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Everything posted by JAWSFreelao

  1. Probably are gonna be separate packs, knowing EA.
  2. The Phaze 1.5 Clone Pilot. The armor we see on "Warthog'.
  3. Well that's not horrendous but more free content may salvage their reputation.
  4. Awesome. Thanks Vade!
  5. I meant if someone were to make this skin. Reskin Darth Malak and add on clone trooper arms that were reskinned.
  6. To me this is Darth Malak with clone arms.
  7. No it's a legit mod the skins are there but I thought myc comment joke was pretty good.
  8. If Psykosith was cool with it I could take care of the cape at a later date.
  9. Many Bothans will die to bring them this information. Lol.
  10. But you need to hear it because of your seemingly neverending hipocrisy.
  11. Point here. Follow your own advice and think before you speak.
  12. Good ol' Jango.
  13. Maybe you learn some respect and courtesy. Shoo shoo.
  14. I'm saying there's no need to keep replying to this thread then since you won't be downloading it. Shoo shoo.
  15. The dumb ones seeem to get angry quickest. Lol.
  16. I find it rather disturbing myself. You completely glossed over my question. Why do you keep answering this thread since you "don't care"?
  17. He gave you the same dull answer presumably because you're rather annoying. If you don't care, why do you keep answering? You're just making yourself look worse. He answered your thread because it just so happened to be something he was working on and figured you would want. But then you became rude and ungrateful sooooo.
  18. Uh? 20 minutes isn't awhile. You've been disrespectful and ungrateful to one of the best all around modders in our community as well as one of the best saber modellers. So. No. You sir, need to back off and find some gratitude for the fact that someone was even working on it instead of ignoring your request. I can assure you after this nobody will even consider your requests anymore.
  19. This is ridiculous. Forceuser, quit stirring the pot.
  20. So you mean a skin that's slow and unreliable.
  21. S'all good. I feel you entirely. I'm the same way. Just keep going though man we only have a couple years left.
  22. Because any vowel after I is cursed by Satan
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