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Well, y'see, it's the saber hilt of Dooku's/Ventress' apprentice. This Zabrak guy called Savage Opress (really, can you have a more stereotypically evil name?). Took up a request a long time ago, it's been kicking around on my hard drive since then. No new sounds, just the plain old hilt.


Which is exquisitely made, if I do say so myself. It's an excellent piece of lightsabery goodness. The modeling and texturing are amazing, the whole think oozes an aura of perfection like no other hilt. Face it, you can't resist it. You know you want it.


Also, say "Ventress' apprentice" five times really fast.

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diogocs195 likes this

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Here is my review:


Creativity: 10/10

Execution: 9/10

Likeness: 9/10

Overall: 9.5/10


I cannot say Ventress' apprentice five times fast. I have failed.


So here we have the double bladed saber that belongs to the Clone Wars character, Savage Opress. This saber is very good. I compared it to this image and I couldn't find anything wrong with it: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Savage_Opress%27s_lightsaber


I love the 'scratched up' personality of the saber. Too many sabers have been made that look like they are brand new, never used. This saber shows some signs of wear and damage, which would happen in a lightsaber duel. I also like the spikes that poke out the end. The jagged edges of the spikes resemble the original perfect. This hilt is perfect!


Well...nearly perfect. While modeling wise, it is great, I did find something that bugged me with it. I only could see this little detail via the saber selection screen. It looks to me that the saber blades are too far out from the emitter portion of the saber. Comparing the saber to he other dual sabers, the blade comes right out of the emitter. In this blade however, it seems slightly off, as if the saber blade itself is floating. Other than that it is a great hilt. I always found the base JKA dual hilts lacking in style and creativity, so this saber is a welcome addition to my saber collection. Plus, the saber works perfectly ingame with no flaws. This is a great saber. You know you want it.


New Model: Yes

New Sounds: No

Weapon Type: Double-bladed Lightsaber





Cerez likes this


The only thing I don't like about this saber is it's lack of new sounds. My favourite thing about Savage's hilt was the unique, ominous sound it made. For me, a lot of the magic of this hilt has been lost because of the lack of said sounds. But model wise, it's a good piece of work.

therfiles likes this


Mind if I use this in my mod Jose?

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