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Everything posted by afi

  1. Not 100% related but... I think it should be allowed to upload mods you do not own. There are so many good demos, configs and also mods (eg from pcgamemods) that can't be uploaded cause of the guidelines on this page. I think as long as you don't "steal" (by pretending that you created the file) it should be allowed. Especially for demos it's just stupid. There are really many people who care for demos but so far the only one who uploaded some is me. And that's because the real good demos are from people that do not care about this game anymore and won't upload them. I understand that it's important to protect copyrights but I think it's sad when some files just get lost. Especially in a community that is as small as ours. Saying that I actually would like to see a JKArchive but this won't happen with the current guidelines.
  2. I never really understood why the SP is in C++ while the MP is in C. Can someone explain please?
  3. Well, you would have to ask every single contributer of the mods/maps/whatever before you could upload them.
  4. Is this only for MP or also for SP?
  5. A game does not "sorta" remember something. You got a problem with your jampconfig/jaconfig. Most likely because of several mod-folders.
  6. And how would the game "save" the cvar without a config?
  7. Are you sure that you don't overwrite your config file or use a different config? Usually the game doesn't just "forget" cvars
  8. Ye, it's about what you do/own, not about what you "claim". Copyright is copyright even if you don't sell it.
  9. In case you want to read everything you can find the license.txt in your install folder...
  10. So i's basically cl_avidemo that renders an actual video instead of images. Would it be possible to make it render frame-by-frame (or does it already?) coz that would be awesome-sauce and make programs like fraps completely useless.
  11. Somwhere in cg_draw.c/cg_draw.cpp in the sourcecode...
  12. Play back in avi? How does this work?
  13. Not completely related but... did anyone ever try to run JKA/JK2 on a Raspberry Pi? I know that Quake 3/Openarena is working...
  14. It's bad because you don't have the right/license to do so... it's that simple In the end no one would care (as long as you don't sell it) but that doesn't make it legal.
  15. You could use some dangerous seehorses http://archive3d.net/?a=download&id=60d7244e
  16. Wouldn't that become a problem if standalones would use Jedi Academy servers/masterservers?
  17. You will still get problems with Disney if you use SW-stuff (even when it's 100% created from scratch) in a standalone
  18. Will there be performance optimizations and/or visual improvements?
  19. Yes, but someone who does something like this could also easily share every other game. I mean... if you pirate a complete closed-sourced game or just the assets of an open-sourced game... where is the difference?
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