant robot with a pair of sunglasses made of a giant robot, a smaller giant robot and eventually another giant robot that flies. In the anime, it tends to fight through a combination of hot blood, sword shades and gigantic drills. Lots of drills. Seriously, it's got drill swords, drill shields, drill darts, drill missiles, drill water screws... You name it, Simon can whip you up a drill version of it. And they're all made of hot blood and willpower. Later on, it gets bigger and starts lobbing around drills the size of planets and, eventually, galaxies.
The Charmcaster
By Jose Carlos in Guns & Explosives
Jose Carlos
The Charmcaster Mana Cannon is the newest model in a series of low-yield, easily conceilable sidearms for mages.
Development of a new model of mana-powered sidearms started after the Foehammer series of handheld spellguns proved ineffective against the recently awakened Vorpal Bunnies. Tadaore;s Academy of the Arcane spent two years researching more effective ways of channeling the energies drawn from the Nether Region into a compressed bolt. Their efforts paid off and the Charmcaster boasts an impressive 22% increase in firepower and a decreased strain on the magistone. Excess energy is purged through vents on the sides of the gun, although the energy could also be stored in a secondary magistone located in the handle of the gun and used to replenish the mage;s failing body in an emergency.
All in all, the Charmcaster is a big step up in sidearm technology and will see considerable use in the near future.
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
Well, it's a baseball bat with a rusty axe and a bunch of nails in it. And the axe. They're tough nails.
TOR Hilt Pack
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
A few hilts from the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic. Three hilts from the concept art as well as Ven Zallow's and Darth Malgus' hilts. I might make more, if the desire strikes me.
Jaden Korr's Lightsaber
By Jose Carlos in Lightsabers & Melee
Jose Carlos
As I sat, pondering a ponderous plan, a thought hit me. The hilts you start the game with do not look like something a dude with no training in the Jedi arts could cobble together. So I started thinking about what Jaden's first hilt could've actually looked like. Trashy, probably. And so I made it for shits, giggles and a bottle of Coke. And I never got the Coke. Now I feel cheated.
Sith Inquisitor
By Jose Carlos in Player Models
Jose Carlos
A generic Sith Inquisitor, inspired by Revan and TOR concept art. Nothing much else.
Also included a set of animations to replace the staff stance, walk and run animations. Cause BaseJA's staff animations suck balls.
By Jose Carlos in Player Models
Jose Carlos
The lead character of Dragon Age 2. The appearance was modeled after the game's default male head and the final set of mage armor, with some design features from the Destiny trailer as well. Also included in this pack is the staff/spear weapon from the same trailer.
The staff animations are the same as the ones that came with my earlier Sith Inquisitor model, but now with added JA+ support. Also fixed the staff kata bug where the left arm twists around near the end of the animation.